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Everything posted by jayedson

  1. Yeah that's a fair point. I just wouldn't want people's passion to be diluted from a fear of inciting argument and debate, which may well just be likely to happen anyway in an environment like this with long-running passionate fans of the game. With regards to framing a point, and backing up it up with evidence and reasoning, I'm with you.
  2. In this environment, I kinda think the opposite should be the case. Feedback should be raw, unfiltered and from the heart based on user's direct experience with the game, no need for circumspection which would only serve to dilute that feedback. What SI decide to do with the feedback is their business, and I agree that some posters here should also not be presumptuous about SI's decision-making. I don't think any of us truly know how much of an impact these forums have over sales figures / reviews when it comes to development and bug-fixing roadmaps. Sure - it might feel like dedicated lifelong fans are not being catered to when manager face paint is introduced as a feature, but hey I'm sure they had their reasons for introducing it.
  3. Context got a bit lost then, as 'people' thinking those who shout loudest and/or streamers with most followers get heard is a bit different to how you put it, which basically highlighted some streamers as also believing those who shout loudest get heard. It's also a little presumptuous all round. Personally I think those who care most shout loudest and it just highlights their passion for the game, regardless of how much impact they think their points will have. In fact, it's been noted more often than not that sometimes pointing out these issues seems futile given how long-running some of them are, but still people try to push for change and improvement. Argument and debate will be a natural bi-product of setting up a forum for multiple users to provide feedback. I agree it's not exactly helpful but is also human nature especially among people passionate enough to be posting their views here. The same reason twitter (sorry, X) can sometimes be a minefield of hate, because you'll generally find most posts are from the most passionate ends of the spectrum, whilst those in the middle remain quiet - argument and debate is inevitable. If it gets aggressive, personal, repetitive or irrelevant here, that's where moderation is important but also understanding that anyone bothering to post here are among the more passionate of FM/CM fans is also important and that passion will result in people wanting to defend their views sometimes.
  4. So I confess this isn't strictly feedback and I'm sure nobody even remotely cares but I feel compelled to briefly share my progress following the discovery of this Champions League Play-Off squad registration bug... Firstly my U19s and greyed out goalkeeper managed to go to FC Copenhagen and keep the score to a respectable 2-0 loss, bravo to them. With me then being able to register my first team players, I was hopeful we could get a result at home to turn it around. We did manage to take it to extra time after finding the two goals we needed but neither side could find a winner so it came down to an epic penalty shootout in front of our own fans. Good penalties all round, no-one missing any of the first ten penalties so it goes to sudden death and it's at this point my back-up left back decides to try a panenka which goes straight into their keeper's hands. I was all set to just transfer-list him and be done with it but our keeper saved their next effort so we had a reprieve. More well-placed penalties followed until my 9th taker hit a tame effort straight at the keeper. Relief once more though as their next taker hits the post. Finally it comes down to the keepers....our keeper smashes his effort into the top corner and their keeper steps up and slams his effort against the bar. Pandemonium ensues. In your face registration bug!! Champions League here we come!!
  5. Ah, great. I've been getting around most things but finally something which is a bit of a showstopper for my save. Won the swedish league in my fourth season so qualified for champions league playoff. First leg fixture finally gets confirmed for 10th August but I can't register anyone for the competition until the 12th and there was no option for me to do it prior. Great, and I imagine the same will happen in future years. Anyone else hit the same issue? The swedish league runs April - November so there's always a weird 7 month lag before starting the european campaign you qualified for, might be a factor. EDIT: Just checked and is a known issue.
  6. Applied in the right scenario and with the right cause/effects, it could work well and is something irl a playing squad could have concerns about if they are ambitious / have targets to meet / are worried about injury. You could imagine a scenario if a top team only had 3 decent options to cover 2 positions and they were playing sat-wed-sat-wed, hectic schedule etc. They could talk among themselves about lack of depth then eventually the club captain may speak to the manager about it. It shouldn't be tied to promises though which is the big flaw as I don't think players would force such an ultimatum on their manager. I think if there were just a series of manager responses like "I think the squad is just fine", "We can promote youngsters if we get injuries", "the club doesn't have the finances to bring more players in" and these affected the player's morale in a certain way or even their work rate / teamwork / determination was temporarily decreased if they lose a little faith in the management team until their concern was eventually addressed (whenever that might happen) and those attributes would go back to where they were. Depending how appropriate or relevant the response is would increase or decrease the net effect on morale or attributes, eg: "I think the squad is just fine" would possibly annoy a player and they'd lose more focus and morale as they obviously don't agree, but "the club doesn't have the finances" would have much less of an effect (if it was true of course). If the club actually had lots of wage budget remaining, the player could take this response as a lie and be even more adversely affected (but you could argue they would have no knowledge of internal budgets). I actually really like the squad management and dynamics part of the game and I appreciate it must be fairly complex to tie all the logic together in different scenarios, countries, situations etc, but as soon as it breaks the immersion it may as well not be there until it can get to a more stable and sensible position.
  7. We play on the tuesday and on the thursday. Immediately after the first game, I see a news item for the next game re match focus but am unable to edit as it is too close to the game but I didn't get a chance to see this until after the first game so never would have had a chance to edit it. I guess fixture congestion like this will be pretty rare but have uploaded a save prior to first game anyway in case it helps.
  8. Staff meeting - told Michael Carrick isn't suited to attacking tactical coaching but it is his highlighted coaching category which he is best suited for.
  9. In a break from all the bugs, flaws and issues being reported (most of which I am also experiencing), I just wanted to drop a bit of positive feedback. I did enjoy the guard of honour my team received after winning the title with one game to spare and playing away on the last game of the season, nice touch.
  10. hey @Zachary Whyte no-one on a hat-trick and no missed penalties prior to this. Was the first penalty of the game, and I also have all the options for penalties unticked. First half stoppage time (45+2) was the penalty miss if you need a rough timestamp. Would 'creative freedom' settings allow for players to decide not to follow the predefined list of takers? I guess this could happen but would be good for us as managers to be able to follow-up and interact with players afterwards to give the player a rollocking or ask why it happened.
  11. To anyone who is having issues appeasing their squad around a 'lack of squad depth' - here is something to try as it has helped for me... I noticed some murmurings in my squad (I check dynamics / happiness quite frequently so noticed it before the squad came to me first luckily) around lack of depth at GK. I only had 2 first team GKs but if I promoted my U19 GK (only 1.5 stars) to the first team squad and set him to 'available for U19s for 90 mins' (so he still gets the game time in U19s) - it seemed to sort the problem. I then had the same murmurings about depth at CB even with 4 very good CBs in first team squad but I promoted a reserve CB (again only 1.5 stars) and this seemed to work again. Both these players have decent potential (3/3.5 stars), not sure if it would work for lower potential prospects. Just in case this helps anyone!
  12. Hey, I'm guessing this could be a case of players ignoring instructions but just in case it's a bug, I'm uploading a pkm where my number 1 choice penalty taker didn't take a penalty, the player next in line took it, and missed.
  13. Set player Ilan Kebbal available for next reserves match for 20 mins but he ends up playing the whole 90 mins and being tired for my upcoming 1st team game. Not sure if instructions for 60/45 minutes work or if it is just 20 mins but save game uploaded prior to reserves match with reserves instructions set so you can recreate and review.
  14. Who fancies a change from the usual issues everyone is seeing? Here's something linked to a headline feature too - improved finances! I'm having issues getting the board to agree to facility upgrades as they are concerned at the club's financial situation. Over the past 3 and a half years balance has gone up from around 300k to around 2m, and that's even with sneaking an early training facilities upgrade in (cost 1m). However the financial projection looks dire so you can understand the board's concern. They're anticipating a drop to (6m) in just over 2 years. Thing is, these financial losses have been projected each year, but I've gone on to make profit each year. League prize money is pretty decent so not sure how these projections are being built out. It could be linked to another bugbear of mine which generally doesn't affect my game but always annoys me. When you are an underdog in the league but you overachieve time and time again, the league season preview, the board and fans still consider you only good enough to avoid relegation or maybe finish in the lower half of the table (even if you finished in european spots 3 years in a row). I've learnt, like a lot of us, that in pre-season team meetings, you just need to aim for exactly what the board expects (which is normally ridiculously unambitious given recent league finishes but hey ho) otherwise you risk offending the squad by being too ambitious - even if you aim for lower than your recent league finish. However the lack of ambition from the board really holds us back in terms of continuing to upgrade facilities and improve the club's rep. If your previous league positions were taken into account (the game should recognise an overachieving manager and just run with it) and the financial projections made more sense, the board would probably support the advancements of the club appropriate to their current level in the game as opposed to being linked to expectations probably tied too much to club reputation, which can take a decade to catch up to your league finishes / achievements.
  15. I quite like the idea as a feature but you're right in terms of how it's been applied in game. Too intrinsically linked to contracts at the moment so every target seems to come with this promise of 'securing the player's future' (with a contract). The improvement in a player's playing time if they hit a target is fair enough in contract negotiations, but maybe future versions of FM can change how targets work with regards to squad management. Would be good to see varying results across personality and mental attributes (such as determination) moving up and down based on if players hit targets or not. Means we as managers would have to weigh up whether to set a target for a player in an attempt to increase their determination or professionalism for example, but if they don't hit the target, those things might take a hit instead. Or the personality of the player to start with would impact how they would respond to their success or failure (would an unprofessional player become more complacent when meeting a target, and would a professional player increase in determination and work rate if they failed to meet a target for example).
  16. I haven't used the new 'targets' yet (finding it best to stay away from interactions as much as possible!) but just had a thought - player has come to me asking for a new contract as it doesn't reflect the player he has become, which is fair enough. Seems like the ideal time to drop in a target for the season and if they achieve it they can get their better deal / higher wages. From what I've read, the targets for things like improving training are being tied to promises of a new contract when this isn't really why the interaction started up in the first place. Makes much more sense in this scenario of a player asking for an increase in wages - if you prove it by hitting this target, you can get your deal. Just a thought. Ah, edit - have just checked and you can offer a target in this scenario! D'oh! But up to the player if they agree.
  17. I am on the default selected training camp, I have my backroom staff set to schedule friendlies (there have been some arranged after the training camp) but I haven't got anything scheduled while on the training camp and if I try to schedule a friendly myself, there are no options aside from 'choose other' which is always unsuccessful. Normally I would expect to see some local teams as options here, just thought I'd raise it in case it's an issue. Save uploaded.
  18. @Zachary Whyte - sure, have uploaded [set_piece_efficiency_incorrect_commentary.fm]
  19. Title chase team meeting time and we are very clear underdogs for the league about to play the clear favourites for the league (Malmo) as can be seen in the below season preview. Assistant recommends focusing on our form and reinforcing the good feeling (even though I often go for a 'no pressure' approach in these types of meetings especially as the underdog). However, for a change, I thought I'd try something more positive but got an interesting response so reloaded to try something different to review the squad's reactions. I first tried to 'challenge' the squad - saying "Malmo are a really good team, we're going to have to be at our best..." This resulted in the squad being offended, hurt, disappointed and let down..."we're a better team than Malmo, let's not add undue pressure here. We should be beating them comfortably". The terminology here doesn't really make sense as saying we need to be at our best when the squad thinks we are favourites isn't 'adding undue pressure'. Since the squad were so confident and thought they were literally a 'better team than Malmo', I thought I'd reload and try "We're a better team than Malmo and we should be getting the result we need..." However this again had an unfavourable response, this time the squad are angry and furious - "If we go into a match expecting to win, we're at risk of being upset. We can't underestimate anybody" To be honest, I always veer to the 'low pressure' options anyway (always as an underdog) but the responses shown above highlight some inconsistency in the feelings of the squad, being polar opposites depending on the initial option chosen. Admittedly, we shouldn't be 'save scumming' but hopefully as an example it may be helpful. Have uploaded [title_chase_team_meeting_interactions.fm] which is just prior to this meeting if you want to recreate.
  20. I mentioned about these issues making it to early access being a separate problem - and I would say expectations of a more solid build at early access launch with improvements in the headline features as opposed to them being apparently more problematic is perfectly reasonable. Expecting it all to be fixed in the 2 weeks prior to release doesn't make sense though, that's all. SI will not have the numbers in-house to recreate the real-world gametime that thousands of consumers can during the early access period, so I imagine it will take them a little longer to work on the things that have been highlighted. Also whether the game is playable or unplayable is a subjective thing. I'm 3 seasons in and it's perfectly playable for me, albeit with some noticeable flaws and I'm also taking note of other's feedback. Everyone's saves will be different though so if it's unplayable for you that's a real shame.
  21. Ironically up to official release I wasn't as affected by high-scoring games and gk injuries but since yesterday I've gone from the nine games pre-release at 2 goals per game and the five games post release at 5.3 goals per game! Also had my gk recover from a dislocated shoulder only to get his second hernia of the season virtually straight away and he's now missed over two-thirds of the season. Very small sample size I know but just interesting as these issues are suddenly more apparent and noticeable post release for me. Whether these and other issues should have made it to beta/early access is one thing but I think expectations are wildly high if people think they could be fixed in a 2 week period prior to release, there are so many knock-on effects from tweaking game mechanics, the testing must be a nightmare. Can only hope they are being reviewed, worked on and tested with patches to come in the coming weeks.
  22. Not hugely important to my save but just noticed there is no supporter expectation for the league this season. Previous two seasons, the supporters have wanted us to avoid relegation but no item has appeared this season (currently 10 games into 30 game season). [no_supporter_league_expectation.fm] - uploaded if it's needed.
  23. Says we have higher xA than average but doesn't look that way on the chart...
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