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Everything posted by janmagn

  1. So I got this idea of how to make lower league players stay at their local clubs. Basically the idea is to convert all local regions to nations. However there are a few things I want to make sure I have right to make it work - Club's based nation affects the nationality of regens, so I would leave that to be the country that the league is in. However, is it the club's based nation that also affects players' likeliness to move to a country or is it the country of the city that the club is located? - If it is that I have to have the based nation be the region nation, is there a way to force regens at the very least have dual nationality like Athletic Bilbao's regens have?
  2. Finland's league structure is changing with the new First League getting added between the Premier Division and First Division. This change is not represented in the game in any way
  3. Self explanatory. I am playing as West Ham and the board just told me they have sold 77,000 season tickets. However, the maximum capacity at the stadium is 62,500.
  4. I really think location compared to your current club should have a huge impact. There shouldn't be a situation in my opinion where a player moves on the other side of a country for a non-contract.
  5. Right now it seems like the whole team is full of 16-year-olds when adding players to playable teams. For realism's sake, it would be better to see much bigger of a spread of player ages
  6. You can set a minimum age for all teams, how well that works I'm not sure
  7. Yeah it's not unrealistic but it's not that common either
  8. This could be a great addition with my idea of making semi-professional and amateur players actually stay where they last played. As an example, I think it would be very unrealistic for a player from Stockholm just randomly move to Gällivare to play semi-pro football (used Sweden as an example as I saw you are a researcher there)
  9. Drive has to be connected because the game is installed there. I think I found where to do it in game, I'll have a go
  10. I have a problem which I need some help with. Basically, I have an external hard drive where I install my games. However, there is still folders on the main drive (saves, tactics, skins etc). Is it safe for me to move that FM23 folder to the external drive as well and have it work without problems?
  11. Hi guys, I've been recreating the Finnish football system and ran into a problem. So in 2024 there is a new level coming to in between the first two levels, so the current level 2 becomes level 3 etc. Is it possible to add that league in there at a later date?
  12. Some edits I would recommend for West Ham - Pablo Fornals should have some knowledge of playing at LWB, he played there a couple of times last season - Ben Johnson should have some knowledge of playing at CB, he's played there couple of times this season due to injuries - Tomas Soucek is overrated imo. I think his finishing should be around 12, also stuff like composure, decisions and off the ball should be around 12-13 rather than 15-16 - Kurt Zouma's acceleration of 18 feels very high. He's looked a bit stiff all year, I would have this around 13-14
  13. 13 is reserved for a substitute keeper irl
  14. When you hover over a dot in the team performance, it doesn't show the name of the team. Would be nice to see it since with fake badges its hard to tell clubs apart.
  15. Formations played and faced do not show how many clear cut chances have been created for/against you.
  16. I've tried to attach the file here, but it is too big to attach. As I said, it happened once but been fine since
  17. Okay, I am able to choose players for my second match, but first one I couldn't. I think it might be because I wasn't doing this in the tactics screen but rather in team selection
  18. Going through the first pre-season and tried to select a U21 player to the match, however every time I drag the player to a position it reverts immediately to the old choice, same happens if I go through the drop down selection.
  19. Trying to change the information shown on my home page, but my choices are not saving
  20. You are able to choose what advice you get in your staff meetings, however whenever you tick/untick a box in any of the categories, it will reset staffing category. Thus you need to click on the category you want to edit every time. Same happens when you click confirm
  21. So how Bilbao is only allowed to sign Basque players, would there be a possibility of making that for contract types? So you would be able to only sign players from your own local region or nation on part time, non-contracts and amateur contracts?
  22. Says in the title. I would like to see currency and skin colours at the very least be to every save. I like to have the currency of the country I'm playing in and it becomes annoying to change it every time when changing a save game. Same with the skin colours, sometimes I want to hide the attributes and some saves not. Make it so I don't have to make that change manually every single time I download a different save.
  23. If you go to the tactics screen, it shows player's ratings per position. However, this is only by general position (for example all three central midfielders would be M(C)). I would like to see that expanded to show ratings per role, for example if my playmaker has done better as a roaming playmaker or deep lying playmaker
  24. Explains itself. In a lower league save there are a lot of unrealistic moves with players moving across their home country for an amateur/semi-professional contract. Have the players have either based local region or based city and don't have them sign for teams that are too far away. That distance would wary depending on the contract. E. I took a look at the pre-game editor, and here you already have "City" as a field you can add to your view. No player has a city set there and this field cannot be found in the player profile in the database. Am I correct to assume that based city has been in some older version of the game or been considered before that much that its already gotten a field in the PGE?
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