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The About Average Jake

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Issue Comments posted by The About Average Jake

  1. Again, just to prove a point. I've sorted another pre contact with a player and it clearly states he has pledged his future and SIGNED! a new deal. So even if the release clause is activated my club as the contract holder should be able to choose whether or not to accept. If this is going to be in future games then additional compensation needs to be awarded by a tribunal. 


    Football Manager Screenshot 2024.01.25 -

  2. 5 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Sorry for the lack of response here, it was one we were investigating behind the scenes - we've got it under investigation to make changes to in future updates. In the meantime, if you're still encountering this sort of issue then can I ask to double check that the 'Keep shortlist up to date" is selected, as we found in most cases that was the cause behind it all. 

    Thanks for the response. I'll bear that in mind for future saves. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, this is not a bug as the original contract which includes the release clause will be valid until the new contract comes into effect on 25/6/2037.

    So why couldn't I withdraw/change or bring the confirmation date forward? The game needs to explain this in better detail. 

    The player already signed the contract. If this was real life the legal fallout would be massive. Likewise, the deal with me was been signed so both players should've been returned to my club on 25/6 when the new deal comes into effect. Resulting in a very short and expensive loan for the A.I club.

    At the bare minimum, I should've been compensated extra.

    Also, if a youth player signs a pre contract, other clubs cannot attempt to sign him. The game won't let you. You'd have to put in a formal transfer bid, despite the fact they're on unprotected youth contracts and the full time contract won't come into effect until they're 17/18. Same could be said for players in the last 6 months of their deal. You can't just hijack the move once a pre contract is signed.

    It's a bit unfair on the person playing the game for this to happen. Sometimes the video game side of things should take priority. 


  4. On 11/01/2024 at 16:57, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we have this under review, but are seeing that quite a lot of your focuses are pretty narrow. 

    What we can suggest is that when creating a recruitment focuses make sure it is quite broad and don't overwork your scouts if you want to maximise the number of results they receive.

    It still doesn't explain why players from South America are showing up in a European scout assignment 

  5. 15 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, we will investigate this further.

    Can we ask if you've spotted this in multiple years in a row rather than just the occasional year?

    Yeah, it happens most seasons. The 3rd round is spread over a week and starts around New Years eve/ New years Day and finishes around it's normal scheduled date (first Saturday in January). 

    The usual Christmas league fixtures are being moved to accommodate. In my current season (2033/34) I didn't have a boxing day match or a match between Christmas/New Year because of the cup.

    The League cup 3rd round does this too. The 3rd round is split with half being played at the end of August immediately after the 2nd round and the other half mid September.

    As a result the matches get squeezed together and I've had to play 9 league games in February and April. Whilst no matches are been played in May (other than Playoffs and Premier League). 

  6. 1 hour ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, you receive the money once the transfer goes through on June 10th. This is all working as intended.

    Yes that's what I thought, however the money is already available to spend via my transfer budget, but the club are in debt as you can see through the clubs finances. 

    If the transfer goes through in June then surely that's when my transfer budget will change. You can't spend money that isn't there. The club hasn't received the money yet.  

  7. @Kyle Brown 

    I'm playing on PC and I've also noticed random cpu spikes during processing. Normally it'll stay at 40-45 degrees put then spike upto 65 ish. It's not a major issue as it's well within operating range but I also have a Ryzen so wondering if its an issue with that particular cpu.


    It's probably the game processing normally but I can play games on ultra and the cpu rarely climbs above 60 so thought I'd mention it just in case there's a optimisation issue with the game.

  8. On 09/11/2023 at 17:24, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, can you please send us a save file from before the contracts were offered. 

    We have been unable to reproduce this internally. 

    Earliest save file I have is 15th June, so I don't think it'll be possible unless there's a way to recover an earlier point in the game files that I'm unaware of. 

    I'd bet if you tried to recreate at your office you'd have similar results. 

    Select Man City and holiday until the youth intake. Hopefully you'll get some 4/5 star potential youngsters and you'll probably encounter the same issue. It was present in FM 23 and 22. 

    EDIT: I have actually uploaded the file for another contract issue with 1st team players -  Jake Stanley - Man City - Beta (v03).fm

    I can't remember the dates but if you can find it in your archives then you might be able to use that to re-create the issue. I think its Feb/March time so really close to youth intake day. 

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