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The About Average Jake

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Everything posted by The About Average Jake

  1. I think we've all experienced this in FM24. Within the code it's probably a foul and penalty kick but unfortunately the animations within the ME aren't always running in unison. It's extremely frustrating, but I've had it go my way before as well.
  2. It's been a long road but..... Finally! I think this is my greatest FM achievement. It's definitely my longest ever save.
  3. The only way the community gets listened too is if we vote with our wallets. Easier said than done, due to lack of competition for S.I but as soon as their bottom line is being affected then they'll be very active within the forums and work around the clock releasing patches to achieve the "promised" version of the game.
  4. Yes, most of my staff have increased their attributes. I'm not sure if it's something that happens naturally over time or if its linked to the facilities at the club but it definitely happens. Staff however unlike players don't have the visible green, yellow, red arrows to show improvement or decline. Sometimes they develop to well and I lose them to other clubs.
  5. My personal favourite is when a defending player makes a perfectly timed tackle in the box and its given as a penalty anyway.
  6. I did this but it didn't work and now my home screen resets to the default view every time a click away from it.
  7. Scoring an equaliser in the 8th minute of added time.... Clearly scripted
  8. Again, just to prove a point. I've sorted another pre contact with a player and it clearly states he has pledged his future and SIGNED! a new deal. So even if the release clause is activated my club as the contract holder should be able to choose whether or not to accept. If this is going to be in future games then additional compensation needs to be awarded by a tribunal.
  9. So why couldn't I withdraw/change or bring the confirmation date forward? The game needs to explain this in better detail. The player already signed the contract. If this was real life the legal fallout would be massive. Likewise, the deal with me was been signed so both players should've been returned to my club on 25/6 when the new deal comes into effect. Resulting in a very short and expensive loan for the A.I club. At the bare minimum, I should've been compensated extra. Also, if a youth player signs a pre contract, other clubs cannot attempt to sign him. The game won't let you. You'd have to put in a formal transfer bid, despite the fact they're on unprotected youth contracts and the full time contract won't come into effect until they're 17/18. Same could be said for players in the last 6 months of their deal. You can't just hijack the move once a pre contract is signed. It's a bit unfair on the person playing the game for this to happen. Sometimes the video game side of things should take priority.
  10. It's also worth mentioning that I couldn't withdraw the contract either or offer better terms that would come into effect immediately. Just imagine if sports lawyers were added to FM25 😂
  11. Clubs that consider signing a player who has signed a pre-contract with another club should also tread carefully, as the club and the player would be jointly and severally liable for any compensation payable if the player is found to have breached the pre-contract without just cause (Article 17 (2) of FIFA’s Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players 2012). The difference between a pre-contract and a contract is that the parties to the pre-contract have not agreed the essential terms and so the pre-contract does not reflect the final agreement. However, if a pre-contract contains all the essential terms that have been agreed, then the pre-contract is effectively a final contract and is likely to be binding. In the context of football, pre-contracts between clubs and players have become increasingly common. Pre-contracts come in many different forms but generally speaking, it is an agreement providing for the player to join the club on a future date. The enforceability of a pre-contract will depend on the specific terms of the agreement. FIFA’s Dispute Resolution Chamber has generally held that a pre-contract is binding if it contains essential terms such as the duration of the contract, remuneration and additional benefits
  12. The contract was signed. The ink still wet. So if anything, the player should have returned on 25/6 when the contract he already signed with me comes into effect. You load up your game and try sign a player, any player that Has signed a pre contract and I'd wager the game won't let you do it. The option to buy won't even be available. Imagine you approach a player with 6 months left on his deal and he agrees to join your club on a free. It's signed and sealed. Then another club just offer his release clause, don't you think that that is an oversight during development? Both players SIGNED new deals. Legally binding. Imagine the frenzy if this happens IRL.
  13. When a player agrees to a pre contract you can't just decide to then bid for the player. The game won't let you. Look at Endrick for example. Pre arranged to join Madrid but you can't then bid on him at the start of a new save. Likewise a youth player that agrees a pre contract can't then be poached away by another club. By your logic anyone should be allowed to offer a deal until the player turns 17 and the contract comes into play.
  14. Massive transfer bug and has killed my 15 season save. The amount of hours I've put into this game just for this to happen when I'm finally building a good squad. The programming/coding of this game is amateur at times. So apparently the A.I can just do whatever they want and activate a release clause even though a pre contract has been agreed. On top of that, I've finally upgraded my training and youth facilities to the max they can e, but i'm still yet to have any decent youth players come through. The videogame sometimes needs to remember its a video game and reward the player when progress has been made .... Just a thought.
  15. Same for me too. Once a player is HG it appears but it's completely random. I can sign a 18 year old player and a year later he's HG in nation and club. Massive bug.
  16. It still doesn't explain why players from South America are showing up in a European scout assignment
  17. Right back signed pre contract with me but Napoli were able to activate his release clause and sign him anyway on the cheap. How are teams even allowed to bid on a player that has already signed a pre contract? This is just ridiculous and just another bug to throw on the ever growing pile of issues that are present in FM24.
  18. I'm quite far into the future now and this is my first season of Premier League football. The international fixtures as I understand are changing in IRL but it seems the game is having a little brain fart with correct scheduling as I now have 29 days between league fixtures. There was only a single Premier League match played on the weekend after the international fixtures.
  19. Please look into tweaking how the A.I make bids for players. Lazio want to but my star centre back but expect me to pay 75% of his wages and are offering way below his market value.
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