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The About Average Jake

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Everything posted by The About Average Jake

  1. I get it, I really do. However these guys are professional athletes not some random pub team players. I'd expect to see this type of game mechanic around late winter/early spring. Non league players are part time and play 2 games a week, but don't seem to have the same issues. My staff take control of training but at a glance its usually 2 sessions a day. Yes, I rotate players although if a player is in a fine run of form then natural I'll select them each week just like IRL, look a Saka at Arsenal for example. He never misses a game. If I'm winning with 25 -30 minutes to go I'll usually use my subs. Tactics are slow tempo retain possession, Tiki -Taka and Gegenpress. However I've only used Gegenpress a handful of times as the retain possession is working for me at the moment. This mechanic absolutely NEEDS to be in the game for realism, however I feel it needs tweaking. Cheers for replying
  2. As the title says. I've attached screenshots of insanely high transfer values for average - good players. Surely this needs tweaking before 6th November.
  3. My Technical director is in charge of hiring my U21's and U18's staff, He has a judging staff ability attribute of 18 and yet he is making some very poor staff acquisitions. Not sure if this is a bug but thought I'd raise it all the same, just in case. Screenshots attached.
  4. Playing as Man City. Won a match away vs Coventry in the league cup. Missed loads of chances but won 1-0. Told the players they need to step up against better opposition. Afterwards had to have a team meeting due to overly critical team talk and now I've got to keep a promise to a single player to be less harsh. This is just plain daft and immersion breaking.
  5. Picture 1 - Caicedo x2 100m transfers Picture 2 - Harrison duplicate installments Picture 3 - Zinchenko insane transfer value.
  6. Currently plying as Man City, The game has allowed me to submit my team for the season with only 7 home grown players, even though the rules state it should be a minimum of 8.
  7. 100% agree. It took me over an hour the other day to figure it out and it's still confusing me at times. Not a fan. They should have kept the old system. Fans wanted to be able to customise and create set piece routines, I think S.I misunderstood the assignment with this one.
  8. Then this is a poor design choice and needs looking at.
  9. I agree 100%. I've now taken over set pieces because we kept conceding from short corners and an opposition player would just smash one in from range. The A.I never tried to change or rectify the situation so I've had to do it. Pretty pointless feature to be fair. Not a fan of the "new" set piece screens either, can't drag and drop players anymore. Much preferred previous versions.
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