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Gricehead last won the day on September 11 2020

Gricehead had the most liked content!


2,947 "Hasta la vista, baby"

1 Follower


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    DISCLAIMER: All posts should be read as though they contain a 'safety smiley' [also known as :)].

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    New York, North Side

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    Rotherham United

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    Tamworth (occasionally, FM12)

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  1. Group Stage matchday 3 only needs three days, not six, as you will have 8 games in the day across 4 kickoff times, due to both games in the group being concurrent. Whether you'd need an extra rest day to accommodate teams playing in day 12 playing again on day 15 is debatable.
  2. Full on warfare in Montpellier between Morocco and French fans last night.
  3. There's nothing as funny or predictable as football fan overreaction.
  4. Surely we can leverage a Swiss model group stage into this somehow, for maximum lols. Edit: dammit.
  5. He's probably going to do what I did for Elf on the Shelf - print out some fake 20s and shred them. It took the kids about 5 seconds to work out. To be fair, even if he shreds real money, the internet will spend hours trying to prove it was fake.
  6. Some good lines (Ding dong merrily on Sky, oh it's not on Sky is it?). 7/10 for effort
  7. By that logic, don't catch a train in the UK.
  8. People saying they never queue have obviously never needed the toilet before GNR or London Marathon
  9. Except if we have a president. Like the Americans. JFK's funeral was a national day of mourning, and the first one to be declared a federal holiday.
  10. I think this depends on your contracted position for leave. If your contract says "x days annual leave + bank holidays" then they're wrong. If your contract says "x days annual leave including bank holidays" then they're right.
  11. I don't think they'd even be allowed to make that statement to be honest. The actual members of the Royal Family are pretty much pawns in the Institution's game.
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