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71 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Is there anything that makes international comps more playable where players are not too tired to play? Long time issue just wonder if there is anything that makes it even a bit better.
  2. It has always been pretty unreliable, but yeah this year it seems even more so. They probably have just never bothered to improve the calculation given the better performance of this year's game. I tend to just ignore the stars and do a test save to check how well the game is running.
  3. you using a new db or an already created one?
  4. The answer is probs pretty simple club management is by far the most popular game mode. So time energy and resources are spent there. Wouldnt shock me if something like 90 percent of the players only do club management. They look and use such data to decide where they focus their energy. That said I don't think there is any excuse as to why pretty basic features we already get in club management are not put into international management.
  5. Could well be, when they start there xmas hols this year is another big factor.
  6. I would imagine like most years the plan is for a minor and major update in December. Perhaps because of a few factors we might get one before the end of this month though, But I would imagine December is most likely.
  7. Not sure. I think something needs to change. Because I can see the next games just being more of the same unless something is changed, which is just going to frustrate more and more people.
  8. I have done a few long-term test saves and no question for me the AI is defo better in some areas. They make better transfers and I have seen a few teams focus on snapping up younger players who they build the squad around. Defo an improvement on 23. Now sadly there are some bugs and issues with the AI where they waste money on far too many players they can't fit into their team. So for now it is kinda one step forward two steps back. But if they fix those issues in future patches it will be the best AI yet. Its not to say its going to be perfect, but its defo moving in the right direction.
  9. The game without a doubt currently has too many bugs and issues which rightly turns people off from wanting to start a save. Once we get the patches things will improve.
  10. Pretty sure they said they were happy with injury levels before the patch so nothing was changed. Different story with the Known GK injury bug though.
  11. Could be a smaller patch before then. But December seems the most likely for a major patch.
  12. In recent years though they have tended to only do one minor patch and some hot fixes in november. With December getting a minor and major patch. So I could see us waiting till then for a major patch atleast. But of course maybe this year they will push patches faster to give themselves more time to spend on fm 25.
  13. Pretty sure SI have basically said they know passing accuracy is too high for certain leagues but that it's too difficult to implement such a variation. So it will basically be left as it is.
  14. Think they have said they plan to fix his contract issue in one of the future updates. But yeah the sheer amount of issues and bugs is annoying.
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