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Everything posted by kalongtongan

  1. This issue has been around for a long time and until now there has been no solution https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/540691-give-back-control-of-individual-training/
  2. In-game, do you stick to this tactic or do you make a few tweaks or do you even have an alternative tactic?
  3. You can make a 'plug and play' tactic with your own version, not an exploit tactic but a tactic with your sense of style and a good balance in terms of PRD. This game is about management and goals for your club. So start from there and enjoy the process in terms of rebuilding or improving your team. I can still lose and get angry or irritated with my players and say to myself ok I've given up on you, next transfer window I'll sell you at any price if necessary for free. or maybe there's something wrong with my tactics, this forum is the best place to look for references about that and you can make a little tweak or maybe I'm wrong in terms of rotating players and so on. I have several 'Plug n Play' tactics of my own version of 4-4-2 with DMs, 4-2-3-1 asymmetric and 4-3-3, all of which I made to suit my style of play with good and balanced PRD . The rest is just to enjoy the process, results and continue to make improvements to your players and club. And now, show us your tactics and tell us what do you want from your tactics? I believe many people on this forum will give you advice.
  4. Adding get stuck in to the team instruction will encourage your players to duel on the ball and as @dzek said, remove drop off more. So the choice is a standard defensive line (if your players are not fast and strong enough) or a high defensive line.
  5. I solved this problem. Maybe I'll make a thread when I'm home so it can help others how I fixed it.
  6. I tried a similar tactic like this on my other save, we won the league in the first season - AML stay wider - DM Hold position and dribble less - IWB Dribble less League Table Gabriel Jesus played as DLF-A throughout the season
  7. Hi, I made my own custom skin from base skins, wannachup and some from sources on this forum. I have a problem with the touchline tablet, the size of the touchline table always resets when I hide it and then show it again. I've been searching in this forum about this problem, maybe I missed it. Has anyone experienced this and found a solution? fm_QZ1wthYyiY.mp4
  8. First of all, what exactly is the tactical style you want to play? Try the tactical template provided by FM and change the Role and Duty according to your players' abilities and start from there to change the TI, PI or Role and Duty of your players, then you can come back again and ask about progress your tactics in this thread.
  9. Liked what you explained to your OP and in terms of tactics nothing needs to be changed this is just my preference it would be better if your AMR was changed to IF-S and VOL to a support duty and I'm very interested in trying your tactics on my save.
  10. You need feeder players from deep and not too aggressive going forward such as DLP-S, AP-S or maybe CM-S (with PI take more risk) on the LCM side which will make your team more stable in defense and can help IW/CF to create changes in the final third. Maybe that's my first thought after reading your OP.
  11. Your writing is refreshing and very helpful about how ME has evolved this time and what tactics we should apply in terms of PRD. Yesterday I just bought FM24 and your article is one of my favorites as a guide on this version.
  12. I enjoyed reading this, I know this article from the first time you announced it on twitter and I read it on your site. In fact I enjoyed this thread even more from the start of your post to the end of the line from the responders. This discussion gave me more knowledge about this game about pairs and combinations, PRD and tactical styles which are always evolving in each new version.
  13. In the @crusadertsar thread I explained about my philosophy when I was going to make tactics, "Defence first" was the first thing I thought about the tactics that I would make. If we look at Arteta when he first entered management, what he applied was how a team defended first. We can see the metamorphosis of changes implemented by Arteta until now 5-2-3(343) -> 4-2-3-1 -> 4-3-3. And arteta this season has been seen several times in his tactics of placing 4 defenders who play cb's mainset (tomi-gabriel-saliba-white). Now in this thread I show the tactics of how I tried to replicate Arsenal's game under Arteta. One of the important principles of "Positional Play" is a way of playing that emphasizes how a team moves when attacking and defending without the ball, therefore dribble-les and BME are key in my "in-possession" tactics. and so far the tactics that I have applied in my opinion are close to what arteta did, once again this is just my opinion and style preference in implementing arteta's tactics in FM23. It's very difficult to replicate a team's playing style in this simulation game. At least I'm happy with what I did in this case, replicating the Arteta style in Arsenal on FM23. PI : All Outfield players shot less often. Both Cm's and Cb's tigh marking. Both FB close down more. Both Wingers stay wider. LCM (CM-s) Roam From Position. Its not a PnP tactic but mostly around 75% i don't tweak in match at all. sometimes I change FB-A to FB-s and go further forward on thick, CM-s to BBM / RPM / Mez-s / Carrilero and things like that.
  14. in my game his get injured more less 1 month. agree, dribble less is in my default tactic too. i remove the stop crosses in TI out possession.
  15. thats a very good tactic, you just need improvement on your squad in transfer market.
  16. @jdubsnzfor my game i like partey as bmw-d/s and add him dictate tempo for his trait. Since fm22 i really like how bwm behaves on my possession-based tactics. And for xhaka his vision and passing is very good but lacks composure, concentration, acc and agility. In 4-2-3-1 system i used to give him dlp-s role but recently i like him to be cm-s with pi roam from position & dribble-less (bbm-ish) and yes i removed the 'dwells on ball' trait, because for what i saw on how arteta developed him now become bbm, unfortunately fm23 didn't revamp his attributes. And now for this FM23 ME i really like how AF and CB as cover duty behave in game. and for jesus his is my best AF.
  17. Apologies that's my eyes mistake, how about this... I believe im the red team now. later i shows the clips how we play like arteta-ish.
  18. This is my philosophy everytime i want to create tactik from this simulation game, "defence first" and you explained very well. If you want to implement the positional play then you must thinking about how we should defend. if you good at that then you can leave the rest to the players on front. This is my tactic, influenced by arteta's positional play It's amazing how Arteta's metamorphosis from first time in management until now, from 5-2-3(low/mid-block), 4-2dm-3-1 until now he wants to perfect it (not yet) into a 4-3-3 high pressing positional play. And in The Process he is well aware that "defence first" is very important. Keep Updated! Good Work.
  19. my first game with arsenal in fm23 game, 4-3-3 but in-game our average positions look like 4-2-3-1.
  20. Hi guys i'm still working on it and make some progress, now my issue is the tablet keep resetting his size after i click hide and show panel tablet, any advice on it?
  21. i have custom skin for my own preferences based on@bluestillidie00base skin FM23 and some zealand skin in previouos FM version. is anyone can help me how to get custom on touchline tablet to be at least have 3 columns and the option view more than built-in have (i want option for the notable event, dugout.. etc)? for notice i used pc/laaptop with low resolution 1366x768
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