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Jack Sarahs

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Issue Comments posted by Jack Sarahs

  1. 12 hours ago, Ryilson said:

    Hello again @Zachary Whyte and team.


    Had a classic example of my issue and remembered to save before! All of my recent errors had tactics and mentality changing after the first minute - when this happens I usually then go into the tactics tab and load the tactic I started the game with and that seems to 'clear' the issue.


    For my most recent game vs Lyngby - attached are the files of the game (and save game called "Ryan Bartley - Nordsjælland fm24 SAVE GAME for upload_v2") the substitutes issue occurred.


    The tactic and mentality was changed after a minute. I didn't change this and after 15h, 17th and 19th minutes the AI made a substitution for me, which is the most I've seen - it is normally 2 at most before I then change my tactics.  After the third sub I changed my tactics.


    Hopefully this helps find the problem??


    Thank you so much, driving me crazy!



    match_recording.rec Lyngby v Nordsjælland.pkm

    Hi @Ryilson

    Thanks for taking the time to log this and post this.

    I've taken a look at your issue and I have some good news for you. I was able to reproduce your issue and then fix it by simply deleting your "Match Plan". That's all you need to do and everything should go back to normal. If this doesn't fix it please reach out again but that should work.

    If you can remember, do you mind sharing exactly how you set the match plan up and how long ago in your save you created it? 

    Thank you



    On 04/11/2023 at 00:14, borreicho said:

    Here's another contribution.

    Looking at the other stats, there's no credible reason for Brighton having 38% possession in this game.



    Brighton - Wolves.pkm


    On 03/11/2023 at 15:17, gunnersguy said:

    I'm no expert but il add a pkm too. 

    It says i had 48% possession but looking at the game it looks like I had more.

    It seems my players just don't press enough even though my TI's are all maxed out. In the game before this, I played against Man U and had 62% possession.

    I'm sure it's just my tactics but I've had quite a lot of games and the possession stat doesn't seem right. Like I said I'm no tactical expert but this tactic is designed to keep possession and I am a far superior team. Many thanks.

    Barcelona v Vigo.pkm

    Just to clear up one thing that seems to be getting repeated incorrectly in this thread.

    Possession in FM and by lots of stats companies is calculated by the number of passes completed by a team, divided by the overall passes completed in the match then brought to a whole number. This is how it's done in real life up until very recent years where a few stats companies have started to go off on their own direction with some complexity on top but still with this as a large factor in how it's calculated. 

    So there is actually a credible reason why Brighton have 38% possession in this game it's because they have completed 333 passes vs Wolves 545. 

    Total passes = 878

    Brighton Possession = 333 Divided by 878, X 100 = 37.92% rounded up to 38% Possession.

    Old possession (Literal time on ball like a chess clock) hasn't been used since 2009 in real life and it is still in FM under the name "Ball share" 

  3. 4 hours ago, Aresny said:

    Hello Michael,

    I already sent my save data to Jack Sarahs. I can send it to you if you also want.

    Yes I can confirm I've been in contact with @Aresny and he's been brilliantly helpful. @Aresnydid you upload your PKM ( Saved matches ) to the server along with your Save game file? If so can you reply in here with the names of the files you uploaded so the rest of the team can access it quicker? 

    Thank you for all your help and support!



  4. On 02/03/2022 at 07:35, dannyfc said:

    Agree - perfect response. 

    This is gamebreaking for me so I won't be playing FM 22 sadly, but feel much more satisfied in the understanding it's a known issue that SI are trying to resolve so fingers crossed for FM 23. 


    On 02/03/2022 at 12:47, lukavski said:

    I feel the same way. It's gamebreaking. I had some fun with FM22, a lot of improvement this year, but I just can't ignore this issue. I'm glad SI is working on a fix for next edition. 

    I will wait for FM23.



    I just want to reiterate what Kyle said incase it was missed:

    On 25/02/2022 at 10:30, Kyle Brown said:

    There are different ways of tracking a pass, and different data providers will provide different stats. We use SciSports and they typically have higher completion rates that the others. 


    If the SciSports metric is always going to higher then opta ( or whichever stats company you choose to reference for comparison between FM and real life ), you have to also take this into consideration when looking at the stats themselves.

    We are working internally on numerous things and pass completion was higher then we would like. But if you're going to take stats alone on their own, we have found in other cases when statistical issues have been raised that it was down to the fact we calculate the stat differently within the game then the event being an actual issue. 

    Not saying that was the case here this was an issue and isn't where we would like it to be. Although there are certain events counted as passes that wouldn't have been in real life which added to the complexity and severity of the issue from a visual statistical perspective.

    Just wanted to make this a little clearer as it seems this was glossed over a little. Yes we acknowledge this as an issue but there also factors making it appear worse then you feel it is on paper.


    Thanks everyone and thank you for raising it and contributing to this thread.

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