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Posts posted by konspyro

  1. 13 hours ago, xSEARLEYx said:

    I copied the match folder in the panels folder over to the same place in a different skin (WTCS5) and it looked fine however theres no stats in the tablet or the formations tab, so not sure from there. just fyi incase you try it



    If you find a solution, please, share it

  2. 1 hour ago, Olas Nick said:

    ok, but can you start doing something yourself. or just pay the author for a personal skin)))
    why start something if you can't perform any operation yourself?

    I didn't have the tension to reply, but i will do it. If my friend @GIMN wanted money for his help, i wouldn't have problem to pay him. I am a newbie and every help i take, its like gold to me. Unfortunately for you, @GIMN didn't ask for money and helped me a lot. Now, i don't know what's your perpose of sending a message like that, but it's ok. I suppose you are proud of that :).

  3. 44 minutes ago, GIMN said:

    I'm not at home most of this week, so can't check the xmls, but there should be three container class="contrast_box" with the colour defined.

    Unfortunately, i cant find none of the three container class="contrast_box" with the colour defined by searching each one of the xmls... If you have time, it would be a pleasure to help me more... @GIMN


  4. @Drakestone What files do you use in your skin in order to have the backround change and the transparency option? Cause in the past, i tried by transfering the ''backrounds'' and the ''backround_selector'' folders from an other skin to my custom skin and in the game, after each match, i had to change again the backround and the transparency. Like the ''memory'' of my options had lost... Thank you in advance mate!

  5. 11 hours ago, Drakestone said:

    Yes I'd also been having problems with disappearing panels using the ones from Tato so I've gone back to using the ones from FME Zealand instead as they don't have the same troubles. As far as the client object browser is concerned its not as simple as just using another due to the images used etc, but you can use this and modify it to work for you.

    client object browser.xml 15.43 kB · 0 downloads

    Thank you so much for your answer and support!

  6. 13 hours ago, Drakestone said:

    There's nothing much modified in the sidebar menu table itself, if you mean having the sidebar UNDER the header it's the client object browser youdd need.

    Ok, i undestand! Can you attach it here? And one more question. What else do i have to do in order to have the same tato panels in the player profile? Because i transfer the ''player'' folder from tato into the the TCS folder, i see the change, but if i close the game and start it again, in the player profile, i see a blank screen, without the panel.

  7. On 18/03/2022 at 19:21, a31632 said:

    An example of skinning with the "in game tactics screen" as it is now in my skin, now also showing player faces, kits, player condition etc. for the substitutes:



    Nice work! Is this in FM22? Can you send me the code, in order to use it as well in my skin? Thank you in advance @a31632

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