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Everything posted by MRC

  1. How do I go about setting up a Supercup-like competition (meant to start in summer, drawing in last season's winners of certain competitions as participants) if there aren't any participants for the first season and I want it to only start at in the 2023/2024 season in the advanced rules? Essentially, the competitions whose winners participate in that Supercup are new ones, meaning they don't have winners for the previous season. And I would prefer not to just define some teams as previous winners in order for it to verify.
  2. After working for a prolonged amount of time on a database -> saving -> "Load Database" -> "Load Editor Data", there is a regularly occuring serious error. Basically, after choosing the file to load via load editor data - no matter which file, I tried with several, you get this: The bar doesn't move and there is no progress even though you can see the already loaded database in the background. Your only option here is to click "cancel", which results in this: After clicking "OK", the editor closes and you have to restart. As stated, this is a regularly occuring and induceable error which I had 4 times within the last 6-10 hours of working with the editor.
  3. Anyone got around to creating an Austria database down to tier 5 with realistic rules and working dynamic relegation?
  4. I will absolutely still be interested! Chances are I'll skip FM24 altogether because there are a few databases I would like to try for FM23 still. But even if I got FM24, I would keep playing FM23 just for the monumental save file you're building. I think it's a brilliant, brilliant project. So so long as you still have fun working on it, I will be interested in it. Take the time you need, I'll be there to download it and give it a try! No matter what FM is out at the time. Like @Samuel77 said, projects like yours have value well beyond the natural cycle of a FM title. (They are also the reason why I wish SI would make it so older databases can get transferred to newer FMs with as little hassle as possible, but that's a discussion for another day) I used to play a legends database back in FM20, and I still occasionally log in. Over the years, custom databases such as the one you are building have been what brought me the most joy out of FM. So no matter what you decide, thank you for your work.
  5. Yes, that one was luckily easily fixable just by specifying the teams! After that came the South American World Cup Qualifiers (which were messed up in my Superleague database by me adding another nation to South America) which was slightly more difficult because I just could not get the game to ignore that nation when verifying, but it was at least easily fixable by just adapting the competition for 11 nations rather than 10. Next up is probably gonna be a decision for me to make - in my Superleague database, the next messed up competition to fix would be the Copa Libertadores. However, my initial idea was to merge it with @Dallans Worldwide Championsleague, because that's what I'm really shooting for - a database with an African, European and Southamerican Superleague with an intercontinental Champions League where teams from all over the world including these Superleagues participate. The issue being that when I merge those two databases, the nation I created doesn't show up when I start a save. So my guess is that something's still messed up with my database but it doesn't get checked for verification when I merge it into the Worldwide CL. So I'll play around with that one for a bit.
  6. I'm aware they don't actually want to. Although there would be reasons to do it like this rather then removing it, namely less backlash. It's the frustration about an error-ridden, unintuitive FM23 editor with new issues after every update that's speaking out of me here. Obviously the game itself comes first and obviously the schedule is tight. But then again there are instances where the editor gets changed just enough to f*ck with files from previous games but not enough to deliver actual improvements in functionality, interface or quality of life features. All I know is that without a few helpful videos on Youtube and helpful & experienced people in this forum, I would have probably given up by now.
  7. For real though, it's really just getting tedious at this point. You almost get the feeling that they want to push people away from making the editor by how overly tedious they make everything this year - if not intentionally then evidently by lack of effort. I swear every single update this year has introduced new issues, even if the excessive crashing from the beginning was fixed. At the same time most of the posts I read on here talk about one of three issues - issues I experience myself - and yet I see no effort being made to either fix those or make the the editor more intuitive so they can fix those issues themselves without having to pray for someone with more experience to come along. As for you, thank you very much for posting the correction, I immensely appreciate it. I just loaded up the U20 South American Championship files because those need to be fixed for a database of mine where I added another country to South America (even if I don't want it to take part in tournaments at all) and encountered this issue. I wonder, do we know about that same issue in the U20 South American Championship? Because after applying your fix - which worked - I get this: Mind you I have not changed ANYTHING in this database, I just pulled the U20 Championship into the advanced rules and merged with your fix. I will look into it and try to fix it of course, but I'm not the most experienced when it comes to fixing internationals in advanced rules. It's just the feeling that something is already wrong by default... EDIT: Or is this due to me drawing them into the advanced rules but not the qualifiers - meaning stage 0 from the competition doesn't actually specify teams. At least I think that should mean that I could technically kill the qualifiers if there are any (which it seems there actually aren't - which makes this really weird) and just specify the exact teams I want to feature, meaning I should be able to exclude my created nation somewhat easily. All I want is to fic and add my African and South-American Superleagues into a World Champions League database I got from this forum...
  8. So, I've been working on my continental super leagues and I have been running into trouble with my african one not passing testing. The format is the following for the 1st and 2nd league: - 14 teams, play each other twice (26 matchdays) - top 7 go into the championship group, points get halved, play each other twice (12 matchdays) - bottom 7 go into the relegation group, points get halved, play each other twice (12 matchdays) Bottom 3 from the relegation group should get relegated, top 3 from the championship group in the 2nd league should get promoted. I did look into the rules for the Austrian League and I believe I have stuff set up the same way, but when I try to verify, I get: Essentially it tells me that I'm trying to relegating 5 teams from the first league (funnily enough that message isn't consistent - sometimes it says 5, sometimes 6, sometimes 7 even when I don't meddle with the first league) while only promoting 3 from the second league when it should be 3 & 3. Whether or not I change the Format Rules to Flexible or Fixed did not make any difference for this message showing up. And so I ask - could someone who has some experience please look into my file, tell me what I did wrong and fix the mistake so the promotion and relegation from the 1st league (Superliga ya Muthamaki) and the 2nd league work? Any help is much appreciated! Bururi wa Afrika solo AR aktuell.fmf
  9. Is there any way for me to mass-delete playing histories from a bunch of players? Using the editor how I do, there's only one way I know of, and that's going through them one by one - but I would have to do that for thousands of players.
  10. Will try! Unfortunately that means I'll also have to change their continent to Europe which will mess up international competitions, right? Or can I add them without changing their continent?
  11. You open up your list of clubs to edit, navigate to reserve team and then delete them one by one. Unfortunately it is not possible to mass-delete them for the most part. Because if you've ticked clubs to mass edit, only the stuff they have in common shows up, meaning if you mass-edit 50 clubs, 49 of them have a reserve team and one doesn't, none will show up. I'm not sure if this can be circumvented by first adding a reserve team and then go on to clear the file, you'd have to try that. Otherwise it's just: Tick one club -> Reserve Teams -> Clear -> Untick Club -> Tick another club -> Reserve Teams and so on
  12. Edit 2: Realised with the existing free agents that I should delete "person type is player" as well as "job is player" Edit 3: Whoops, seems I was already very tired yesterday, didn't mean to double-post Update: So we definitely have the PA 130 hard-cap. Would be interesting where this is coded since we might be able to change that.
  13. @Supermercado99 @tota73 First update from testing: I deleted all players from the database (which took days) and started a database with 25 leagues from 11 nations. I chose both "Use Fake Players and Staff" as well as "Add Players to Playable Teams". In the "database" field where it's possible to choose between small, large, custom,.., I went with custom and chose to generate players from Europe and South America by checking the fields until I reached a projected number of 100k. Generating the savefile itself took no time at all. I started, went away from the PC and looked at it 5 minutes later only to find out that I was already ingame. Conclusions so far: 1.) It seems Tota is pretty much right with the 130 PA cap. Whether I look at Barcelona or some Austrian club, the max PA in their squad is 130. 2.) Funnily enough, there are players rated higher than this in the game. There are 28 players with a PA of 150 or higher, 10 players with a CA of 130 or higher. 3.) Out of the 28 players with a PA above 150, 27 are without a club while one was playing in the polish third division. Fun Fact: When you look at the profiles of clubs like Man United and Man City, players like Harry Maguire, Bruno Fernandes, Ilkay Gündogan and Kevin De Bruyne still show up in their profile (Zealand skin for full transparency) as captains/vice-captains despite them not existing in the database and despite having told the game to use Fake Players, which usually leads to it randomising the names and some minor details of existing players. So, interestingly enough, while there seems to be a PA 130 cap for clubs, it doesn't seem to be the case for players generated as free agents. Perhaps we can use this. I will also try playing around with the Youth Ratings and other parameters attempting to find out more. If any of you are interested in testing as well I'll happily share the file with 350.031 deleted players so you don't have to spend that time. Edit: Another quick test revealed why those free agents had higher PA. For some reason, despite me seemingly deleting them from the database in the PGE, it seems that free agents somehow still showed up. Running this again without the "Use Fake Players and Staff" option revealed that those players were Bale, Isco, Sturridge, Ben Arfa, Pato and so on. Meaning we can't use this to our advantage after all. Interesting to see that these players are still around despite me having deleted every person that comes up when searching for Job is Player.
  14. That could actually be worth a try! Thank you! Because as far as I know it can't be done with the PGE without doing it manually, right? As for third party editors I'm not too well versed with them but I don't think they can do it either, or am I mistaken?
  15. Oh, I didn't realise that the only exception was between EU countries, I thought 18 was an exception rather than the norm. Thank you for the info! Now I'm wondering if either adding Brazil to the EU (which would of course mess up other stuff, which I don't want) or having other countries treat brazilian players as EU could work. My guess is the former should work while the latter unfortunately probably won't but I might try that.
  16. So, I'm wondering - do any of you happen to have a database with fully randomised players? Or do you know of an easy, decently viable way to create a properly randomised player database? Using fake players via the ingame option just doesn't cut it imo, because for the most part those players seem to be the same, just with another name slapped on and occasionally some minor personal changes. Essentially I still know I'm gonna find a fake version of Endrick at Palmeiras, a fake version of Cristiano in Saudia Arabia and so on. I would, however, like to use entirely randomised players. Meaning completely new players - ideally, however, higher reputation clubs should have a higher average CA, that much I'd like to keep. I think it would make for a somewhat different experience.
  17. You'll have to do it manually for each team. Pre-Game Editor -> Clubs -> get the Club(s) you want -> Edit -> Reserve Teams -> Clear -> Current Affiliations -> Clear
  18. My bad, I pulled up the USSL Conferences. Not too well versed with the US system, although I've heard it can be a pain to edit. But I'll try for the MLS: Go to Nation Rules -> add lower leagues to existing structures -> USA; then pull up the MLS This is without me testing but it might be worth a try. I believe the Teams are separated by info set in Teams -> Registered Teams. So you can go in there, put one team from 0 to 1, the other from 1 to 0 (I would just recommend swapping teams in a setup like this, at least to see if it works), then save, verify, save again and see if it works ingame.
  19. Bring up the competition -> Teams -> add, add the team that you want from the Eastern Conference into the Western, make sure to fill the Eastern up. I tried switching FC Tulsa and Oakland, went to Nation Rules to test and it verified without problems. Can't test it ingame right now, but perhaps you can.
  20. I don't know unfortunately, but this should be quite easy to test provided you have the ingame Editor.
  21. Does anyone have a solution for this? I did hear that it might be hard-coded unfortunately, but I haven't gotten confirmation if it actually is.
  22. Depends on if you want to build a league system from scratch or add to the existing line-up. If you want to keep the MLS(pyramid) as it and just expand downwards, you would select add lower divisions. I believe that option did cause issues in the past (previous FMs), but I don't know if that is still the case.
  23. Thank you! Unfortunately it seems like nothing will do, the same error keeps coming up. One time I got an error for having 11 teams rather than 10 in the South American WC qualifiers (where I had already set for my team to be ignored) - I then took away the specific team type and got the error with having 9 teams instead of 8 at the PanAmerican again. So in the end it looks like we haven't yet found the correct way for my team to actually be ignored. If I end up having to scrap the PanAm, it's not a huge problem, but I would like for the WC qualifiers and the U20 Championship to work and the one thing preventing them from doing so seems to be the same.
  24. No matter which one, just a different one?
  25. Ah thank you very much, that's exactly how I did it! I have now created a database where I try to fix the Qualifiers, the South American U20 Championship, the Pan American Games and the Copa Libertadores. So far I've tried fixing one thing at a time, mainly by trying out your brilliant tip to tell the stages to ignore the Nation I created, thank you very much for that! Verifying usually brings me to the next issue, sometimes I'm running in circles. Right now I am kinda stuck at this one: So, I have tried telling this competitions to ignore my nation both under teams in stage 0 and as that didn't work as well under Teams -> Qualified teams. Now since that didn't cut it either and the same error kept popping up, I also checked that I told the U20 South American Championship to ignore my team, since the competitions are intertwined, but unfortunately to no avail. The way I told them to exclude my team was the following: I tried it with and without specifying the continent, but it didn't seem to make a difference. I did specify the team in addition to the nation as well. Perhaps you can help me out again. In any case, thank you for taking the time to help me out and therefore teach me, I appreciate it very much!
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