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Everything posted by Feron

  1. But how are we supposed to know that? That's my point. The star-speed-rating seems to be solely based on the player count. So since the continents seemingly slowed down the game just as much I added league after league - leagues I would never have wanted like Columbia, Serbia etc. etc. (great youth production at cheap prices) Now I am only adding those leagues that make sense playstyle-wise and competition-wise But you are right - leagues should be added for other reasons than player count
  2. I found out about this very late because the star-speed-rating is misleading. I used to add far too many leagues and even made them all playable, just to have the players and so that the clubs would produce more regens which of course made the game very slow. The trick is to only have the leagues you really are interested in and then add the players via adding continents instead of having more leagues. I didn't do that before because why would I, the speed-star rating still indicates your game is getting slow. But this is because it's only basing it on the number of players which is wrong. Of course it does make a small difference because of transfer activities etc. but without the leagues the game doesnt have to process all the fixtures which weighs far more heavily. And with this method, regens are produced just like with playable leagues. @SI: in case someone reads this, maybe you can fix the star-speed-rating for FM23. There is no way I would have found out about this "trick" the regular way. And even youtubers like Zealand still tell you to add leagues and then make them even playable if you want to have more players and regens. Unfortunately you cannot add continents to an ongoing save. At least not that I know of. So you have to start a new game.
  3. addition: I always wrote "exact same RANGE of attributes" but actually meant range of attributes and each attribute by the exact same amount
  4. again, this is why we said we are NOT basing anything on our personal experience. annectodal experience is just an addition to the findings in Max's videos where he literally has looked at hundreds of matches/players/training hours trying to make the playing field as level as possible with the help of the editor. are you really saying that all that means nothing? just because we might WANT our players to improve in a certain attribute? sorry but this is insulting to us. here is some of the findings again: all purple defending sessions train the exact same range of attributes all green attacking sessions train the exact same range of attributes "att. corners" doesn't train the corner attribute - in fact most set piece sessions train the exact same range of attributes instead of those in the description all lilac technical sessions train the exact same range of attributes (only ball destribution doesn't really help with anything) both light green tactical sessions train the exact same range of attributes the extra curricular sessions don't boost the one attribute they claim to: Teamwork How about you guys at bug fixing look at it without prejudice and THEN tell us it all is a gigantic fuss about nothing and we all just want our players to improve with blinders on? thank you
  5. PLEASE give this a fair chance, even in case you find a problem in the experiment or whatever - there definitely is something to it. Just examples: all purple defending sessions train the exact same range of attributes all green attacking sessions train the exact same range of attributes "att. corners" doesn't train the corner attribute - in fact most set piece sessions train the exact same range of attributes instead of those in the description all lilac technical sessions train the exact same range of attributes (only ball destribution doesn't really help with anything) both light green tactical sessions train the exact same range of attributes the extra curricular sessions don't boost the one attribute they claim to: Teamwork
  6. This. There apparently is someting off with the training sessions. They don't train the attributes in their description and this is not a minor thing. But just as you described about the match boosts, I'd never use my own annecdotal impressions of my games to say that training is not working as intended, however here we have the evidence from the videos which - in this case - cannot be brushed off by match engine or morale, happiness, cohesion etc. PLUS the annectodal personal impressions like the corner attribute never improving for like 10 years of using the session regularly which just suits the findings in Max's video.
  7. I'd like to add that in the player search I have the full scale of players available to me (depending on which leagues etc. are playable and ticked) regardless of the world knowledge. Unlike in the staff search where "knowledge of the world" seems to be working as intended
  8. hello, I've noticed that the world knowledge has a direct impact on what staff is available in the staff search (which sounds reasonable of course), however this does not work for the player search. Reading on "guidetofm" and many other sources I learned that this should not be the case. Also, it kinda doesn't make sense. Thank you.
  9. thanks Neil, then we'll wait for the result of your investigation. Would be great if you could also include the sessions of the "general" training section as it was very noticeable in Max's other video that they didn't train the attributes that were advertised. Since they are a little more versatile, what you said about monotonous training should be less of an issue. I personally have trained the set piece sessions and other things each only once every 14 days, in order to have their bonus active at all times. As mentioned for at least 5-6 seasons and have never seen the corner attribute go up (with players who had a lot of unused PA-points left and perfect training conditions).
  10. I have no idea how you got to that opinion. First, logic already tells us that if a couple players kick hundreds of corners, why would it only train those on the other end? second, the ingame description clearly says: secondary focus: set piece takers. attributes: CORNERS, technique And there's the issue that I have again: The descriptions are wrong And that kills my fun, my immersion, my trust in the game etc. and even gives me thoughts like: what else doesn't do what it says in the texts? And still no statement from SI In case you think I am overreacting: as mentioned earlier, I have burried hundreds of hours of my personal time into making training schedules and learning what each session does. It just feels bad. And since I am still playing this game, I am just hoping to get some kind of reaction from SI that does NOT talk about "variations in the match engine", ignoring the elephant in the room.
  11. I can only repeat myself, please put the upcoming match boosts aside for a second: why does nobody seem to be interested in the fact that the training sessions don't train the attributes they have in their description? Just have a look at Max's video about the general sessions, but also in the set piece video you can see that these sessions do anything but what they are supposed to train - in many cases they even leave out the main attribute completely (for example 'attacking corners' doesnt train corners). I am still making training plans but it all feels so meaningless now, why am I even reading and learning the attributes of each session which is such a big effort, knowing that most probably the game doesn't even register what I am doing.
  12. ok thanks, but what about the fact that training sessions don't train the attributes they claim to? How can that be a "variance in the match engine" ? Those set-piece things all seem to train a set number of the same attributes rather than the ones of the individual description (let alone the one attribute they should train, like "attacking corners" doesn't train corners...) And in the other video from Max the sessions of the "general" training section seem to train anything but what's said in the description. I personally have been training "attacking corners" regularly for several seasons now and never has it helped with the corner attribute. And if you say the "variation in the match engine" leads to the upcoming match bonuses not yielding an effect in like 300 games, shouldn't you tweak something then? I mean of course they shouldn't make you win impossible matches but isn't the reason you'd go for these bonuses to have some kind of benefit from them? And in football 'benefit' usually means the score.
  13. I agree that this misconception exists where people think that (for example) "chance conversion" helps them score more goals in the next game which of course is not true at all - it only trains the attributes long term. However, the "upcoming match bonuses" definitely should give you a short term boost aside from training the attributes in the long run - this you can already tell by the fact that these bonuses last for exactly 14 days (for all games during that time) and then disappear. So how can we be talking about attributes here. Apart from the fact that the text "upcoming match" would be really misleading and this cannot/shouldn't be the intention of a developer. And while boosts don't guarantee you win more games, this definitely is the whole purpose of course and should make a statistical difference in the win rate - if you looked at enough games - which Max did when he each simulated 200-300 matches. What Max should have done though is having like 7-8 "upcoming match bonuses" active at the same time (include some of the set piece category) and then see what difference that makes. you said they were the only ones that target the specific attributes - yes they claim to train them - but they are not the only ones of course (things like ground defence/aerial defense for attackers and chance creation/conversion for defenders, ALL of the goalkeeping stuff for both defense/attack target the roles aswell). The point that really bugs me though is that several videos of Max have shown now that the training sessions simply don't train the attributes they claim to do in their description - like not at all. as if there was no connection between description and reality. I feel like this is such a major thing and completely made me lose trust in all the descriptions. SI said they were gonna look into this but more than a month has passed now and it cannot be too hard to find such a huge (alleged) deviation. So aside from the fact that this shouldn't happen at all (for a programmer it must be hard to not notice this), this game is published every year with the game code not changing too much, and like I said more than one more month has passed now in which SI was notified. So I so much hope SI will publish a statement soon and either fix the game or say that Max's findings are not true.
  14. "a lot of noise with very little substance" since I clearly am referring to someone else who has literally put in hundreds of hours doing these experiments under the most fair and "level" conditions possible, trying to be as objective as possible, I wouldn't say that there is little substance. But I do apologise for my tone. It just is so hard for me to believe that one can program this game and don't become aware of such a major thing. We are not talking about having one attribute swapped here and there by accident (THAT indeed would be a bug). And like I said, I've paid for the game and put in hundreds of hours tinkering with training plans - reading and learning all these descriptions and creating and saving training plans for every occasion - which I now know was a complete waste of my time. So maybe you can understand the way it makes me feel a little bit.
  15. I've always wondered about this. Some people wrote that scientists actually reduce fatigue levels rather than only provide you with the information helping to monitor fatigue. when it comes to physios: I know that their skill affects the accuracy of their predictions. But does it actually reduce the likelihood of injuries and the recovery times?
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