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Issue Comments posted by snowofman

  1. 2 hours ago, larnson said:

    I've installed the most recent update, but this still seems to be an issue.

    it has been an issue since release, but was fixed in 2nd patch, then broken again in 3rd patch.

    anyway, if you click "not set" first it should limit your further options to only show what the player can play. works for me atleast 

  2. 27 minutes ago, Michael Sant said:

    Hi @junkerne thanks for raising this one to us. Do you happen to have a save game available where this is happening with a player so our QA team can take a look into this further? A guide on how to upload your files is available here: How to upload files to us - Instructions and Notes - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)


    Savegame uploadet = save_for_si.fm


    it's random players, but as of saving the game, i noticed 2 players in my team

    João Silva
    pablo brea

  3. 1 hour ago, Kyle Brown said:

    I'm really sorry but I don't quite understand what you're saying the issue is, could you post a screenshot of the issue?

    If you look at Picture 1, you can see that i have a player on trial (bottom of the screen) 

    In Picture 2, you can see that the players whows up on the shortlist called "Want" even tho he's not added to that shortlist. 

    If i remove the 2 other players i have in that shortlist, the trial player will disapear aswell and they only shows up on a shortlist where you have atleast 1 player you have added.


    Hope it makes sense now :)



  4. 1 hour ago, Abdullah Patel said:

    There should be a fix for this in the latest build, let us know here if that is not the case:




    Problem fixed indeed. 

    it would just be nice if the whole "bar" was a button like last year so we didnt have to just click the arrow.. if it makes sense


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