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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. As far as i know, he's just showcasing his progress as personal skin and have no plans on releasing it. I agree that a mention or ask is a better approach. But not everything can be traced back, unless it's very specific.. We all use "some" things from other skins in one way or another without mention.. some of those things may be removed later on or changed to suit the skin in a better way.. i've done it, you've done it.
  2. That i can completely agree on. I do however believe it's down to a few things. Like how long have you been at the club. how well have you done while being there. and how determent you manager attribute is - If it's 1 out of 20, it's very unlickly that they will give in, while if it's 20 you have a better chance. I hope it makes sense and your feature request is always very welcome, i'm just giving my opinion on why i believe it can't be done Have a nice weekend /Snow
  3. It's still outside of what a Manager would do in real life. and starting to give the manager more stuff to do outside his normal range of work is to set a landslide in motion - as suddenly he "should" be able to set prices on burgers etc - and it's would turn into a theme park game. i'm not saying that i'm not seeing your idea, i'm just saying that it would move Football Manager in a wrong direction and away from what it's truely about This is ofc my opinion.
  4. it would be a completely different game then and no longer a "Manager"
  5. not exactly translation_id is the name "Concentration" that the game translate, so you have to locate the id from Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\languages - here you'll find a example file where you can find the id's of the different things in fm (mostly) the translation id can also be found in the attached file - same place as the id for the attributes then you have to find the is of the attributes itself like "Pcnt" for Concentration so it matches with the name of the attributes these can be found in the attached file person properties.xml
  6. Not known enough it seems for you to reply Keysi or me back when i asked the question in 2021 But we moved on
  7. Yes, just go to panels/player/woz and edit the dna.xml and replace the attributes to what you want instead
  8. you have to make it primary aswell maybe you can use this else try and search function there are alot of examples
  9. it's a graphics sitoolkit\skins\fm-widgets\graphics\buttons\custom\transfer value
  10. The same question has just been up here You can either edit the file to show the stadium picture or find a skin that already have the page as you like and then borrow it from there
  11. try and look in tactic slot tab container picker maybe you can change it there, but i'm not sure there is also familiarity and intensity containers
  12. Alot of skins have a pictures there, but that wasnt his question at all He gets what he ask for, we are not mindreaders.
  13. the code is the same, but you have to add it to the page you want
  14. Clearly a coincidence, i get it a day or two after i've updated..
  15. try and untick use cached files for faster loading in preferences (both of you) clear the cache and reload the skin
  16. Try and look at the Tato skin, i believe he changed the "attributes" page, so you should be able to find the panel you seek.
  17. if you drop your file, we might have a better change of helping finding possible mistakes
  18. Aiming to get the condition in % is a wrong and bad decision as it's a broken out of date widget that was half removed a few year ago. should be fairly easy to just remove the kit code from match players bar widget.xml and then see if there is used 1 or 2 containers - if 1 then you can just centre the player face, if you then you have to make it into 1
  19. why not start from a fresh and download the basic skin and add the thing you want, instead of having to remove stuff from someone elses skin.? just a thought base skin is here
  20. settings file controls the colour of the highlighted
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