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7 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I just want too say thank yoou you Knap. you have provided us with so many amazing tactics so many years.. Its a joy too play with your tactics. Keep up the good work!
  2. Damn it takes many loads too get Africanos Braganca ..
  3. Thanks aloth , gonna be hard, but im up for it . aiming for a long long save, 40 + seasons!
  4. Soooooooooo HYPED! i sat a new record in cleaning the house. !! what a twitter post can do . <3
  5. How wonderfull is this page. we have a troll in here there pick on others , but no one notice . must be frustrating too keep insulting people . and no one gives a shiiiiiit. PRESS THAT BUTTOM NOW beloved SI! <3
  6. Cant wait to make Fc Andorra the best team in the world! With youth academi players only! BRING IT!
  7. Most important things too remember today when the beta buttom is pressed. Survival kit, beers, popcorn, vacation , send wife out of the home.. LETS GO!
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