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193 "Just keep swimming"

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    Chelsea + Scunthorpe

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  1. Had this insane tie in 2031 in a test simulation for some other files I was running
  2. Yeah thats fine, I've got no problem changing it around myself which I'm planning on doing
  3. Has FC Clivense been renamed to ChievoVerona as has happened in real life?
  4. Could probably be as late as FM52 mate, it's a big project
  5. same boat as you, bit like Discord mobile, it'll take some getting used to
  6. @Makoto Nakamura is using a custom database to tier 7 which has promotion between tier 2 and 3. I'm not 100% if that is allowed but it is still following the regular YA Challenge rules
  7. No unfortunately I don't know, you'll just have to have a look yourself
  8. Question, what are the rules on additional files? Such as fictional league systems (I've got files loaded that boost clubs in NZ, Ireland, Scotland and Kong Kong) and fantasy tournament loaded (such as Independence World Cup, Atlantic League Cup and TheModelCitizen's tournaments. I also have Russia competing in the European competition, are files like this allowed?
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