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Everything posted by Vakama2619

  1. Yep all good, if it works fine for you it may be caused by another file I have loaded, I'll check further and do the template if needed
  2. Just curious where did the stadium images for your stadium come from?
  3. Hey Dave, just a heads up that your French league fix removes the league re-structuring that occurs in the 1st season
  4. Why did Upington City get re-created with their reputation literally destroyed?
  5. Will this come back for FM24, I'd love to see it?
  6. No dropouts from UCL to EL to ECL btw, so I'm gonna have to make some tweaks? Simming a test with the current changes and I'll see how it goes but thanks for the info
  7. Yeah I probably should've done that tbh, tho I did replace one of them for the 13th Australian team based in Auckland (as you can probably tell I enjoy modding my game)
  8. Gonna stick it through the editor myself, just to make it compatible with a few other files (and maybe make it a recurring competition because that would honestly be kinda cool)
  9. Yeah nice, they defo do deserve a shot, I think they do show up in the OFC CL if their reserve team qualifies however, but that is on odd occasion. (And certainly won't happen given I play with a modded NZ file that gave their teams a bit of a supercharge)
  10. Thanks mate, lmk if theres any updates cus I might hold off installing for a bit, this is a really interesting competition
  11. Hey can you post the alternative link to this torunament?
  12. Doesn't work with an english lower league file tho
  13. ohhhhhh, I forgot this was FM23, we've got it removed completely in FM24
  14. I do believe Mexico does not have promotion and relegation between the Liga MX and Expansion League, unless you've added a custom database ofc
  15. Does this file actually have league rules or is it just a file in which a new team is added?
  16. Might be another file doing that, I have the same issue to but I load waaaaaaaay too many mods with my games
  17. A Malaysian file (I believe fictional) has been posted elsewhere, you'll have to FMScout it yourself because I'm unsure what the rules are for posting external sites (I believe I have broken said rule if it exists sorry). You will need to verify it with the latest update as I believe it is a vanilla FM24 file only though.
  18. I did make a fictional 4 tier Singapore Pro/Rel file which I might post onto here, keep in mind I am gonna probably have to make a few changes to update the file. However I would be happy to post that if people want (and I think it's good enough)
  19. Gonna ask again if you have any youth tournaments, I had some on FM23 but they can't be verified anymore
  20. I downloaded and fixed up regional rules for an Australian file which hadn't done them correctly, however, when I load this specific file with multiple other files, regional divisions are ignored and teams just randomly just transfer between different leagues within the same parent comp, despite being set to a specific competition. What changes can I make to the file to fix this. Please do not respond with "don't load multiple files." If I didn't want to work out another solution, I wouldn't have made this post.
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