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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

1 Follower


  • Biography
    14 Years old


  • Interests
    Football and Formula 1

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    FC Hansa Rostock

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    FC Hansa Rostock

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  1. First of all, thank you very much, but what do I have to change in order to use kits instead of dots in the panel below
  2. I have a little problem and that is that on some teams I can't see the shirt number on this icon because of the color. In any case, it's not because of the in-game icons, which you can change with the editor. Does anyone have an idea how to fix it? 2.Thing how can I make this round icon a jersey like in your old skin? Thank you
  3. How can you make the skin just as transparent and compatible with background images as your skin from Football Manager 2022? If anyone can help me, thank you very much
  4. at the german football website Fußball.de you can see all the players that the teams have registered. Here you have the Fußball.de link https://www.fussball.de/playerprofil/-/userid/02MOPG7TQC000000VUM1DNOVVUVQ45SV#!/ . If you also go to the RB Leipzig squad on the Bundesliga website you won't see Alexander Walke. But if you enter his name in the website link at the top you will find Alexander Walke. This is how it works with all registered players who are not part of the official first team or are not yet in the match day squad
  5. Alexander Walke was also registered as a player for this season. It would be cool if that was changed https://www.bundesliga.com/de/bundesliga/spieler/alexander-walke
  6. AKA RB Salzburg is actually the U18 of FC Liefering. RB Salzburg can still use the players for themselves. The team will be renamed Red Bull Academy U18 https://vereine.oefb.at/FcLiefering/Mannschaften/Saison-2021-22/U18/Kader/ https://www.fc-liefering.at/de/nachwuchs/teams/aka18.html It would be very nice if it was changed, thank you
  7. At the 2nd Team of Hansa Rostock are missing some staff members
  8. Es ist zwar kein richtiges Feature aber die Akademie RB Salzburg sollte als U18 des FC Liefering geändert werden da es in der Realität eben so ist. Trotzdem sollte es möglich sein für Red Bull Salzburg Spieler aus der Akademie RB Salzburg hin und her zu schieben. Außerdem müsste das Team nicht Akademie RB Salzburg heißen sondern Red Bull Akademie U18 .Hier meine Quellen dafür: https://vereine.oefb.at/FcLiefering/Mannschaften/Saison-2023-24/U18/Tabellen https://www.fc-liefering.at/de/nachwuchs/teams/aka18.html https://www.sfv.at/sfv/Bewerb/207015?OEFB-Jugendliga-U18
  9. Does anyone know how I can get the founding year view from the second skin to the first? so how can i change it?
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