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  1. Is it easy enough to do a version with the leagues but not as a winter league? I've tried doing it myself in the editor but I'm not skilled enough at it to not get frustrated half way through.
  2. Certain screens leave a lot to be desired when used with smaller resolutions. The one that annoys me the most is the match day squad view page. When using a small resolution, like 1280x800, the default selection info view starts removing columns like tactical familiarity and match load. It's frustrating that these columns get cut off due to lack of space while the whole table has a huge border around it being wasted. On higher resolutions the borders are almost welcome as there's a ton of empty space and if it took up the whole page it would be too much. If at a certain screen size it would switch to a full screen view it would increase usability on smaller screens immensely. Along these lines the in match the interface could use some work too. This one doesn't translate into screenshots quite as well but the mentality, instructions, shout section feels larger than it should be as well. There's this gargantuan mentality button while the little player status cards feel cramped in comparison.
  3. While I'm complaining the in match interface could be better too. It doesn't look as bad in screenshots as it feels on deck but in the bottom left the mentality, instructions, and shouts feel way too large compared to your player stats. There's this giant MENTALITY button with all this blank space around it while the players feel like an after thought shoved in the corner. Again, it doesn't feel bad on larger screens, just on the small one the scaling isn't quite right.
  4. On desktop it's not an issue, if anything the reduced table size increases readability. There just needs to be a threshold between borders for readability, either having them or not having them. On desktop there's a ton of blank space using the default view and I appreciate the smaller table. But with smaller views having the forced borders while also losing out on columns feels bad.
  5. Beat me to it, realized I am using a skin but it's even worse using the default one. Steam deck resolution is 1280x800, not a super crazy resolution or anything. Definitely on the small side, but it is a handheld device. That's why i'm trying to maximize my screen space without the borders. The match day team selection is more or less the same. I've even tried a ton of skins hoping that they maybe used the whole screen better, the primary issue is that it doesn't utilize the whole screen but seems to have this forced buffer regardless of screen size. Match day using official skin The tactics screen kinda sucks because of the full sized left nav but that only makes the small screen issues worse. Also not sure why the role ability isn't wokring.
  6. Not sure where else to put this but there's a few things that have been driving me insane since playing FM on my steam deck. Most screens are done super well. Using the tactics screen it uses the whole screen super effectively. But when it comes to squad selection on game day you get this view that has a whole lot less space Why is there so much unused space all around the edges? If anything make it full screen like the tactics tab but give me the extra 10 pixels by getting rid of the left side bar.
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