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Everything posted by wilfyRJM1979

  1. You think? i hope so if i survive this season do you recommend keeping them together in the hope they all start to gel? my players current ability is around 3 stars. lowest 2.
  2. I'm only in the Portuguese top league i do have experienced players mixed in just not many. My defenders are 19 and 31, i have put together a very young side, i'm hoping they click i wasn't expecting to win this league, but 18 games without a win! and the players are supposedly potentially brilliant can't kick a ball. I watch the games in depth..
  3. Has anyone managed to grab any wonderkids maybe on loan and not developed ones? all my side are potential 5 star wonderkids, i managed to get Nacional promoted from the Portuguese Second Division, I strengthened my squad (see pics) and have tampered with my tactics not all at once but i have tried every instruction and my players do not do anything they are supposed to, passing is awful, the wingers don't bomb forward, the midfield is missing in every game, and the striker either tap the ball or balloon it way over. it's over the top they look like they haven't played the game. This (see pic) is the longest spell without a win i've ever had in any game 18 games now. conceding massive amounts of goals and hardly score.. What's happening!!
  4. I hope this gets fixed i'm now on the worst run ever and i've been playing since Championship Manager 93. My strikers are good, yet the can't shoot, they tap the ball or scoop it in the air. the only players who seem to do anything are the defence, i'm sure they have gone with a structure now where you only get results by playing 5 or 3 at the back. 3 at the back with 2 wing backs or a flat 5. I'm going to try and bring a sweeper system from the 80s into it. when will it update around midnight?
  5. I'm going to be i haven't been brought in yet for that extra month, there is no saving this job, other games i've been able to do it. Any advice do player instructions complicate things? or team instructions? Do you guys have player take risk or shoot more etc?
  6. I'm having a torrid time in Portugal, i took over Nacional in the second division, I took over as usual Sunday league and no badges. brought in wonderkid loans and made some shrewd signings, i have a very young team, set up my tactics from last year very high press, try and control matches. I used some of the extra directions trap inside and positive mentality. Had a dodgy spell at first whilst the players settled together, came back strong and went a run finished 2nd and got promoted. Strengthened the side pretty well, i've notice my side can't pass the ball or control it, they can't shoot (wild shots over the bar) they are slow, and after expecting a mid table finished i haven't won a match in 15 games. drew a few of them but i cannot get anything out of them, changed tactics and mentality and the defensive line, whatever i do the team doesn't carry out anything.
  7. Yeah it is yours are you allowing the guy to keep it online? I've always wanted to thank you mate it's the best skin, and the original Fm and other skins make the game very bog standard. I'm one of those people who needs everything to look in place or i can't play it.
  8. I tested FM23 on on max setting on my other laptop which is a dual graphics but runs mainly a Nvidia Geforce 1650 Normally you could play games on medium with this but FM23 which isn't really graphic demanding slows down and breaks up. So you're going to need a dedicated graphics card or laptop Geforce RTX of some description over 1650, I'm just interested if anyone watches there games as i do as they have made the engine the best it's been and definitely the most realistic.
  9. It's just like the game will have bugs just let the guy figure out the bugs and let him now or make your own skin. I am however really grateful for the skin because i just cannot enjoy the game with the original skin at all. Good work and people should appreciate and not be negative..
  10. Yes indeed it did, they seem to have got it right with 23 i'm impressed with the ball movement, it actually looks like they are chasing the ball and the players act more realistic by miles now.
  11. I don't know if i'm just not used to using the original skin but i'm struggling a bit i can't seem to send scouts out. There's not a lot different really apart from screen within screens..
  12. I love how everyone plays it down and act's cool saying oh i don't know etc etc, yet they use this forum and hundreds some thousands of posts. of course they are buying it it's probably pre ordered.. My answer is yes, i'm like that guy above i bought an Indian the other night it cost about the same price as this game. i won't be eating the leftovers for a year will i..
  13. Brother Ben thanks man.. We have hair!! I just hope it helps results i honestly believe my players we're lacking in confidence..
  14. Yeah i tried that first updating drivers then reset the 3d settings on the conttol panel, i just can't get it back to normal. any other ideas?
  15. Hi i don't know where to put this it's my first post so i apologise if it's in the wrong place. Basically my game has become corrupted the player half half hair and half bald it might sound funny at first but i can't seem to correct it? anyone had this?
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