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Everything posted by Twostepsaway

  1. 433 Nurmagomedov Tested with MCity and Bmouth! 433 Nurmagomedov .fmf
  2. 4231 Islam Champ: At the moment the best 4231 you can find around the web. I am starting to call the tactics with "unique" names so it's easier to find them out. Here you can find all the test made about it. Join discord : https://discord.gg/hBEXQeaH 4231 Islam Champ.fmf
  3. #4231 Khabib's choke It's a tweak of 4231 Islam's Choke The only change is : GK from (Attack) to (Support); i am trying to point out trough test that even on GK there is something more that we really don't know about. I won't post a version with GK (def), because it was already tested on positive and balanced. 4231 Khabib's choke.fmf
  4. 4231 Islam's Choke -Applied the reliable Set pieces guide except the trown-ins because i found those one more affascinating. But since i am not really a set pieces expert, i might be wrong. -GK changed to Attack (I've found out one of my old H137 now "focus striker", is doing pretty decent around the web even tho was old setup or even a mix between Pre and Post meta bibble(i know that is bible but i am italian so for me the double B sound more cool (i guess?)) -Applied all those rules that i've tested tons of time,but that found a place on the first rank, but since i am not really a fan of copy pasta i went trough my personal test and once again those results are (maybe yes? maybe no? I am talking about more then 10k games not 30) So that's why i need something with more in it science then a thing i did homemade. Talking about Underlaps,Stuck-in and Run to defense. UL is something i love, stuck-in is something i would prefer to live without it. Run to defense, i am not totaly sure if was tested on the bible, gonna check it later on. 4231 Islam's Choke.fmf
  5. #4231 PBM PS Tested with City : City 1st place 97 points 4231 PBM PS.fmf
  6. 4132 FYD IFTN PBM B BASE #1 Vacation Tested with City : 2nd place 91 points/ UCL (6-1 to paris),CS,FA won #2 Vacation Tested with City : 1st place 103 points/ UCL (2-1 to pool) 4132 FYD IFTN PBM B BASE.fmf
  7. #4141 FYD IFWB PBM Base Tested with City : 1st place and treble Join discord for more! https://discord.gg/Tvbm85vu 4141 FYD IFWB PBM Base.fmf
  8. 4141 FYD IWWB PBM I OA Tested with Bournemouth : 3rd 80 points. Join discord for more! https://discord.gg/Tvbm85vu 4141 FYD IWWB PBM I OA.fmf
  9. 4141 FYD PBM WD BS Bournemouth 3rd 77 Points Join discord for more! https://discord.gg/Tvbm85vu 4141 FYD PBM WD BS.fmf
  10. 4231KFYD WB PBM P Holiday test on Bournemouth. 2x 4th place 4231KFYD WB PBM P.fmf
  11. 4141 FYD PBM OW op SSIWA #Quadruplet Join the discord for more! Stay tuned https://discord.gg/Tvbm85vu 4141 FYD PBM OW op SSIWA.fmf
  12. #4231 FYD WB2V PMB Started the tactic test on my discord, if you have a tactic that you wanna test you can leave it on #thecalderontest with some screen using noWC-vacation test piloting on vacation the M.City. Join the discord for more! Stay tuned https://discord.gg/Tvbm85vu 4231 FYD WB2V PMB .fmf
  13. Well, it's the Priority game, dunno why was on Highlight on International games :|
  14. Hello guys! I am trying to create a test league, everything works fine from the speed to everything but there are 2 international friendly stop, that are drastically making the load of the game "inhuman", i just want to disable them forever happening. It's just 1 league season tho... I've found a file with disabling international but i don't have any idea where to place it, i did placed on editor-folder once and the game crashed on the creating-loading screen... Some save me from this madness! It's like on a loop for like 40-50 sec, while the rest of the league can be done in like 5 minutes
  15. #Islam 4231 FYD POBM Working pretty similar like the "old" meta tactic. 4231FYD WB sps 0.1 rules FM Post bibble META.fmf
  16. #Islam 4231 FYD PBM Ok, i went a bit on rampage this time because test were totaly strange and i was getting only a headache, so i did made a normal sp's route, i did take them from different tactics i don't even know who did created them but they have my sincerely love, i guess i have to undersand how to test sp's as well because is getting a bit slowly testing and adapting! Seem the old good meta did a bit better then new meta rules. If you like your striker to score tons, you need to change corners Sp's like the tactics above, those are for general teams that usually have big defenders and gnomes striker for some reason! For now this is the best 4231 at FM-Arena so check it out! Leave some feedbacks Join Discord : https://discord.gg/9txBUMXC P.S. Vacation test are totaly full RNG, this test is a custom one made by me (just removed WC) to let those crazy results starting up and down. You can find it on my discord and my test league,that we are reworking for making it a bit more cool. Gonna start with the old meta tactic : 4231FYD WB sps 0.1 rules FM pre bibble META.fmf
  17. Islam 4231FYS SS CWB H137 Here the SS version and a bit of PI retouch, feedback always needed! I am gonna test with just City or United till the ME going to be patched. Join Discord : https://discord.gg/9txBUMXC Islam 4231FYS SS CWB H137 .fmf
  18. Islam 4231FYS AM CWB H137 Ok, after tons of test i was trying to figure out how to implement those new Players instructions, even seem to me this ME is a bit broken on away and the quantity of the yellow/red cards your team strangely getting, GK seem works better on ATTACK even if they are totaly under acid. Gonna make IWB and WB version now just for the yolo! To me AMC is working better then SS but i might be wrong, let's get some feedback! Join the discord : https://discord.gg/Q8wZjCZt GL&HF Islam 4231FYS AM CWB H137.fmf
  19. Ok, was a bit busy this week, in order to create a tool to test tactics in a better way then vacation test. So i've created a simple test league for anyone wanna test tactic in a better way, follow the changelogs about the league. That's the preview of the New Test League: 4 Groups 72 games, all of them are predicted last, but somehow it's not gonna happen! FMRTE is needed in order to run this league properly. Gonna test it a bit and decide if edit players of the choosen team is needed or not. Changelogs: - Embargo applied - All traits removed - All controversy setted to 0 - Loyalty/Professionalism to 20 - Important Matches 20 - Injury Proneness 0 - All Players Healed/Team Cohesion/Ispired - All Managers are on transfers/unsackable (edited) Changelogs: - Embargo applied - All traits removed - All controversy setted to 0 - Loyalty/Professionalism to 20 - Important Matches 20 - Injury Proneness 0 - All Players Healed/Team Cohesion/Ispired - All Managers are on transfers/unsackable I am planning to even edit the players to make it a bit more attendible,once i did gonna even hear out if people got feedback about those make it more stable and efficent. You can find the file game on the discord! https://discord.gg/Q8wZjCZt
  20. #Islam 4231p FYS IF It's a tweak on defensive sp's and some roles revamp. Going to release even CWB and IWB version soon enough. Islam 4231p FYS IF .fmf
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