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97 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. You know something, with the arrogance of SI - which they have had for a few years now regards the feeling they don't need to promote their game or provide any reasonable updates e.g. pretty much nothing for FM22, FM23, FM24 and re:FM25 will purchasers of the game be forced to have womens football in their game, I'm going to make the decision myself ; FM24 is the last purchase I will make in this series. And for anyone who says the game isn't out yet, you better believe that at this stage of the year, SI are well aware at the very least if womens football will be mandatory or not. I am not saying this for a response from SI & indeed, I would not expect one. Nor will not be replying to this post from SI or anyone else. Just wanted to get it off my chest once & for all To my mind, SI have sold out. They may as well call it 'FM Inclusivity - like it or not'. Not that they will miss my few quid Shame you forgot your customers over the last few years. Let us hope for your sake an enthusiastic legitimate competitor never comes along....too late to pull back the reigns at that point. Thanks though for the many years of annually updated fun. As I play LLM, updates are not really necessary, so FM24 will suit my needs for many years to come, until maybe an alternative presents itself. Ps Of course, anyone can reply if they like. I guarantee as much as I will not be purchasing another game in the series, that I will not be commenting on replies.
  2. Not it would make a jot of interest to SI - understandably, but if that's the case, after playing from the very first version, sadly FM24 would be my last
  3. I think in these advanced times, 'Shouts' should be being looked into to make them more interactive by way of the manager using keyboard & / or voice to type / say "3 - stay back", "7 - hold the touchline". "11 - cut inside more" etc
  4. Know you're a wise fox & thought you may be able to put me straight
  5. Pretty sure that we'll have the option to load them or that they'll auto load with teams e.g. a premier leagues team would load up with the reserves, U18's & womens team? I'm aware some people may be interested in it & of course it's their right to try it, in the same way that people should have the choice not to have it. I've never said don't put it in the game. Simply give people the option to play it or not
  6. Sorry, not sure I understand what you're saying. The way for me to understand it is for example, If I load leagues from England now, I have a choice of 'premier league' level only' right down to the 'vanarama north / south' leagues. If I just want 'premier league', I have the choice. So, if womens leagues are separate to load, thats good with me. If by loading the 'premier league' clubs & that also loads their womens teams, I have no interest. This should be a simple question but i've yet to see a definitive answer from SI, which I find quite bizarre
  7. I could not agree more. There are enough inclusivity issues to deal with in real life. This is a game. We've always been able to choose what leagues we want to indulge in. No way am I going to have leagues thrust upon to me.
  8. Thanks grade. If that's the case, FM24 will be my last game in the series. If we can choose what leagues we want to load, we should be able to have the choice of not loading womens leagues, for the same reason we may not load for e.g. the USA leagues........because we may have absolutely zero interest to see or hear about them.
  9. @XaW Sir, please inform me that womens football will be an optional extra & not mandatory if you load a countries leagues
  10. Expecting a decent announcement from SI these days is like expecting Southgate to pick the right team
  11. Ands it'll be 38 years to the day that Wham played their farewell concert at Wembley
  12. Along with this, i've heard another rumour from an extremely reliable source, that teams wanting to hold out for a draw e.g. second leg where they're carrying a lead or expected to lose etc, will be able to leave the hosepipes on overnight & play the match in a six-foot deep swimming pool. Not only that, if a player picks up a yellow or red card in a match - resulting to suspension for the following game, the manager can request a 'pac-man doodle', where, if he can make it from row A - row Z in the crowd - eating all the burgers on the way, the suspension will be rescinded.
  13. @ForTheLoveOfTheGame Nice fishing. You reeled in a sprat
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