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  1. Anyone able to point me in the right direction for how I would go about adding 'Heat Map' and 'Passing Network' tabs to the in-game tablet? Have tried fiddling around with some things but I have absolutely zero skinning knowledge and no idea what I'm doing.
  2. That's where I've currently got it, had no luck though. Nevermind
  3. Hi, Is there any easy way to change star ratings graphics, I''ve got the graphics in folders ready to use that I took from old version of a skin I like the look of, I tried messing around with some things I've seen people mention before but no luck. I have zero knowledge of skinning so any help would be great.
  4. Just going to start by saying I know absolutely nothing about Greek football. Stumbled across the team when looking for a club with nice kits. Seems like 'Kallithea' (2nd Tier of Greece) have rebranded to 'Athens Kallithea FC' with new Badge in use as well as kits (which are stunning). Wasn't sure if they had already rebranded so had a quick look on their socials and it looks like they have already from what I can tell from their matchday posts. Would be amazing to get this implemented into FM23. https://www.nssmag.com/en/sports/30980/athens-kallithea-new-logo-jersey
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