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670 "The Dude abides"

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  • Currently Managing
    Sirens in Malta (Second Yellow Card Database)

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  1. Ordered my new PC from PC Specialist it is currently out for delivery, process has been really good so far with regular updates. Hoping the delivery side goes without any issues. cheers for your help in an earlier message @kevhamster
  2. Just wondered if this can be added to a team squad view? <record index="9" id="PlES" auto_hide_priority="16" minimum_width="50" /> <!--Interest In Extension-->
  3. I am leaning towards the 7600xt over the RTX 4060, looking at reviews and the overall specs. Any thoughts?
  4. I mean I am using a RX 550 , so I will notice a huge difference whichever one I choose.
  5. Thank you. Will have a look into it , there are so many options. It used to be a much simpler choice for CPUs.
  6. The tangfu skin has a very nice version of it, but the darker bits don't show up as well as on the TCS version above.
  7. Oh right , misunderstood. For some reason my titlebar didn't resize. Just a couple of rough ideas:
  8. Backup the files below and replace them with these: Copy the graphics and panel folder to your skin. HMOD Final (rc).zip
  9. Can you send me your title and title bar search panels from the generic folder please? I had a similar issue before. @One hell of a keeper
  10. Skin is looking very clean and neat. Love the Home page with the linked headings. Having had a real deep dive into the skin, a lot of what you have produced should be in the standard skin. Love the team squad page and the statistics button in the corner.
  11. Amazing Work. How some peoples minds work is beyond me.
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