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Everything posted by rrreee3

  1. I think it's more noteworthy to talk about the absolute rat behavior of sortitoutsi and out of context football manager to spread the leaks as something authentic/credible. The fact that sortitoutsi didn't even mention their sources heightened my suspicion that it's probably bad actor(s) from Sports Interactive. Sports Interactive should re-evaluate their relationships towards these two communities. This is peak stupidity from sortitoutsi and out of context football manager sortitoutsi tweet: out of context football manager tweet:
  2. There's Match Engine rework in FM21 that replaces FM20's Match Engine. It's a lot of changes so i won't explain all of it and i'll refer you to this site instead There's also significant improvements for defensive organizations in FM23, hence why in FM23 and later versions low block tactic performances are competitive to high press or mid block tactics. This is also the FM version where the "Out of Possession" team instruction options changed And then finally, the positional play ME update in FM24. This significantly, if not radically, changes how players move towards areas on the pitch and how players interact with other players' movement regardless if it's opposition or their own team's players. From what i've observed, the positional play ME update almost exclusively affects movement in possession. You can learn more about positional play in FM24 right here I don't think FM24 is harder than FM20, in my experience it's even the opposite. I can set instructions and roles without giving it a second thought in FM24 and i'm still winning games, although not always. That doesn't happen to me in FM20. If i do the same thing in FM20, i'd lose more games compared to my time in FM24. But again, i'm only speaking from my experience so take it with a grain of salt. My hypothesis of why you're seemingly having a more difficult time in FM24 is because your tactic have weaknesses that FM20 ME's can't exploit, but FM24 ME's can. I'd suggest you to try to adapt to FM24 because there's a lot of quality of life updates there that's not in FM20, but obviously the decision lies in your hands. Cheers!
  3. It is though.. Tweaks to how players are scouted that will ensure more Recommendations and Near Matches are generated in Recruitment Focuses
  4. I only ever go as far down as comprehensive, nowadays i play extended though. Mad respect for you to be able to sit through whole 90min of a single match, i'd be fuming if i have to play that slow
  5. I actually think FM24's ME isn't as bad as ppl make it to be. Yeah there's issues, but the criticisms and slanders in general overblow the negatives. Also i'm waiting for the final major patch (should be 24.4.x at summer) before passing judgement on the ME
  6. Personally, FM15 is still the best ME so far. Complaints about ME are rare for FM15, if there's even any. FM20 is also not bad, just slightly worse than FM15 but still good overall.
  7. I disagree with the subscription model tbh, i would like to own the game even though it's not on the store anymore. I don't think the subscription model allows that. IN MY OPINION The problem of FM development at least over the past few years is a lot less towards the monetization system but a lot more towards the long-term direction of the development. Since at least a couple FM series ago the game has had many new features but the existing features almost didn't or didn't get any improvements. The set piece setup system in FM24 should be in the game as late as FM22, if not earlier. Same bugs appearing every FM game iteration is also a big pain point for players. There's a lot of variety on feedback, rants, criticisms around what's bad and what can be improved about the game, but i think a majority of more seasoned players can agree that the game would benefit a lot from better launch state (less bugs, less issues, decent UX, etc) and more improvements in existing features and less new features. Examples for potential existing features to be improved are data presentations in data hubs, loan managers function, data analyst reports (they're really bad presentation-wise compared to scout reports and can be safely ignored), recent matches analysis at tactics screen (it doesn't help player setup tactic in any way). There's probably a lot more but that's what i can think of on top of my head. If SI can just do at least one of those (better launch state or improvements in existing features), a lot of frustrated players will be happier to play and pay for the game regardless of the monetization system.
  8. What do the devs think about feedbacks about high scoring games being more frequent in FM24, is it a problem? If yes, then what's the explanation?
  9. Hello, after reading almost a dozen most recent pages of this topic. I'm very interested in the feedbacks about "attributes don't matter" and the goalkeeper scoring while being an Advanced Forward. Is there any chance that players performance are buffed by the improvement of ME specifically on positional play regardless of their mental attributes quality and etc etc that affects player performance? From what i've read from the blog i linked earlier it seems like it only improves attacking movement performance because the blog only talks about attacking play which i guess also explains the high scoring games in FM24 compared to FM23? I would like to know what the devs think about this, thanks for reading!
  10. It's a great move, they almost didn't add anything new to the game and focus on fixing the swarm of bugs and glitches that's been plaguing the game for years. This way the workflow of FM25 will be easier and faster because they can worry less about adding new features that could potentially break old features. It comes with a short-term drought of new features but in the long run this decision could be pivotal for the game dev process
  11. Well yeah, but UI changes are things that can be done easily/much easier than graphics because it's not as engine-dependent. While graphical improvements are more like "well since we have a better engine, we can do this,this, and this for the game's graphics that we can't do previously because of the previous engine's limitations"
  12. I bet the new Unity Engine switch decision is mostly for graphical features introduction, UI/UX development wise little to nothing will change Edit: Also although Unity has more capabilities for bigger scale game development, the engine now is famous for being bloated (very long loading time and very heavy processing load for no good reason) and very unstable/buggy in certain areas of it's engine, i hope the devs won't groan about it later
  13. Some non-regen PAs already fluctuate within a certain range, idk about newgen's PA but if it's static then yeah it should be dynamic ig About visuals i don't think the visuals are necessarily bad in terms of aesthetics, although i do agree it could definitely be better. I believe the main reason that the game felt visually poor right now is the amount of information that been presented to the player's inbox or somewhere else but it doesn't provide any significant insight to the player. This is most likely the reason why i don't find data hub useful. Despite data hubs addition, i still need to navigate through dozens of screens just to get all the statistic i want to find. I want the summary of all the statistics to be spoon fed to me, preferably my inbox. It's football manager, not football data analyst. I don't want to be forced to analyze the data, although i'll do it if i don't trust the data analysts' reports I think storytelling isn't what the game needs right now, there's so many things that requires more urgency than storytelling
  14. I don't want new features, i just only want SI to fix the god damn bugs that has existed for years. Second best would probably be improved set piece tactics and international management in all aspect I'm barely scratching the surface of things that's bad in current FM. You have the ******* squad planner, scouting UI and mechanics taking steps backwards (in my opinion), and etc etc you'll only find in the bug tracker/feedback section of the forums
  15. In the perfect world where SI staffs are one of the best game developers in the world, FM24 should minimize the amount of new stuffs and focus on fixing all the bugs and issues that has been stacking since FM19 or further back the time. If you play the game enough hours you'll find a lot of minor bugs. Obviously some significant portion of the bugs are insignificant and at times hard to notice, but it has come to a time where it's enough to impact the immersion of the game. I'm not even talking about other issues like ME and etc. Well the second most ideal update would be improving what i know by far the most requested improvement by community which is set piece setup and international management which SI refused to focus on even after years of consistent requests by players. I'll just recommend sticking to FM22 or whatever most recent FM you have now, stop encouraging SI to add new features that don't have significant impact to the game and ignoring the game bugs they have while also ignoring player's feedback at the same time
  16. Isn't FM15 screenshot you sent are from custom skins? I don't remember the 2D lighting from FM15. But regardless it's epic how the texture qualities downgraded from FM12 to FM22
  17. Aside from very few specific points, you've literally articulated what i've thought about FM for all the years knowing and observing FM series development. Especially the "6-7 months without a significant update every year for a product that has many elements of it not working as intended". Coming from myself, It's almost comical and ridiculous how people are rebuying the game every year which is just 80-90% exactly same/reused game content compared to previous years. Gaslighted so hard by the game wonders it took decades for them to realize
  18. Yes that's the point. It's happening way too often even when the player have great ball control and ball retention attributes and it's not even a collective press, it's a 1v1 against player who don't have good defensive attributes.
  19. The chaos effect on midfield is good and all but i've witnessed even players with good ball control and ball retention attributes (first touch, technique, dribbling, decision, anticipation, blablabla) lose the ball to a player with average to just bad defensive attributes (tackling, positioning, marking, etc) in a 1v1 engagement. It's almost like all players don't have ball control anymore. Conclusion: Midfield chaos introduction is appreciated but the fact that in the current version (23.1) players with good to excellent ball control loses possession way too easily than their ball control abilities suggest is infuriating. Please fix and thank you Edit: It's not just midfielders. center backs, wingbacks, attacking wingers also experience this
  20. Will a player on support duty play like attack duty if the mentality is set to positive or more?
  21. What's currently the best way to comprehend team mentality effect to the overall tactic? I feel like i might've missed few important points to take away from it
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