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Everything posted by sugarbear0511

  1. I think more than to 'adapt' in FM 23 is how to react in a game against each opponent and there's not exact science here you need to achieve this from experience, I can tell you that you can start by playing each match in either comprehensive highlights or even full game (I usually play full game, It can take me a whole week to finish a season). You have to observe and analyze how your team and your tactic play against each opponent and then react accordingly. Example: You're up against a team that starts to play high tempo and high pressing from the beginning you could react by going defensive and wear them out and hit them back after they get tired (no team can go full gegenpress the whole game) or if your team is physically and technically better than them you can counter press them back and basically bully them into making mistakes.
  2. It's hit or miss, sometimes your scouts will recommend a number of players other times they won't even though in the 'in progress' list there are 20-30 players that fit the requirements they just never get rcommended. There are also good players that didn't even make it to any of the other lists. I sent 2 scouts to france to look for a striker under 27 with at least 2 stars CA and they could not find anyone, apparently neymar, mbappe or messi did not make the requirements. I think there are some hidden filters that's not revealed to us when we set up recruitment focus like likelihood players will join, their value vs our xfer budget, etc.
  3. oh wow this is one amazing read. Quick question is that really how the OI (trigger press/tight marking/etc) work?? Did you test it extensively(I'm sure you did, stupid question)? Another question it looks like you maintain high possession because you're playing compact and encouraging players to be more diciplined, take fewer risks and shorter passing. Is this the template pretty much? What about team with high creative players (i.e. Bruno Guimaraes, De Bruyne) will they have problems using this tactic? thanks a bunch!
  4. I understand that you have a system that you want to implement but you also have to realize that you need the right players. If you put players in a position that's not their natural position (AM as a WM for example) depending on their rating on that position (awkward, accomplished, etc) their attributes could take a huge penalties which will severely reduced their effectiveness. You need to take this into consideration. This is just a fact and that's how it works in FM
  5. Looking at your tactic and your squad it seems to me that you're trying to make your players fit into your tactic where it's supposed to be the other way around. You have some players that are playing out of their natural positions which can severely reduce their effectiveness.
  6. I don't think it's the role itself I think physical attributes now have more effect on how your players play. All those strikers have good physicals and that combined with the way PF role work is just better this year.
  7. you have to use stars to set up recruitment focus. The UI uses star system to rate minimum CA and PA for players you want to scout. Didn't you say you can't scout by attributes anymore?? I know once my scouts return with some results I go through them not by their star rating but their attributes but the problem is the way recruitment focus is set up now I think it's bugged and not returning players that's supposed to be included in the minimum ca/pa
  8. There's no 'general best way' to respond to a goal because it all depends on how you concede. Did you get press and lose the ball and opponent counter attack? did you get dominated in possession? did you dominate them but gave up a stupid free kick? I guess the only thing constant on this response is to quickly encourage the team although if my team got dominated pretty bad on a game that's supposed to be competitive I just straight out berate them.
  9. From my own personal experience my defense now is a bit more solid that I use neither. I definitely will not advise the 'stop crosses' instruction because it will drag your CBs out of position. Defensive movement and positioning is so screwed up in this ME.
  10. This is disappointing. Now we have to rely on the star system which is very vague because we know the stars are relative but in this scouting what are they relative to? The CA/PA of players in your squad? the other players in the region/country/continent that your scouting? It's also seem buggy because I set up a recruitment focus covering belgium. netherlands and germany with 3 scouts that all have outstanding knowledge in all 3 countries and even when I crank down the CA/PA to 1.5 star I still could not find anyone! Is there any in depth guide on how the scouting work now??
  11. I still can't figure out how to set up scouting assignments for a specific nation/region/continent to look for players with specific attributes. I don't know if this is a bug or what
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