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Posts posted by sugarbear0511

  1. 4 minutes ago, Lesterfan_Cambiasso said:

    Two things I would say about that:

    1) Conventional wisdom at least what you read here is the formation you see on the screen is a defensive structure. PIs can then dictate where players should go in possession. So the 442 structure in this instance is supposed to be the shape i want the players to revert back into without the ball, this seems consistent with what a lot of the top teams do without the ball, but i could be wrong

    2) Players playing out of position should not matter if their attributes suit the new role you are putting them into. Ive also heard this a number of times too, and the only player who isnt in his natural position is possibly Mertens who has been designed to attack like a Raumdeuter whilst forming the left side of the midfield 4 in defence.


    Totally stand to be corrected and open for advice but i wasnt sure about your post.

    I understand that you have a system that you want to implement but you also have to realize that you need the right players. If you put players in a position that's not their natural position (AM as a WM for example) depending on their rating on that position (awkward, accomplished, etc) their attributes could take a huge penalties which will severely reduced their effectiveness. You need to take this into consideration. This is just a fact and that's how it works in FM

  2. 8 minutes ago, fc.cadoni said:

    Never rely on stars. Always look attributes and some prefer statistics (xG, Goals etc). The better the attributes, the better the CA. CA is the sum of all attributes combined which every attribute have different weighting for each position. So, CA is not a god indicator to judge a player because you can have a CA 140 DC Player with Decisions of 11, but you can have a player with CA 120 and Decisions of 18. According to the last year attributes weighting, Decision for DC position had the most weighting as an example.

    you have to use stars to set up recruitment focus. The UI uses star system to rate minimum CA and PA for players you want to scout. Didn't you say you can't scout by attributes anymore?? I know once my scouts return with some results I go through them not by their star rating but their attributes but the problem is the way recruitment focus is set up now I think it's bugged and not returning players that's supposed to be included in the minimum ca/pa

  3. There's no 'general best way' to respond to a goal because it all depends on how you concede. Did you get press and lose the ball and opponent counter attack? did you get dominated in possession? did you dominate them but gave up a stupid free kick? I guess the only thing constant on this response is to quickly encourage the team although if my team got dominated pretty bad on a game that's supposed to be competitive I just straight out berate them.

  4. On 30/10/2022 at 14:27, fc.cadoni said:

    Setting specific attributes has been removed in FM23. 

    This is disappointing. Now we have to rely on the star system which is very vague because we know the stars are relative but in this scouting what are they relative to? The CA/PA of players in your squad? the other players in the region/country/continent that your scouting? It's also seem buggy because I set up a recruitment focus covering belgium. netherlands and germany with 3 scouts that all have outstanding knowledge in all 3 countries and even when I crank down the CA/PA to 1.5 star I still could not find anyone! Is there any in depth guide on how the scouting work now??

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