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Posts posted by deorvd

  1. Is there any issue with roll it out and distribute to full backs TIs since yours are wing backs? 

    If CF support doesn't work, maybe try other support roles such DLF or F9 on the left. I used Treq with comes deep to get ball and it worked great, but now I love F9 more cause I want everyone to try to win the ball back as soon as we lose it and F9 does the job perfectly, both attacking and defending 

  2. I've been trying to get the best out of shadow striker by using false nine and pf A/S/AF upfront for almost two weeks now. False nine is always nice to see but I don't always see mine dropping and taking defenders with him to make spaces for shadow striker. I rarely use it, I'd say it's more aggressive DLF? Been thinking to use the old school poacher with big guy as TM like the old days after reading this, maybe I'll give it a try if I'm at the limit with no way out with current forwards setup.

  3. I know it makes you mad, but 3D visual is a complete garbage and unreliable if it's the only way you analyze your team. I've managed many top players and see them get caught in offside positions or pass to teammates without thinking countless times too like what's the point of having better players if they still act like Sunday league players? And there's woodwork thing. Like others said, you need to rethink about your tactic.

  4. I don't think you have the right combinations with WCB s, WB a and Mezzala a. They'll run onto each other and occupy the same space. I'm an interisti and if my mind was right Hakimi and Lukaku were the ones on the right side. Lukaku would hold up the ball when Hakimi couldn't cross the ball and you don't need Mezzala a there. I assume your AF is pretty much locked up front with no supply to him up there unless someone's sending long ball to him

  5. On 09/01/2023 at 23:20, Desmond Richardson said:

    I checked in with the dev team and the only options available via the touchline tablet are the following; Match Momentum, Shot Map (Home), Shot Map (Away), Action Zones, Average Positions (home), Average Positions (away).

    We'll take this into consideration for future iterations. Please feel free to submit a feature request.

    I mean sometimes it shows up on Advice tab. Why won't it always appear or maybe keep updating every 10-15-20 mins?

    I do have another problem here, but it's about attacking set pieces aiming. For example everytime I tap or click the taker to set the aim, nothing happens. I can normally click other players where I want them to be (go forward, lurk outside, etc)

  6. 7 hours ago, Desmond Richardson said:

    Can you please let us know what platform you are currently playing on? Thank you.

    Nintendo. It's been a while that I play FM on PC, but I believe you can see the passing map in the data hub or something like that and I can't do that here. It only appears during match on touch tablet information which rarely shows up and data hub doesn't provide that information. The informations are too little, only shot map and xG

  7. 5 hours ago, BuryBlade said:

    Hi Desmond,

    I ran tests using a variety of filters including:

    Just age (under 21) - no results, focus ended by game after a few days

    Age and potential (under 24, good potential) - results of players over 24 with any and all potentials

    Position and age (eg MC and under 21) - no results 

    The focuses either return results that don’t meet the parameters or they return no results at all. 

    edit - to add I was managing FC København and in the Champions League. 


    2 hours ago, Desmond Richardson said:

    Thanks for this it's really helpful. Can I also ask what leagues you have loaded within the game too?

    Thank you.

    I do mostly have the same filters as him and add some such nationality, set minimum current ability to a half star and potential ability to 3/3,5/4 star, also preferred position and roles (of course). It's always saying no results. Mostly I always scout Argentina or Brazil. The league I mostly use over the years are top leagues: Italy, England, Spain, Germany, France/Netherland. I also tested with some new saves that I included Brazil and Argentina, but still couldnt find any newgens.

    To be honest honest, scout assignment was really helpful because of on going tasks. That means they kept updating the list overtimes instead of clicking restart scouting over and over to get more players. 

  8. On 02/01/2023 at 00:57, GJHowell said:

    No, one of the many issues that have been raised that are seemingly being left unresolved. Recruitment focus doesn't work, star rating system is broken, player development issue not resolved. SI seem happy for us to pay more than for the full fat version and get a diminished experience.

    Yes I feel the same. I'm not gonna support them next year. I'm playing on switch here's what I found: UI looks ugly, no passing map information, scouting doesn't work, away games are nonsense, defenders suck against long balls and through balls, one highlight one goal for opponent team and the most important thing is that THE GAME IS CALLED FOOTBALL MANAGER AND THE COMMENTATOR SAYS THAT'S SOCCER! Lazy development for $60. I bet they're gonna delete my post and ban me because of saying truth

  9. 11 hours ago, bababooey said:

    I can't speak to how the game plays out on the Nintendo Switch, that might be something worst asking in a different forum.

    As for the comical errors, do you mean like... players getting caught in possession? That seems to be a major part of this match engine regardless of the standard of players you have, tactics, etc.

    Things I found like players stop closing down players or just stand still and the further player comes to press the one who has the ball instead, defenders watching long balls or through balls past next to them without moving and when the opponents have the ball, they start moving. Defenders always act weird here on switch, but I didn't have problems with scoring.

    I'd suggest you to have some support duties in midfield area to help in build up if you're using play out of defence. I assume the two WBs, Nico and Hakan will go high up further pitch leaving your defenders only option to pass the ball is to Brozovic. From what I experienced, changing his role to DLP support in this case only gives him more passing range that'd make him do more long balls when everyone's out of reach.

  10. I'm glad to see someone's making tactic with my fav team. I always used 3 atb in FM since Conte took over Inter until last month because it seems like it's really hard to defend well after seeing countless comical errors (I've been playing touch for Nintendo Switch so AI might be different there). So I'm back to 433/4231, but looking forward to your progress 

  11. No you're not alone. I play touch for switch and my defenders rarely move against long balls or through balls until opponents have the ball. Not only stupid errors, intense pressing rarely works, they're like cats stealthily preying their foods while playing against similar reputation team that's using high pressing, their players will stick like glue and my players are always running out passing options, even get intercepted easily. I posted these issues n subforum and no mods reacted for almost a week. Triggered by it, I insulted them so they'd notice and got a warning instead. Funny. 

    Pretty much it's a big flaw. I'd say managers reacted to our tactics is bulls**t. I believe since they worked on multiple versions, they just tweaked our AI so opponents look more stronger now, voila, game's harder as they expected. There's no other explanation for it.

  12. 4 hours ago, poma said:

    Seems to be really hard to get a back 3 working in FM23 without leaking a ton of goals, specially late in the games.

    I've tried a lot with Chelsea as a blueprint but no success at all. :confused:

    I agree. I play touch on switch with Inter Milan and AI is just bad and limited so it's pointless no matter what I do to minimize conceding. AI will behave strangely like either they're mannequins or tornadoes that'll run at everyone who has the ball even tho I already ask them to mark specific opponent. Not to mention they're always late against long balls targeted at behind them and through balls. Even worse sometimes they just stop chasing. Meanwhile opponents AI is ridiculous harder this year like SI tweaked their attributes x2 especially away games.

    Maybe it's just FM touch thing. Anyways, 3 ATB has always been bad in this game. Better focus on scoring instead

  13. How's your tactic now?

    Yours is pretty similar to my tactic with Inter Milan. They have no real wingers or IF that's forcing me to play with back 3. The only difference is that both CDR and CDL have CD roles with stay wider. I just don't want them going forward especially with fast counter when Volante advancing forward. 

    I feel like I can never fill the gap between DMs and AMC (currently giving up on Volante-DLP def and APs). Volante will go forward but most of time the ball will never reach AMC and send the long balls to STs instead or overlapping WBs Attack (mainly left WB). I do have serious problems with scoring in open play, but get some goals from set pieces to cover it.

    I haven't touched the save since Monday. Currently playing first leg against Liverpool at Anfield and they really hit hard. I concede lots of goals both from through balls and IFs cutting inside and feel like I can't stop them. It's frustrating that I can't get this tactic work

  14. 2 minutes ago, crusadertsar said:

    There are no more plug and play tactics in FM. Certainly not plug and win. You can't just leave your tactic unchanged against all competition.

    Yes I know I realized that too since last year. At least, I still had better percentage of winnings. Maybe it's just bad AI for switch version now. I've been trying to win the game against Liverpool at Anfield for 5 hours now and it's already 5am lol. I've always lost the next games against Atalanta and Liverpool at home too. They have average more than 20 shots so far and all my players seem unmotivated now.

    Nobody really press opponents, CBs always lose their man no matter what I instruct them to (what's worse is when dealing with through balls or long balls, they only move when attackers already have the ball), they get intercepted easily and we mostly have up to 5 shots at max per game. Even fans newsfeed are saying is there any defenders out there lol. Life's hard for touch players these years. Without reloading the game over and over, my winning rate is only around 40% due to AI errors. I've tried with other formations too.

  15. Just restarted my third "first season" with Inter Milan just try to find a plug and play 3 man at the back tactic, but seems like I have failed again. It's easy to get possession than goals. I do get decent chances, but less goals. Now I'm stuck against Liverpool in CL. At least, they beat me 2-0, mostly 4 goals.

    I'm playing touch on Nintendo switch lite tho. Seems like AI has big problems here on switch. Defenders make so many stupid mistakes, like won't chase the ball back

  16. 1 hour ago, Brommer said:

    I’m playing as Hartlepool United in the lower leagues and you ain’t seen bad till you’ve witnessed my back 3 fall over constantly it’s like air balls break them 😂

    Things I hate the most is scripted match. I've been trying to beat to beat Lazio for almost 5 hours now, changing their roles, TI and PI. I only got 3 wins so far. All games I've lost so far have identical issues; those I mentioned above and opponents intercepted while they were turning their bodies in snail pace. Match engine is horrible this year

  17. They only move when long balls almost hit the ground or through balls inches away from opponents which is already late to act. Even funnier, those attackers already make the run like from miles away. I even try to drop the defensive line to prevent this, tick tight marking and increase their trigger press but it still happens. They're just standing still! So is this what you meant increasing difficulty by making our defenders dumber because opponent defenders act normal against our long balls or through balls. No don't tell me because of my defenders are poor cause I'm managing Inter Milan now. Well they don't have super world class defenders, but that doesn't mean they play like Sunday league players.

    Pressing also needs attention here. Sometimes the nearest player won't press opponent with the ball and someone who's quite far does that instead 

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