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Posts posted by deorvd

  1. 1 hour ago, Desmond Richardson said:

    We have interface scaling options that can be set to smaller and larger. This defaults to larger so unfortunately if this is already set, this is as large as it goes. 

    It works from a perspective that on switch you can play via handheld or via TV. So it needs to be somewhat of a balancing act. 

    The font for news feels like from old typewriter and uh.. it's grey. I also wanna point out that relationship lines between attackers on tactic screen is cut.

  2. I'm dying to play new version. I've been waiting for almost 2 months now. Can't you release it this weekend pretty please? Lol. These are things I'd like to see:

    - there'll be no more IFs standing next to strikers waiting for anyone to pass him most of the time just like poachers instead of getting involved with build ups. I'd like to see them running to space when the ball is nearby, not stay there whole time

    wasted GK short distribution when playing 3 atb

    - players send the ball immediately to forward when I'm playing slower tempo and aiming possession (even when there's plenty rooms to pass to others)

    - playmakers should act as magnets and always try to find spaces for himself so anyone can pass the ball to him

    - there should be a way to "fix" team dynamics for old players that can't be mentored. For example, I'm managing Internazionale Milan and Brozovic has always been my favorite player. He has low professional and tends to cause problems like overconfident, dislikes others or even fight them, easily build red relationship with others. It's sad that there's no way to change him.

    Simply put, I wanna see better ME. I'd like to see more depth tactical instructions such individual instructions. Anything. I know what you guys intended, but these days we can't underestimate mobile games. It's been a decade since I moved on from PC and consoles (I'm still playing Nintendo Switch tho). Again, I'd love to see the release date faster lol.

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