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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. @sgw.private It really is, has put me off trying most of the time since these posts, to be honest. A good tip on the holiday through the game, not ideal but if it works then at least it can be played for a bit. I found that turning off the in-game sounds made a huge difference to the performance of the match engine, it would usually make it through a good run of games without sound on, and then would fail 70-80 mins into games when it did fail. Another thing I've been trying is, each time it fails, rebooting and changing preferences from 'windowed mode' to 'full screen mode', or vice versa, depending on what it was on previously. I also change the graphics settings from whatever they are on to 'recommended for this PC', and have the 'reload skin' option ticked for when confirming preferences. This seems to force enough of a reset to get through the game in question, perhaps 7/8 times out of 10. Hope you have more luck!
  2. Hey @sgw.private I'm afraid it got weirder. I left FM23 alone for a few weeks before Christmas, busy with work, etc. and intended to go through the full reinstall steps as listed above when I had a chance. When I booted it up over Xmas it worked fine, as though nothing had ever been wrong. I upgraded to Ventura over Xmas too, and still all worked fine. Just last night it froze again, (hence I'm back on this page) no changes made, no downloads, nothing new whatsoever. Seemingly just gave up once again. Incredibly frustrating. Will continue to post updates here if I find something that works - in the process of moving all the saves/tactics I want to preserve off the laptop at the moment so I can uninstall/reinstall.
  3. Hey, @Neil Brock just wondering if there was any update as to the above issue, and if there are any more recommended fixes/support? Feeling totally out of options here! Thanks!
  4. Just thought I'd throw a final update here to say I downloaded the full game with the midnight release. I have since repeated all steps above and no change, issue repeats every time. Devastated, to be honest.
  5. Update: Completely removed antivirus software from machine and attempted full uninstall/reinstall of game. Same issue occurred almost immediately. Quit out to delete Preferences and Cache and game actually crashed whilst loading save file, full crash. Following this I removed Preferences and Cache again and Verified Integrity, one file had to be reacquired. No change, same issues. {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%2241330000-32bc-1809-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp
  6. I have no idea if it is relevant or not, but I've noticed with the various fixes and changes made that the in-game 'graphics capability' of the machine has varied massively, from 3 stars, 4 stars at one point I think, down to one star, etc. In the past two nights I have also had the following happen, when trying to run the game in 'windowed' mode.
  7. Hi Neil, Reporting back after attempting the above. Uninstalled and deleted all local files, disabled all shields I could on my AV software and added an exception for Sports Interactive installations, reinstalled and launched - got 80 minutes into the next match (later than usual) before the issue reoccurred. Quit the game, deleted Cache and Preferences and Verified Integrity on Steam, as per previous tips. Reloaded and same issue occurred after 3-4 mins on the game clock. Have saved system information as you requested and attached here. Any further help hugely appreciated, desperate to continue playing! MacBook Pro - CWFM23.spx
  8. Thanks Neil, I'm on a Mac so no chance of Windows Defender getting in the way either way! I do however have antivirus software installed, so I will disable that and try a full install again now. Will post here with results. Thanks for the reply - fingers crossed!
  9. Edit: Stranger still. I have just managed to limp through to the second half on my next match. I turned the game sounds right up to verify whether they were generic or responding to in-game events. Eventually, thankfully, as it confirmed what was going on, the final whistle went. I was then seemingly in the dressing room, as my cursor would change depending on where I hovered on the screen. However, the screen itself was still stuck on the 51st minute of the match. I actually think I have continued back to the menu screens now, as the cursor changes when hovering on the left hand side of the screen, but I remain stuck on the frozen image of the 51st minute of the game.
  10. I have been playing the beta the last two weeks or so with no issues with the match engine whatsoever. Today, before loading up my save, I attempted to install a set of real-world badges and kits from 'sortitoutsi'. No sooner had I done so and begun to play matches again I noticed issues. The match engine would freeze at random points in the game. It would occasionally continue after a few seconds as normal. Sometimes, it would recover to a panning shot from outside the stadium: I could see from the text commentary that the game was continuing, but had to wait for the camera to pass around and 'through' the stadium, before finally settling in position on the desired match camera aspect. The more I played, the worse the issue got, to the point that it will now consistently freeze and not continue. The application stops responding, but there is no crash, no error code, no continuing. The only apparent continuation of the game comes in the form of the crowd noises, which continue as normal, as if reacting to events happening in-game. Once this issue became unplayable, I did, of course, uninstall all of the badge and kit files I had previously installed. This did not rectify the issue. It made it intermittent again for a while, but now I am back to a constant freezing. I have altered my graphics settings to the lowest possible, still the issue persists. I have uninstalled via Steam and reinstalled, the issue persisted. I have uninstalled via Steam, backed up my save files and then deleted all local data pertaining to FM23, before restarting the laptop and then reinstalling. The issue persists and the game is now entirely unplayable, which is as heartbreaking as it is infuriating. I have verified the integrity of the game files through Steam, before and after installing, before and after the issue occurs and I am forced to 'Force Quit' the application. I have deleted 'Cache' and 'Preferences' files in the same manner - before and after installing, before and after loading. Any help with this would be hugely appreciated, as I will be extremely disappointed to lose access to the game before it has even been released! To repeat the bug: Load the save file, Proceed to game, Begin match, On first or second highlight, game will freeze Frozen game may restart after a few seconds On subsequent highlights, game will freeze again Game will not continue beyond frozen frame, forcing manual 'force quit' of application. I have uploaded the save file to SICloud, or whatever it is called. It is under the name 'Connor Wray - Unemployed (v02).fm' Please advise, I am incredibly disappointed.
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