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Everything posted by Jr35

  1. i have limited knowledge about that but i don’t think trapping inside is the right choice for attacking opponents (also it depends on your tactic) my choice is dropping the mentality to the defend when the opponent goes attacking
  2. i watched a video about attacking width at Mustermann's YT channel. at the end of the video, he made 2 examples; one is overloading the flank and the other is isolating a player for one-on-one at the flank. then i tought i should try to do that both at the same time and created a tactic. PI's: sit narrower to WB(d) & stay wider to BPD(d) and IW(s) this tactic works fairly well for me. i'm a top 2 team in a league btw. it's defensively solid and becomes 3-2-5/3-3-4/2-3-1-4 shape in attack. even though we take a lot of shots but our matches end with low scores like 1-0, 2-0, 2-1. so what is the problem in this tactic? let me get your advices please (i asked this before in some thread then realized it's wrong place to ask when nobody answer it )
  3. in my tactic, WB(d) with sit narrower instruction is doing those that all you mentioned about Ben White.
  4. i understood what you telling mate. i admire the care you put into the details of your reply. really great effort btw. my attacking sets seems great to me but i'm awful at defending different variations. I'd like to hear any suggestions you have that vary depending on opposition tactics/formations etc.
  5. how can you read the game mate? before FM24 i was a guy who don’t care about making specific things on the pitch, i used to stick to plug and play style. as you all know these tactics are winning in every situation so you don’t need to read the game to react to it. now i make tweaks when ass. manager tells. like when i had 2-0 ahead my assistant tells that the oppositon drops their mentality to cautious (i know cautious mentality has fairly narrow attacking width) and i use trapping outside. but these are just minor things. i don’t know how to read the game. could you share some tips/advices from your knowledge?
  6. that is exactly what im thinking about after watching the Mustermann's attacking width video on YouTube. at the and of the video he made 2 examples, one is overloading the flank and the other is isolating a player for one-on-one at the flank. then i tought i should try to do that both at the same time and i created a tactic* like this. i had a short opportunity to test this tactic, and I saw that it worked fairly well, but it still needs some tweaks imo. so i'm here to listen your advice for overloading on one flank while isolating the other. *i tell my GK to distribute to CD for retain possession with short simple passes. WB(d)'s mentality is increased to balanced by focus play down the right instruction** PI's; hold up ball to IW, sit narrower to WB(d) & stay wider to BPD. also my LW is off-footed **i think that despite his defensive role, his tendencies are make him more aggressive on attack Edit: i changed F9 to PF(s) and removed the pass into space
  7. hey all. i have two questions. this is my set-up first question my L(s) has "move into channels" trait. what if i say "stay wider" to him, is it contradicted to his trait? second question my IF(s) has "stops play" trait. my ass. manager is telling that trait is unsuited for him. i like to see him lower the tempo and make the right choice. or should i listen to my ass. manager?
  8. i always play with 4-3-3 DM Wide and when the opp. have a F9/DLF, i told my DM to mark him.
  9. how can i find the average age of my squad? i know some skins show it but i’m using default skin
  10. is there anyone have a tactic of Arteta's style? i just want to see the real recreation of that
  11. do you know where is the file you mentioned?
  12. hey all my setting is turkish for language. but i want to change the tactic screen’s language to english. is it possible to do that like delete some lines of any files or something? any help would be appreciated
  13. isn’t there anyone had an information about that?? pls guys
  14. @Cloud9 do you think “play one twos” trait suits well for wingers? (especially inside forwards) and what about a winger(a) have a “move into channels” trait when he plays with off-centered enganche?
  15. its true. you can see some graphics of average positions from last matches. in this tactic first goal scoring option is wingers, not striker. Also F9 runs late into the penalty area and this role makes more runs behind the defense than any other creative strikers. i positioned the F9 (with roam from position instruction) to left side of the pitch. then overload to left side with adding sit narrower intruction to the left winger and move into channels instruction to the left midfielder. EG has stay wider instruction also. when EG drops deep and wide, this years positional play feature moves F9 to the central of the pitch and left side players push him up a little bit more (can’t drop too much) for disturb to 2 central defenders(i called this False Poacher). he’s pinning the central defenders and create gaps for IF at the same time. also Enganche's dropping deep make gaps for Winger(A) to run into the half space.
  16. calafiori plays in cautious mentality and when saliba slides right side to the pitch calafiori makes 3 at the back. so this makes 3-1-6 shape yes, EG is static role but i put runners around him. in my opinion this is a DLP role at AM position. when the opponent marks him closely he drops back and make room for Havertz (who is roaming, f9 but still runs) and Saka's half space runs (bc of fairly narrow attacking width)
  17. 4-2 in build-up phase 3-2-5/3-3-4 in transition 3-1-6/2-2-6 at the third phase PI's White - take more risks, sit narrower Saliba - stay wider Calafiori - sit narrower, cross more often Timber - tackle harder Rice - take more risks, dribble more, move into channels, close down more, tackle harder Saka - cut inside, tackle harder Odegaard - cross more often, stay wider, tackle harder Havertz - roam from position, tackle harder Martinelli - hold up ball, sit narrower, tackle harder
  18. hey all my setting is turkish for language. but i want to change the tactic screen’s language to english. is it possible to do that like delete some lines of any files or something? any help would be appreciated
  19. hey all my setting is turkish for language. but i want to change the tactic screen’s language to english. is it possible to do that like delete some lines of any files or something?
  20. whats the “dictates tempo” actually do in ME?
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