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Everything posted by wheatoplays

  1. Today's the day! It's like Christmas day has come early lol.
  2. It's crazy that there's no other teams at that level which get anywhere close to those numbers. Any idea why they're so popular?
  3. You're doing a fantastic job, as always. Thanks again for all your hard work.
  4. Santa has come down Coalville Town's chimney, to spread joy across the whole club.
  5. We did the treble again! Also got to the 2nd round of the FA Cup. That's another 65 points.
  6. I noticed that you have 0 holiday days. I'm currently at 126 days after a season and a half of ingame time . I get bored of all the clicking around between matches, so quite often holiday until my next match takes place. The only time I don't do that right now is for the days leading up to cup matches, as I like to do attend press conferences and pre-match team meetings myself.
  7. Shame you couldn't hold them to a draw, and get the money spinning away game. Your finances look very secure regardless.
  8. How are your finances, after that great FA Cup run and the match against Arsenal?
  9. Yeah, I don't think they were. Looks like you'll have to use an unedited team, even though all you're editing is probably just cosmetic stuff.
  10. Hi all. Sorry about the hiatus. I've been so busy since New Year. Not even been able to play FM. I'm back now, and ready to reacquaint myself with the Great Yarmouth squad.
  11. Was a match against them postponed due to it clashing with another match, or maybe a waterlogged pitch (I've not actually seen the waterlogged pitch thing yet this year during any of my saves)?
  12. Now the leagues have reset, it's allowing me to offer £170 in appearance fees. That's much better.
  13. Click the hidden contents. It's there. Definitely Sunday league and no coaching badges.
  14. I got a "golden generation" youth intake during my first season. They were all rubbish...
  15. I just search for players with high pace, and work off that. The faster, the better for me. Honestly, pace wins matches in the lower leagues. Pacey players, and a simple and straightforward tactic.
  16. Wow @Hitbox, 88 goals in 49 appearances is crazy! Congratulations on your successful first season, and welcome to the trebles club.
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