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Everything posted by RKB

  1. Hey can anyone help me or point me in the right direction for my issue please! So I was using SAS's skin for the majority of the year and I'd like to switch to the WTS skin but there is something bugging me on the staff screen that I could do with some help with! So in image 1 I'm using the SAS skin, and when you're looking at your coaching staff section and have the coaching attributes tab on it's nicely spaced out and can see everything you need clearly. In image 2 I've switched to the WTS skin and when you click on the coaching attributes tab you've got the secondary job showing and then only 2 coaching attributes showing. In image 3 I've removed the secondary job and added the other attributes etc but it just looks lack crap now haha. Is there a way to get it looking more like Image 1? All nicely lined up etc? Also I have done the resize all columns but it makes the name and job role extended and puts the attributes on a scroller which I don't like having to do. I know this might be nit picking but for me (and my OCD) it's kind of killing me wanting to use the skin as it's constantly bugging me. Any help would be massive! Thankyou in advance!
  2. Sorry for getting back to you late! I've uploaded them to the SI Cloud Service. The file names are: Editor File: CYOC Online Save File: Geordie Community Save Thankyou for the help!
  3. Hello. Myself and some friends have created several teams in the pre-game editor to use in an online save. I've also created graphics for them (badge, 2D kits & 3D kits). We've tested the database offline and everything works fine. The issue is when we come to putting the the game online. When the game is online the home and away kits do not show, ONLY for the person who is hosting the game. I've checked all the config files and they are all completely fine. We even started a new offline save to just check and all the kits and badges are showing. So I was wondering if this is a bug in online saves at all? Any help would be greatful! Thankyou!
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