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The Chairman Plays

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Everything posted by The Chairman Plays

  1. Could there be regulations that in 2nd tier you should have at least 14k stadium? Don't know why else they would do that, that mental
  2. Alemannia Aachen S1 "Season to remember!" "Wow! Season was going really good and board offered new contract which I happily accepted! At the same point we got our 1st coaching badge, National C License" Season Review! "At the end it was really, really good 1st season. We finished 7th and that's only because our bad run at the end of the season. Our problem this season was our managerial support which was on red all the season. Players also was complaining for eeveryting! I mean everything! Also I think my tactic wasn't so good what it looked like at the start!." "We had lot of players who featured in our team and mainly because of that and the fact that we couldn't sell anybody we made lot of loss in this year. Two players were beyond others, my left wing Cas Peters and my striker Elsamed Ramaj they both got double figures in goals and Ramaj was only to get over 7 avr." FINANCES ELECTION TIME! "We also had election and new chairperson is Carsten WImmer and he told us that nothing will change so no plans for future investments! Damn!" TRANSFERS "Of course no tranfers in...only one loan out!" Miscellaneous "Of course board and supportes were happy that we stayed in 3.liga. why wouldn't they!? And of course at the end of season our facilities were downgrated due technological advances. We asked to upgrade, board refused! Also we had decent budgets for upcoming season. Now we can offer new contracts to couple of key players!" YOUTH INTAKE PREVIEW AND REVIEW! "I didn't know what to expect when I saw our intake preview. Aaand! well it could've been worse than what it was. Couple of players stood out for this years intake" Christian Saurer Ernesto Alba Marcel Oppermann Matthis von Aschwege Sebastian Böttcher Thomas Bacher
  3. ALEMANNIA AACHEN "Here we go again!" CLUB HISTORY MANAGER PROFILE BOARD VISION! FINANCES SQUAD TRANSFERS "The reason why I was keen to go with Aachen, was that big 32k stadion and decent facilities (Average training and Good youth). Also to be £1M in black at the start was really good! Team looks big enough to survive for the season. Unlucky I forgot to take picture for season preview but we were 16th so media thinks we can survive and I think that too! My only concern is how I blunder our finances this time."
  4. @aldojags This was the reason why my Bjelovar save ended. We made so much loss per month that end of the season board turned us back to semi-pro, which screwd our training and every player got so annoyed about it that morale did crumble down and we ended up losing all the time. So basically domino effected due finances. Hopefully you gain promotion and managed to survive!
  5. Bjelovar is.....over So I think this save was one and half season long. I was hyped after first season but when we did turn back to semi-pro all the problems started. Players started to moan about training and morale was dropping like water on stormy night! November was last straw to me. We didn't win a single game scoring only two and conceeding ton! I was hoping the takeover because there was rumours and we had second embargo but nothing happened Also finances were lot on red so that's the other thing why i'm starting this over somewhere else!
  6. NK Bjelovar Season one 2024/25 Season one was relatively easy. Tho our squad was slim and we had lot of young players. Our tactic worked towards attack but we concede too many goals. Also our problem was our set pieces. Too many corner goals for opposition. Well this season was easy, but I fear next year will be tough! We started badly which was expected due new tactic and new manager. Still managed to pick up wins in the league games but our cup run was short. Only one game which we did lead till end but collapsed and did go out via pens. I think our end of season was outstanding and we managed to go unbeaten 9 games and only lost once in our last 15 games. Good seson I would say? Our players played a lot of games. Two players stands out most. Borna Miklic who scored 25 league goals and Jovan Motika who scored 12 and assist 17 goals. Lot of good performances all in all! No transfers naturally! Only one out! Youth intake preview was promising and the actual intake also was quite good. Lot of youngsters to sign (signed all but one). 4 players stood out for me Adnan Seferovid 16yo midfielder, Damir Zelenika 15yo central defender, Mate Bilic 15yo goalkeeper and Vinko Prahic 15yo attacking midfielder. All those can be future stars in our squad if development is good! I'd say there were lot of good talented guys who to use in future. At the end of the season was fast paced and lot of things happened! At first we saw news article that our chairperson was stepping down! I was happy about the takeover mainly because of our finances. We made 500k loss this year and only because insurances , and miscellaneous expenses! so naturally we'd like to have tycoon takeover to wash away those kind of expenses but no, takeover never happened and now we are still spending a lot. Luckily I managed to get new contract and 1st coaching course so Continental C License! so at least that was nice thing. Not that nice was the announcement of turning back to semi-pro and that our training facilities downgraded! Still I think we had positive season and next year we hopefully can go further in cup competitions and maybe, just maybe we could snatch that promotion! But I wouldn't be disappointed if we won't win the league as long as we go forward!
  7. 2024/25 "HERE WE GO!" Manager Profile Starting Contract Squad Transfers Season Preview Hello everybody. Greetings from Finland! This is my first time properly writing my challenge here in the forums. Last year i did this on youtube but never managed to finish the save because got bored in England. This year I wanted to manage somewhere where I haven't manage before. I was tinkering between Croatia and Serbia, nations which both generate lot of talented youngster. This time NK Bjelovar was the team to won us on their side! So Croatia it is! Our team looks really decent Gibanjek was loan on last season and is leaving soon. Good becuase no loans! And what is best for our club is the fact that we are professional club so full time training and coaching! We have lot of youngsters in our squad already which is good! Only downside is that under 17yo players can't play in senior squad Season preview looks promising 8th place would guarantee us safety which is our board objective also.
  8. South Shields FC Season 1 (2023-24) Hello guys! I'm new with this save and doing it on youtube also. (if you like more info go check out the vids > https://youtube.com/thechairmanplays )Also notable thing is that i'm not native english speaker so bare with me coz i'm going to make a lot grammar mistakes So we started our journey with South Shields at Vanarama National North unluckily I forgot to take picture our season preview but I think we were one of the relegation canditates and that was expected due our (simulated year) promotion. In this 1st year we didn't have any expectation other than get to that youth intake and get more players to our team. I did set up two tactics South Shields 1.0 and South Shields 2.0 I'm not really good at tactics so I tend to copy others and tweak them to my own We were in my terms of decent in the 1st season. I don't think we did play really good football but the games did go our way at the end and that did mean something special to happen at the end of the season! In cups we didn't managed to go far but yet managed to get in FA Cup proper which was board objective for this year. We had chance to go in the 2nd round but Bromley won the replay. Next year we need the money and hopefully we can go 2nd or 3rd round of that competition. So at the end we didn't lose any games at the end of the season and we did go to the playoffs. Semi Finals we did face King's Lynn Town team that beat us in the season. It was really special day and we did show how much high morale mean in this game! So we are one game away from promotion to Vanarama National League in our 1st season. Magnificent! And in Final we will face yet another team who beat us in regular season! Southport! And I have only one thing to say High Morale! Team played perfectly and we managed to grap 1st promotion of the save! At the end League Table look like this: So we managed to get promoted to Vanarama National League but youth is in the key point of this save. So let's focus little bit on that! You can se on the spoilers that we had really good intake in this year and sign most of the players. James Wood, Frankie Hawke and Priestley Brooking seems to be most exciting prospects! Also I got good news! Won manager of the year and got my first licence on the books! Some records also was broken this season. Keallan Humes youth player who came through intake in the simulated season scored in Playoff Final and became our youngest goalscorer. Also James Wood became youngest ever player in Vanarama National North. So this was unexpected promotion and I think we have good chance to survive in Vanarama National and of course we gonna rely on our youth more and more next year but also try to keep our older players to the team. Next years target is of course avoid relegation.
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