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Everything posted by rmpMarko

  1. Are u able to upload the file here? U can just do it selecting add files at the bottom
  2. Hi Roy,yes the nations taking part are the same only in the Groups.. and i only wanted to recreate the real calendar (not real result) which anyway does not work, so My team mapping is completely unknown and set up as the euro one 1b-3rd (from different groups), 1a-2c 1f-3rd(from different groups) etc... But im not trying to get the real teams for knockout stage. Those are random depending Who qualifies and following team mapping.
  3. You need to test competition in the editor to have a better idea why the stage does not start. See where it says test competition under Advanced rules?
  4. Could be different things. do stage 1 have the requirement activated to start after 0 is finished? Or Because you divided indifferent stages, in the round option did u put that the teams actually starting are 256 and not just 210?
  5. It is possible. If u create a hidden stage league. I did put it in My file to sort teams.
  6. Hi My post is just a few down. Tried to recreate the euro and was looking for real fixtures for it (and in general for International competitions) but i do not think it s possible. The knock out stage work as it should 99/100. I say 99 as sometimes the best third Will play against a team of the same Group. Not always but can happen. I tried to put valid rules to avoid teams in previous Group but that had a terrible effect and override the team mapping. Look at My file. Let me know If u as well find a Solution.
  7. When u write here, just below it says add file.
  8. Well message me with all the details and will see 👌🏻
  9. Not for Money but dm me with the very specific teams, instructions and features u would like and i Will see If it s possible!
  10. Probably be better to upload the file however, if u look few posts down i asked a question regarding International competition because i wanted real fixtures there for the euro. Knockout stage with the team mapping is the same as it was for real so maybe look at My team mapping and as well option to tick and u might be able to resolve that.
  11. What extra teams ideally do u want in the swiss super league? Might be able to help. I don t think there is a guide.
  12. Well both are ok. How did u approach things to say nothing work? What steps did u do?
  13. But do u want to start directly with 18 teams or do u want the league to start with 12 and either gradually or suddenly go to 18 the season/seasons after?
  14. Hi. I understand that looking around u can find real groups for euro24 however it's just the groups really. I wanted real fixtures real dates etc.. I started taking as a base sweden. I then added the euro and made the changes. Competition is working fine, knockout stage is nearly Perfect as the real one. (i say nearly as ticking avoid teams from same Group for the round of 16 Will mess things with the best third place teams, made minor changes and 99% time it looks Like the real one with the right & left bracket-of course i used team mapping) Main issue is it s not following the real fixtures. I tried adding them in the menu of the fixtures (Like when u add them for a league).. Not working. I thought it could be because teams are in groups so i even tried making 6 of them with the index Group stage and the stage. Not working. I then only ticked the box for the fixture and added to euro24 another competition, ticking just fixtures and putting them there. Both all 36 matches and then divided per groups. Not working. Is it possible to add the fixtures? What is the process to do so for an International competition If it is different from a league? Did i maybe forgot to tick something important and it's just that? P. S. (minor issues) Should the competition be under flexible or fixed rules? I did trials. On fixed even on the testing number of team is 24 but then If i add competition/International for the fixture it won t test. If it s flexible it Will say number of teams 30 or 31 or 32 but actually looking into they are 24 and the competition runs fine. edited with the file without fixtures as I tried to put them in several places as explained above, without luck! euro1.5.fmf
  15. Hello, anyone quite Expert with the average points table? In Bolivia from 2023 the Group stage of the cup Will count on the average table of the actual league. I set up everything else but this option seems really difficult. I tried to add Stages from other comp. But get the error the League not finishing in time for season update. I tried to fiddle with other options and rules but can t find and it is so weird irl, i don t even know If possible. Just If someone is kind to look at the file.. In 2022 this rule is not applied as there is no cup. Also there are 16 teams in 2022,17 in 2023 and again 16 from 2024. All this is there and working apart from the average table option explained above bolivia3.2.fmf
  16. Yes i thought of that but i don t want the two stages. U have the chance to get groups playing each other so there must be an option to select an order for sure
  17. Hello, I created a fantasy league and im in the Advanced rules The main division has 28 teams and each Group has 14 teams. I created the fixtures and each Group has 40 fixtures in Total (13x2=26 against teams in same Group +14 playing one single time against the teams from the other Group) The 40 fixtures are there the file is verified. The issue is.. What is the way to set up that teams play First against in their own Group ALL the matches and only after they play against the other Group?(so from 1 to 26 each Group stay separate and then from 27 to 40 teams play against teams of the other Group) All My fixtures are mixed. I ve tried to set up start and end index but i can t find a Solution.
  18. Thank you all resolved i actually fiddled with resource archiver!
  19. Yes yes thanks i studied yours i know now What to do. Hopefully Will work! This Dual citizenship worry me especially if they have it.
  20. Thanks Will try and maybe keep u posted about. What u have done there with qatar is simply impressing!
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