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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Hi All, I came across this thread recently and was really eager to try this challenge, And oh my word it has been an unbelievable challenge, I holidayed for a year and ended up choosing GUISELEY as my club from the promoted clubs, What I didn't notice was that this team had a very limited squad to start with, and only 2 center backs, One of witch was taken on a free to a diffrent club 1/2 way through the season, So ended up with one center back, good old luke dean vetran Midfield has been filling in as a right back center back all season, even though his not happy about it. I'm coming to the end of my first season now with 3 games to go, We are currently sitting in 20th place 2 points ahead of AFC Telford who are in the relgation zone, After a good run of a few wins. We just had a youth intake that was classed as a golden generation, With 2-3 good squad fillers in their but surprise surprise no stand out center back, We did get a 3 star potential center back who is 6ft 6 but I don't hold out much hope, And my current star center back is refusing to extend his contract along with a few other star players, So I fear if we survive this season we won't survive the next. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated
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