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35 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Does anyone lead their team with one tactic? Even if I create a great tactic that will give me a few or a dozen wins, sometimes even a place in European cups, sooner or later there comes a moment of breakdown and I get beaten by everyone, even though I beat him to zero a few months earlier. I understand the realism of the game, but it makes no sense.
  2. Is there any newgen facepack that can be uploaded by unpacking the file to the graphics folder? Without all this clicking, replacing other files, etc.? This problem did not occur in earlier editions, why is it so complicated in FM24? Alternatively, could someone explain step by step what and where to install?
  3. I mean all kinds of backgrounds of stadiums/games/city photos that I always uploaded to the graphics/pictures/backgrounds folders. I do the same for your skin, but nothing is displayed (except for the photos of the mini stadiums during the match panels). Everything else, despite uploading 3GB files, is invisible. Could you explain to me what to change to change this? and is this even possible?
  4. Is there a chance to display photos of stadiums from other graphics in your skin? @JustHowie
  5. I remember that in FM22 there was a downloadable file from Zealand, where you simply put the faces into the graphics folder, without any additional software
  6. Is there any newgen face file? Without any long installations or downloading any programs. Just unpack it in the graphics folder and replace those... splattered faces with any other ones? Every third junior has a huge, black rash on my face, I don't like it
  7. @sebastian_starttrbts Could you repair the tactical panel? Unfortunately, when I go to the "football player" tab, the attributes are still displayed as numbers, I remember your skin from FM22 and there was no such problem there.
  8. Is there an attributeless skin that displays stadium/city photos in the background? Because I see that there are only those in which any visual and graphic compression is killed. For example, in FM22 there was a great StarAttributes FM22 skin from Sebastian_starttrbts
  9. Is there an attributeless skin that displays stadium/city photos in the background? Because I see that there are only those in which any visual and graphic compression is killed. For example, in FM22 there was a great StarAttributes FM22 skin from Sebastian_starttrbts
  10. Has Daveincid's development of newgens and talents been improved with the May update of Increase Realism?
  11. In FM24, clubs simply give up on any development of their players. Not only wonderkids, but generally talented players or those in their prime. They simply buy them and leave them on the bench for 3-4 years and then put them up for sale. There is no pleasure on the transfer market when I manage to buy such great players for worse prices, because thanks to the mistakes in the current edition, they are simply forced into my team. Out of curiosity, I returned to FM22 to compare this aspect of the game and, unfortunately, it is a gulf. I lost any desire to continue playing FM24. A key aspect of the game is just absolutely broken. The whole thing is complemented by absurd market offers offered by clubs from Saudi Arabia, which completely destroys the transfer market.
  12. I mean this file, which unfortunately has expired and I haven't found another one anywhere. https://fminside.net/downloads/misc-graphics/166-fm21-media-sources-backgrounds#google_vignette
  13. I lost any desire to continue playing FM24. The system of developing juniors and giving young players a chance in the first team is one big absurdity. Even the great add-on from Daveincid doesn't help. Virtually every talented footballer purchased by an unskilled player has not been able to get off the bench for 2-3 years in his club, which often first paid a lot for him and then simply forgot about him. I played many hours of FM22 or FM19 and I don't remember such a poor system for developing wonderkids by AI.
  14. Do you use offside traps? I remember that in FM22 it was the basic defensive game mechanism, I play with a balanced mentality on a high defense line, but I don't see any special difference with playing a higher or neutral defense line
  15. I don't remember an edition in which playing in the middle of the field would bring such excellent results. I would probably have to go back to the times of FM16/17, where the 4-3-3 tactic with three strikers was a hammer against every rival.
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