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Everything posted by M00rz3d

  1. I did get it working, thank you! I tested it and did my best to rectify competitions affecting both nations. I managed to set up; WCQA,WCQ,EIL. I couldn't set up CHAN and ECPQ as both nations are still playing those, I want to believe it's hard coded, or it has a dependency that I couldn't figure out. Either ways, I'm satisfied with what I have currently. Thank you for your help, Rusty.
  2. Hey Rusty. I managed to figure out extracting rules, I just used the XML way and merging databases, maybe FM21 editor doesn't store data as much as FM22 editor. The issue, I have, I tried editing CHAN as you instructed but its showing an error; "New stage 0 for *CHAN* can't find enough teams needed to be created. 0 teams found, 16 needed." I only swapped NGA with IS and got that error. Should I reverse and let game sort out by itself or am I missing something? Thank you. Edit: I undid CHAN. But set up rules for WCQ and EIL. It's testing well.
  3. Maybe too much time. I didn't exit the editor and followed your instructions to a T. Once I loaded database and loaded my editor data, which is already in advanced rules, I go to the list, add a new rule, open the "show rules for" the new other rules but once I'm over the rule, there's no option to paste. It's a bit irking.
  4. Hey Rusty. Well, I tried following your instructions to adding a new blank rule after I copied the original international league rule. But after I load database and then my original data file, when I create a new rule on the list in advanced rules, it doesn't let me paste what I copied. The option is not enabled. When I use a blank file and do your exact steps, I see the option to paste, just not when I use my editor file. What do you think could be the issue?
  5. Thank you, Rusty. I came across some minor issues when merging even so I undid that. It'll be best to follow your instructions.
  6. Your final picture. Are you saying I should re-enable and add the two nations back? Or I can just edit my competition advanced rules now without doing that? Also, with this, does this mean I would require at least 2 data files to make my newly moved African country in the Europe to work? Or is there a way to import the now advanced rules of this competition into my original data file? I am also editing multiple competitions. Is there a way to combine them all or do I have to keep separate data files for each? Edit: I just merged both databases and I've come to the conclusion I can do that for my other files. This was after saving the rule changes as its own file, of course. I still need to know if I have to reenable the nations that supply the teams.
  7. Thank you, Rusty. I think understand the gist of it. I'll outline it so please let me know if I'm wrong. I should bring back Kazakhstan and then move one of the listed countries to Africa, which I've done. I Set all competitions to the respective moved Continents. (I moved IS to Africa). I'll follow the Instructions but I'd like to know the three National leagues I have to replace IS in, if you could please list them. I can figure out CHAN since you mentioned it.
  8. Hello there. So, after being a passive player of FM for years, took a break after 19 and came back in FM 21, I decided to tinker with the Game. I wanted to play with an African team and Nation and settled on NGA. I managed to create the a working league system for NGA down to a 4th division with different challenge cups and youth cups. (I never could figure out how to set promotion playoffs and relegation playoffs, I chalk that up to my limited knowledge on the game in real life, but I'm quite satisfied with what I came up with). After playing with that for a while, I became even more ambitious. I went deep into the editors hideaway when I tried creating the working leagues and have a semblance of knowledge and at the very least, I know what I want to do can be done. But I cannot see the exact topic that covers it because sometimes people answer totally different questions in a section and because it's not expressly on its own, I couldn't bookmark it. So, now, I have decided to ask for help. Even a point to the right direction on how to go about what I want to do would be really helpful. I've seen the works of Kubi, Krlen, Wolf and the questions and answers of others in the Forum and that has helped some but now, I'm a bit stuck. I think I know what to do, but I need to be sure. I want to move NGA, and it's competitions, to Europe thereby making it being regarded as a European country during WC and for their First division teams to qualify for Continental competitions like UEFA champions league and the National team to play in European competitions. I thought about swapping Continents and I did so by basic editing NGA to Europe continent and then moved Kazakhstan to Asia. I then edited all NGA competitions to have their continent based in Europe. When I tried to test the lowest competition, I got this error. "European Championship Qualifying, Number of teams in competition (0) doesn't match expected number of teams from rankings (54)" So, here goes my question. What do I need to do from here to make NGA a playable European nation? Did I miss some steps from earlier? If there's a thread that explains this explicitly or someone who could let me know what to do, I'd be happy to receive the help. Thank you.
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