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Everything posted by azsumnasko2

  1. This is not working - I tested it. HOWEVER I figured out that if you remove the position/role/duty training and leave ONLY corners additional focus it works - I can see increase of +1 or even +2 for an year.
  2. I suggest focus play down the right wing and center the ball to the far post that way your left IF should be able to pick it since you opposition will be on the right wing. Also play it through the central defenders with dribble more - that way you will drag their mids up and free for the pass to the right.
  3. Yes I think you are correct, but there should still be some other way to increase that attribute, weather through performing that duty or something else like match practice. I will do some more testing but so far noting seems to work (not to say that I noticed increased training injury when adding corners as additional focus.... but it may be just bad luck)
  4. I even tried different type of combinations to try and accelerate the growth but nothing works....
  5. Hello SI, I think the set pieces training is broken at the moment or I don't find a way to make it work. I noticed this as my long term save had very poor results in corner training I did many tests with different training setup and results were that no one from my senior or U19 picked either corner or free kicks attributes . Please advise if I do anything wrong cause its very frustrating. For the sake of test I set up the coaches are maxed All my set piece takers are set up All my set piece routines are set up Every player has Individual training assigned and corners/ free kicks are additional focus. Every week I added Delivery and Attacking Corners After 1 season I got 0 progress on set pieces - I simulated this 11 times no change Start of season End of season:
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