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Everything posted by Cloud9

  1. Hmm, I see what you're saying but I think mentality is better thought of as the "risk" your team will take. I do think it's true that it's the first fm where you can play a defensive mentality and still have strong attacking moments though! Defensive + low block is great against far superior teams.
  2. I think the problem can be boiled down to: You've got talented wonder kids who could become good, but they're not there yet. They need time to develop, most of your players are championship level in terms of current ability. Young players get tired really quick, having a wonderkid team when your trying to stay up is extra difficult, you'll need to throw cup competitions for them to get through the season. You're in a relegation battle with pretty poor defensive players. Biggest thing you can fix here you can fix is the players moral. For the tactics, your set up to play like one of the best teams in Europe, try making these changes: Take the Sweeper Keeper off attack Midblock, with a mid defensive line Remove play out from the back Take off counterpress, you'll get exhausted and pulled out of shape Keep Endrick on AF, looks like you're trying to counter attack and an AF role is perfect for pass into space Fullbacks on attack instead of WB, they'll got forward on the counter and provide a strong defense You're playing with 3 strikers. IF (s and a) and IW (a) provide almost 0 defensive help, tryand IW (s) on at least one side Try a halfback role for the DM, he'll hold position (which the bwm won't) and help you transition defence into attack. Benedetto looks like a weak Defensive Midfielder, I'd look to upgrade him for a hard hitting senior pro with good leadership in January. Check if Bodo/Glimt captain Patrick Berg is available in your save, he's a model citizen DM with great leadership who can bring a young squad together. If he's too pricy there should be plenty of old pro's in that model you can pick up for cheap. Play more direct CB partnership of a BBD and a CD Avoid BBM and RPM (player has to be super to play them). Try out roles like mezzala (s), DLP (s), Carrilero Hope some of that's helpful, good luck staying up!
  3. Wingback (and esp Complete Wingback) on attack are hugely physically demanding roles. I'd distribute the ball to a fullback on support and tell them to cross early to the target forward. Route one Burnley style.
  4. I think both depend, they can used to circumnavigate weaknesses in your squad or to exploit weaknesses in the opponents squad. I would use distribute quickly if you're trying to counter attack (100% of the time), if you've got a good target forward and strong fb/wb with good crossing it's great as well. If your wing backs are great at dribbling/good athletes don't go for it (let them beat their man before they cross). Example: If I had slow fullbacks with wonderful crossing in a counterattack tactic, hitting crosses early sounds like the dream.
  5. I always try playing counter attacking football in my saves, couple of tricks I've found: If you aren't putting enough pressure on their backline (an attacking forward is super useful here) or dropping too deep at the end of the match you can invite a lot of pressure. I find a low block can be effective in this FM but dropping the defensive line behind standard is tricky. It can also help to have your third tactic be a last 10 minute park the bus formation so they're tactically familiar with it when you ask them to do it. If your players have attacking mentalities (which you can see in the PI's) and poor defensive attributes they'll struggle to park the bus. When you're parking the bus, sic a player on their players that are making dangerous passes. Seeing out a match is a lot easier if you do personality based recruitment, inconsistent/rash players in your squad will kill you in these situations. If your players are gassed you'll concede goals late on, leaving counter-press on can really drain their stamina and leave you vulnerable.
  6. Are defensive attributes that are unhighlighted on attacking player roles (tackling and aggression) wasted CA if I'm not specifically telling the player to press/dive into tackles? For example: if I toggle a mezzala (s) to (a) is his tackling ability negated and a total loss in the new role?
  7. Do the personality of my staff influence the personality of players in my senior squad?
  8. It's a combination of "pass into space," a higher tempo, and "counter" when possession is won Have you experimented with putting "play out from the back" on while having "more direct" passing?
  9. I see, so It's not possible to have an Antonio Conte style pre-season where you buff your players endurance, aside from visual improvements to attributes like natural fitness then. Do you have a visual barometer for knowing if you've over worked them going into a season?
  10. I usually just play as many friendly as possible to get the lads in shape, but was reading that a rigorous training schedule influences the squads ability to stay fit in the later parts of the season. Has anyone experimented with this/seen if it's impactful? At the moment the team cohesion you get from bashing teams 12-0 seems irreplaceable. Am I doing it wrong?
  11. Does it work or does it slow down the counter too much? I'm hoping it would draw teams in like in real life where teams like Brighton bait the press and counter.
  12. Hi ya'll, I've been tinkering with a new tactic after playing with a asymmetrical counter attack 4-3-3 formation in previous editions. Explanation On The Roles Picked: The formation is an essentially a fluid counter attack based on an adaption of Simeone's Athletico Madrid approach to play, with the wingbacks set to tight marking to create a pressing trap in the inside of the park. I've opted with two shadow strikers for their defensive output instead of a traditional front two, while the DM holds in the pivot as the Roaming Playmaker helps to break a high press and serves as the heartbeat of the team. The CM on a blank roles offers utility and lungs, knitting together defense and attack with hard work. Counter-press, trigger-press, and tackle harder I've left off but are utilized in periods of play in every match. On a side note: recruitment is personality driven since I've found that essential for defensive football. Attribute wise I'm looking for strength, teamwork, decisions, aggression and bravery in players. Any suggestions or changes would be lovely! The Big Question I Have Are: Attacking Width: Currently I'm set to fairly narrow to mimic Athletico width in their classic 4-4-2, but I'm concerned this overly stifles the impact of the wide centerbacks/wingbacks. Previously on counterattack tactics I've always prioritized trying to stretch the pitch as much as the players were capable of. Playing out from the Back: I'd like to leave this on all the time, is this suicide against big teams with high presses? What changes in match can I make to make it work. In Game Changes: Any advice on tinkering to effect in game management would be super. At the moment I'm targeting their creative player, showing wingbacks inside, and switching a role on a flank or center to target a player I think is weak in their squad.
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