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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. This is my go to tactic against 'big teams'! My main tactic is the OG MADASHATTER4132 with little tweak using MR/ML instead of AMR/AML. Worked great everytime. You're the best!
  2. Nope. But I do have the regular editor one, just not the in game editor.
  3. Hey guys, was wondering if anybody knows why the hidden tab on mine only shows the current ability? Honestly all these times I thought it only shows the current ability and nothing else until I saw somebody else's screenshot of their Tato skin and it shows lots more than just the current ability. Thanks!
  4. Sorry mate. Those are just the raw material that haven't been cooked by @the_hoyle
  5. I have the Serie A and Dortmund fonts. Hope this could help! Also a couple of World Cup fonts if you want to use it. Serie A-Bundesliga.rar World Cup 2022.rar
  6. Hey, man. I don't know if you put the older version of EPL fonts by mistake or that's just the one that you did but the font numbers on the file is from the older version (like the Haaland preview) instead of the newer version (like the Man City preview picture). Really enjoyed your work. Keep it up!
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