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Everything posted by yoshikairyu

  1. Oh I forgot I am using my own logo pack but I guess it does not affect these things...?
  2. I started a new save (classic career) after the update and I am using the default skin. I do not quite understand the last question. I can see the trn badge for players who will move in other clubs (or joining as free agent), but I cannot see the badge for those in my own team (when I checked the transfer page it was indicated that the player was moving though). Normally I think I can get a message in the inbox if a player of my own team is approached by the other team (for end-of-contract transfer). If I remember correctly, the message should be something like "XYZ team has offered a contract to ABC".
  3. It happens after 24.3 patch and it was not the case before. Also there is no "Trn" icon for these players in own team as well (it seems that it works on other teams). It seems that it is not possible to provide a screenshot as there is no notification at all... Hopefully this problem is not raise here before.
  4. It seems that the rules for 2024-2025 are not updated yet. Is there any plan to update the AFC Championship League in the future for FM24?
  5. Sorry for late reply. I have uploaded the saves (named HKG Name Bug 24 and HKG Name Bug 25) that before and after the two players concerned in the screenshots. I believe there are more players who are affected. As in the screenshots, Chan Siu Kei (2002062616) becomes Vesnic, and Yu Chi Ho (77059956) becomes Josic after retirement.
  6. It seems that they removed "warning" as well. I do not think issuing a formal warning violates any laws.
  7. Is it possible that those nations has "does not allow dual nationality" on?
  8. A Hong Kong newgen retired and his name is changed to Obucina, which is obviously not a Chinese Hong Kong name. I forgot his original name but I am sure it was "Chan Tai Man" type (Chinese Hong Kong name).
  9. Recently I discovered this trait when one of my players inherited this trait from mentoring. Is there any way to check whether the player has this trait? If yes, where can I find it?
  10. The names of some Hong Kong newgens are changed to other languages (similar with Spanish) after they retired and history is not kept. This phenomenon persisted for a long time already (perhaps from FM 1X to now). For example, the names of pure Hong Kong newgens should be like "Chan Tai Man" but after he retires and history is not kept, his name changes to "Jezdic", which is obviously different. However, there is no such problem for dual nationals like English-Hong Kong newgens with an English name. Is it a bug? I hope this thread is not in the wrong forum.
  11. Not really, it happens even they signed 2-3 year contracts with 110-120 p/w and occasionally I saw 4-5 point deductions (usually 3 if deduction happens). I suspect that a 2-3 year contract is too long for the kids. One of the model citizens I had became resilient after signing the contract...resilient is neutral for CA development I guess...lol
  12. I could not find a thread talking about this and I hope this is not asked before. Recently I realised that the personalities of my youth players turn bad when they signed their first professional contracts. I was curious what was going on and used scouting tools to compare the changes. I found that their ambition and professionalism dropped by 3 at the time they signed the contract. I am curious if the contract caused the drop and if it is, is there anyway to avoid this? Or is it just a random event? It is a pain to see a model citizen turns bad.
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