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184 "Just keep swimming"


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  1. I have to admit, I was expecting something a little more unbelievable, I feel let down...
  2. I'm not one of those people being triggered because I understand its not a finished game, it's as you say "screenshots". I'd rather judge the finished article personally. I only quoted you because I felt you didn't understand what is was that they'd put put there.
  3. Just throwing my thoughts out there, but maybe they're looking to broaden their target audience? It would be foolish to think every FM player is male, not that im insinuating those are your thoughts. Personally it doesn't interest me, but you can't deny the growth of the women's game in recent years, so again it would be foolish for SI to overlook that, which they haven't.
  4. I'd consider a leak as something that they didn't want to get out, where as this has been intentionally put out there for people to look at. Here is a direct quote from the information we were given... Today, however, I want to tell you about Football Manager 25 [PC/Mac], Football Manager 25 Console [Xbox One/S/X & PlayStation 5]. More news on Football Manager 25 Touch and Football Manager 25 Mobile will follow later in the cycle.
  5. If you read properly, they explained why they removed certain features from fm25 and it makes sense. It would be very silly to assume that they would make the game cheaper... they won't have taken the decision lightly and if it allows time to work on more important stuff, personally I welcome the decision.
  6. Definitely wrong thread, but just so you're aware, not everything is about the tactic you use, so it most probably does make sense if that's all you're focused on.
  7. Don't get too excited about Aston villa, Leicester City should be a very good example of what to expect. Ironically Leicester had a very pacy player at the time.
  8. Yeah definitely, you'd need to immerse yourself into every scrap of detail the game has to offer, so you feel like you're really managing the club properly, which would include proper use of the scouting system.
  9. No worries, I just know that you're much more likely to find help there and the mods will probably either close this thread or move it.
  10. I'd be amazed if you found anyone who actually stuck to doing this kind of save. I can see it being fun to an extent if you followed the same team in real life and you had the real fixtures, but to go any further than season 1 would be in my eyes really boring. Good luck though.
  11. No problem, I just thought that because you had quoted me. You're probably right though, it's best left at that, back on topic
  12. I didnt criticise your views... why would you assume this? I was merely pointing out that each individual has different needs to enjoy something and you are right as well about the approach and that is why I said it would probably never happen. Just because I like the idea of something, that doesn't mean that my idea is the right approach.
  13. It does exist in some forms, but it probably won't ever happen in a proper way on football manager. In other games there are difficulty levels to the AI and that would satisfy the needs for all to escape from reality how they want to escape. One person's escape isn't another person's escape because we're all different. However, for now we have to create our own difficulty levels in how we play the game.
  14. How do you guys play, do you watch every single game or do you sim through at a quicker pace and watch some, or just sim everything?
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