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Everything posted by nms1987

  1. Agreed, they play good football. Good results and nice to watch. @RDF Tactics on Youtube has done great breakdowns of Amorim's tactics I think every year for the last 3 years. I recommend, I took a lot from them, both in directly aping the Amorim's tactic and as well as adapting some principles from it to modify a 4-3-3 I was using
  2. 1. What is the deal with staff meetings sometimes recommending a mid-season captaincy change? Why would a team ever strip captaincy in March, barring maybe a terrible locker room atmosphere and the incumbent captain having a dust up with the manager or something? Incredible that I can be having a great, overachieving season and my staff is telling me to strip the captaincy from my star striker and put it on some other bum. Like many FM features, a good idea that SI didn't bother to make actually work well at all. 2. Maybe, if free spots do not exist on your coaching staff, think about not having staff meetings recommend hiring staffers with lower ratings than my current staff members. IE, if I have 3/3 Physio spots filled with guys at 15 or better Physio, why does my staff tell me every week to hire a guy with 12? Make it make sense!
  3. I understand its frustrating, and I'm sure real life Vanarama teams curse their luck if they draw away a few times in a row. That money matters. But there is no reason to think a stretch like that is at all unusual. Look at this sequence of coin flips, imagine if heads was away draws.
  4. As per my earlier original post.... Often a first team tactic of a good squad is built around certain special players, in roles not suited to most players ... like Complete Forward, or Regista. My youth teams are often not going to have guys capable of playing those roles well. I'd be much better off playing guys as basic DMs or AFs and letting them develop from there. Good clubs also often develop more good players than they will ever use in their main squad. Better to develop a guy into a good BWM and sell him than have him spend 3 years playing Regista poorly. I also frequently tweak my first team tactic, or even change between a couple formations, based on an upcoming match or to get something else out of my squad. If you do that with your first team you then have to go in adjust lineups of your youth teams to make sure they still make sense after a change, its tedious. And, since I might be changing formations or tactics 3 years from now I don't need a 17 year old to be playing any specific kind of ball right now. Better to make him a good player and then he fits in for me when he is ready in a few years. Additionally, if you've got a B team you need to keep them in their league or, hopefully, get them promoted. While development comes first you might be trying to win some games there too, so it would be nice to tweak as needed. In real life, many B and reserve teams operate with different tactics to their main squad. I also don't find it takes that long to bring a guy up to tactical speed with my main club, it certainly doesn't take years. I'd rather develop him as a good player and then once he is ready bring him into first team training, give him a role and bring him along. Pro footballers often play for 2 or even 3 coaches in the same season, often with different philosophies and figure it out just fine. My youth teamers don't need to learn only one specific way of playing ball
  5. I think I'm leaning this way as well - I appreciate all the responses! Very helpful to see outside opinions on this, I like that the responses are as divided as my initial assessments of the players. As for personalities, that is a good thought. But to reinforce the idea that these guys are actually just clones of each other, they both have Fairly Ambitious personalities, both have Plays With Back to Goal traits (O'Donnell also has Plays Short Simple Passes), and both have flags of "could have trouble adjusting to a new country at young age"
  6. Crowd sourcing some advice here... Which enormous Scottish striker do we like best? I've been running a direct, counter 4231 with some nice quick young wingers, and my current striker, while young and talented overall, has 6 heading and has been useless lately. So I think I need a big lunk who can get in the box and head in a cross. My scouts give both of these big lads 3.5-4 star potential ability. I would probably be using them an AF, maybe poacher or target. I'm also playing with the idea of running a 442 or 424 to get one of these guys on the field with my current striker the same time. Basically, Clark is younger and has better all-around game, but O'Donnell is a little quicker and has a big edge in finishing (and for an Advanced Forward quickness and finishing count for a lot...) Please help, I can't decide!
  7. Even if I take control of youth training (as I usually do) I can't find a way to customize my youth tactics. The youth is locked into whatever my first team is running. Same formation, same roles, same instructions. It's maddening.
  8. But in the rest of the world, both in game and IRL, players can do and move wherever they please when their contracts are done, no? Argentina, Japan, Australia, ect. Your contract ends, and you go sign with whoever you want, no fee needed. In another save, just the other day, a guy's Colombian club demanding a big fee for a guy in the last year of his deal, so I waited it out and got him for free as soon as his deal ended. No transfer negotiation.
  9. Caveat off the bat, I'm playing with Master Igor's nations packs and @Daveincid Realism mods. I'm playing in Iraq of all places. In other saves I have noticed that it is impossible to sign out of contract (and still with their club on month-to-month deals) youngsters from Africa for free. I assumed that was tied to compensation, since all of these guys were at the club they trained at. I don't think I have seen this issue from other continents, so I figured it was maybe a continental regulation. However now, in Iraq, I am trying to sign a 27 year old Nigerian who played at a different Iraqi club last year... so training compensation shouldn't be an issue. The club is still demanding a fee, and I cannot go ahead and negotiate a contract with him. He should be allowed to negotiate and sign for free, no? Am I missing something or is something bugged, and if something is bugged do we think it is from FM, or the Igor nation packs or Daveincid's realism mods? Has anyone seen this demand for a transfer fee for an out of contract player while playing an unmodified FM? Thanks for the help!
  10. When I simmed to Sept 1 this issue went away, still frustrating and bizarre though
  11. Giant PT Realism Covilha 2028.08.30.fm If youll look at Twente left back Mats Rots, I considered trying to loan him in. But when I go to Make an Offer the Loan Offer is grayed out and pop up text reads "player is already on loan". The player is not already on loan though. One other detail, on the players profile page it reads he is making just 5k a year until 1/7/29. If you go to contract details however he is making 125k a year until 30/6/31
  12. By the way, if you terminate the newly hired guy it will almost immediately hire a new guy after that. How do I make this stop? Am I going to have to fire B team managers every week from now on?
  13. Take save Giant PT Realism Covilha 2028.06.09.fm. You'll see in emails that B team manager Fernandes had resigned on June 1. I had not yet named a replacement, I was being promoted and as I recall some of the team reputation boost that promotion gives that makes hiring easier doesn't take effect til July 1 when the new league year begins (which is very annoying) so I was going to wait until then to hire. However, if you sim to June 12 you should get a notification that Rolando Morais de Carvalho has been hired as B team manager. As far as I can tell, under Responsibilities, I control all hiring/firing/renewals for B and youth teams. I did not offer him a contract or even ever look at his profile before. Any idea what this bug is about? PS - I wonder if this is related to an issue I previously reported, which I was told SI would not look in to for some reason, where the B team manager's contract automatically renewed even though I controlled hiring/renewals and had not offered a new contract It is notable to me, and not coincidental, that these issues happen only with B teams and not youth teams. I think a lot of how B teams are set up in the game seems to be flawed, it seems that the game is supposed to view them almost as separate, affiliate clubs rather than essentially just another youth club but one that happens to play in the pyramid, so you get these bizarre instances of the B club hiring its own manager or candidates preferring to work for an u19 squad instead of a B squad because the B squad feels lower level because it plays in a third or fourth tier.
  14. Thanks for clarifying! Sorry I missed that disclaimer; I assume that means this is because of an IRL thing?
  15. Save: Giant PT Realism Arouca 2027.07.12.fm Try to loan in trialist Thalis. Offer 90% of playing and nonplaying salary and 500k optional clause. It should accept, might have to offer those same terms 2 or 3 times. Click continue and you'll get the "offer accepted" email BUT if you look at the "offer accepted" email it will show 40%/40% salary and 450k option. How does this happen?!
  16. I am trying to sell Billal Brahimi to Middlesborough in the Prem. His permit was denied citing a lack of recent international matches and "he also doesn't have the required number of points from other categories (league matches, level of league, ect)" He has played 80 matches in Liga Portugal over the last 3 seasons with 15 goals and 10 assists. He had 53 matches and 7 goals in Ligue 1 the two years before that. So, a 5 year stretch of being a starter in top 5-7 European leagues. I think we know that Prem teams IRL are easily able to transfer in starters from Ligue 1, Liga Portugal, Eredivise, ect - even if those players don't have "recent international matches." Any idea what is going on here? Is FM maybe not properly calculating points from things like matches in top leagues? If a player from these leagues can't get a work permit who possibly could? Save is Giant PT Realism Arouca 2027.07.12.fm
  17. In the middle of my Covilha save in Liga Portugal 2 I decided I wanted to take on the challenge of resurrecting Arouca, who were getting relegated to Liga Portugal 2. So I decided to make a save point, accept the Arouca job on a different save file, while the also continuing to play the Covilha save. Kind of two divergent paths from a late June 2027 starting point. I noticed that the TV money each received is VERY different. I realize that, depending on the league rules, different clubs can earn different TV payouts. However, I am pretty sure in Portugal everyone splits the same pot evenly, so payouts should be the same and I have looked on the league Rules page and don't see anything explaning why TV payments would be so different On June 30 2027 Arouca gets an email stating they will receive 2.95 million from Liga Portugal 2 TV payments for the forthcoming season. I would be tempted to chalk this difference up to parachute payments (Arouca demoted from Liga Portugal at end of 2026-2027 season, Covilha finished 10th in Liga Portugal 2 in 2026-2027 after spending previous 3 seasons in Liga 3), except that Arouca also gets a second email stating they will get 500k for a parachute payment. Arouca also gets a third email on June 30 that states they will receive 350k "for participating in the Liga Portugal 2." Covilha gets an email on June 30 stating they will receive 300k for Liga Portugal 2 TV rights over the forthcoming season as well as the same "350k for participating in the Liga Portugal 2" email. So Arouca gets basically 10 times the TV money of Covilha. You can take the previously uploaded Giant PT Realism Covilha 2027.06.29.fm and sim ahead to 6.30. You can take Giant PT Realism Arouca 2027.06.26.fm and sim ahead to 6.30 to see the Arouca, or I have uploaded Giant PT Realism Arouca 2027.06.30.fm if you want to see after the emails have arrived I am using the Daveincid Realism Mod on this, so please advise if this issue derives from that. And apologies if this payment different is supposed to be the case for some league reason and I have missed it, but I have looked at the League Rules page and don't see any explanation. Thanks
  18. I (Arouca) have an option to buy in the loan of Alassane Sidibe from Catanzaro. I wanted to see if I could get him for less than the option to buy amount though, so I low balled an offer. They didn't like that, fair enough. They got mad enough that if I try to make another offer, I get the message "The intermediary representing Catanzaro does not intend to present Arouca a new offer at this time as their last offer fell through". I haven't seen this message before... and I lowball lots of clubs haha I get if they don't want to negotiate and deal with more BS from me, but since I have that option to buy agreed in the loan, shouldn't I able to able to submit a bid for that amount all day long and have it automatically accepted regardless of what they want? Same as if it was a release clause? The player is "very keen" on joining me FWIW, so it's kind of crazy that they're essentially allowed to block it Am I missing something? Thanks Giant PT Realism Arouca 2027.06.26.fm
  19. Oh, and now another thing I've noticed... the newly created B team appears to maybe only be semi-professional? It can only practice a couple times a week? What is the point of a pro team having a semi-pro B team? Is there any way to get this moved to Pro besides using the editor? Will the board do it eventually? As of now its basically useless for me.
  20. In the middle of the season I convinced the board to create a B team, so now on June 30 it has been created. For some reason, along with this, 4 players agreed playing time is magically moved to B team Regular. 2 of them were originally agreed as Fringe, 2 were originally agreed as Regular Starter. 1 of the Fringe guys (Canario) Actual playing time on June 29 is Surplus, the other Fringe guy's (Ledezma) actual playing time is Breakthrough, 1 of the Regular Starter (Castro) Actual time is Regular Starter, the other Regular Starter actual playing time is Impact Sub. But on June 30, when the B team is officially created, all 4 have their Agreed time moved to B team Regular. And of course they are mad. I don' t think there are any situations where the agreed playing time is supposed to change short of the user making it change. But if it was supposed to happen automatically for some reason I'm not aware of I could see Canario and Ledezma changing to B team regular (though Ledezma at 19yo is a prospect more than a B team regular) but it is absolutely inexplicable for a guy like Castro. Yet another very frustrating inexplicable little FM 24 bug. A second, more minor issue you will notice, as you do this.... You will be prompted on June 30 if the board should create a Reserves team. I assume, in Portugal, this is a U23 team. It's funny that this is now the board's idea for off season improvement given that I asked for it almost every month all season. I actually only asked for a B team after realizing the board wasn't going to give me a U23 (u23s are much more common than B teams for smaller Portuguese clubs). But that's not the bug. The bug is that the board will ask you "We would like your opinion on if the club should create a reserve team" and the only Agree response option is "Its a fantastic idea. He fully deserves a new contract." Which just makes no sense as a reply. Giant PT Realism Covilha 2027.06.29.fm
  21. If you look at save Giant PT Realism Covilha 2027.05.23.fm you'll notice that Maritimo U19 is actually bottom of their relegation group in 1 Div Juniores A with 27 points. But it is not indicated they will be relegated, instead Mafra, Santa Clara and Sporting's U19s are shown as being relegated, despite those 3 clubs having 28 to 33 points. Is this a bug? I wondered for a second if they get some special right (in real life and FM) to always keep their u19 in this division since their might not be enough local clubs for them to play in a lower division... but Santa Clara would face similar issues and they're going to get their u19s relegated as well Curious.
  22. One thing I've noticed across various saves in FM24 is that you are almost always able to trigger a clause, whether it be a release clause or an option to buy clause in a loan, for just a little less than the clause's value For example, in save Giant PT Realism Covilha 2027.05.23.fm I am trying to secure Tulio dos Santos after a loan. The loan had a clause of 120,000 euros option to buy. However, I can offer 115,000 and the clause is still triggered, the green ! sign appears indicating the clause is met even though the offer actually comes up slightly short I have seen this in all sorts of leagues for all sorts of transfer values in various saves. Like a 10,000,000 release clause being trigger-able for 9,900,000 Any idea why this is? I can't be the only one to notice it.
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