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27 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. What I would like? More transparency in everything. Why I see block of down facing arrows sometimes at my players details screen? Why I can not build bigger stadium if I fill up current for over 10 years (FM23 - but I have already heard that did not changed in F24)? Why my player move to team that offer them worse or similar contract(obviously I am not taking about situation that is my fault)? Why I can not offer better contract regardless of having way to much money. If someone from my team explore options, why I can not offer him a contract when others doing it, my team is also option! Why growing fan base is so slow? and way to increase that (yeah I am wining league every second year roughly, and fun base increase by really small amount - yes my team is from small town, but come on!). Some more things to do with the money. Show me in conversation screen when I last time prised player using particular option, so I do not use it too much. Sorry but it is stupid that I need to write that information down on a piece of paper. Also allow me to prise as many players as I want at once, no reason why I have to click one after another after another where I could just highlight those one I want and go with them. Why to have more medical team members, does it make a difference? Can medical staff have too much work on their shoulders? that is not communicated.
  2. don't try, I am filling stadium up for roughly 10 years now (got like 99% in end of the year statistics 10 in row), I am the biggest end most recognised team in Polish league and I have the smalless stadium and board still deny every time. I personally gave up playing. Had this same issue in 2022 and 2023 version so it is ongoing problem with this game.
  3. Lol and I am thinking for last couple of years that team talk does not do anything at all. I guess we have completely different experience in that term.
  4. I am super happy with statistics as they are now, I do not really care for super realism, as long as game is pleasure to play. I would even argue that SI should be more transparent on mechanism of game rather than keeping so many things obscure, and that would mean even less realistic that real life. I think a lot of people fall into "realism" trap rather than enjoy the game. You said it yourself mate, you got skin that do everything you want so just use it, problem sorted.
  5. I ma playing polish league and I have same problem. I have sold outs for 11 years now and my board does not approve new stadion. Also have like billion on my account.
  6. My end of season report says that my team is a "threat from corners" but that does not reflect my actual "corners attribute". Save file: puszcza threat from corners
  7. Hi Kyle, It was a while ago, but from my memory, Junior coaching level got increased to exceptional level, something like 5-10 months latter. Without any information without any massage. I was checking it every game month. Also board allowed me to discuss facilities once, and agreed to upgrade as this is club vision, 4 years letter. Kind of long time if that is our vision and do not really struggle for money.
  8. it may not be a bug, It may happen that your board does not see more upgrades viable at all. Yes button to ask for it should still be there just for sake of it. But it was already mentioned here in bug tracker that this is the case when button does not shows up.
  9. well, maybe it is my imagination then but I think I see a lot of hints that I did not seen in FM22.
  10. I do not think they got hints & tips for FM23
  11. I also do not get it. I got very consistent players who constantly get bad match ratings and inconsistent players who constantly get good match ratings. Thou that was more visible couple seasons ago when they both ware same star ratings.
  12. Hi, Rather cosmetic bu,g but here you go. Game refer to 30y old player as "youngster". Save name: youngster kaminski
  13. Hi, I am getting those random massages about players unhappiness from training, where such training was not even scheduled. It is happening quite consistently through many seasons, in example shown here you will see unhappiness from high volume of strength training, where I have not had any physical training for three weeks. Also sometimes it can state quickness or not enough attention to training group, where training is quite fairly set up. Save name: puszcza training happines Best Regards,
  14. I never seen an option to decrease youth facilities. Are you sure you are not talking about something else, like youth coaching?
  15. Hi, My board has accepted my coaching budged increase to exceptional level and yet on facilities page it is stated as old excellent level. Screenshot is from a week after increase was accepted. Also, for over a year now I can not request (no button in board request menu) to improve junior training facilities. They are on AVARAGE level, it does not make a sense for board to accept coaching to exceptional level and not even let me to discuss junior facilities. I have read through yours replies to other guys whom brought similar issue. I understand that some board are not into developing youth but why would they let me go with junior coaching level then? Also board is expecting from me to develop players using club's youth system. So this is very contradictory therefore I would assume that it have to be a bug. Save name: Puszcza facilities and coaching Best regards,
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