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Everything posted by JohnnyMaverik

  1. Well, I'm in: Will be starting my first run with MuSa or Musan Salama now of the Finnish First Division. Think I lucked out with the teams that got promoted, was a choice between these guys and JS Hercules but these guys have over 400k in the bank compared to about 25k in Hercules' and the facilities look comparable between the two so I figured more money probably easier (Hercules did have better youth recruitment so... not sure). Think I set everything up correctly, league resets earlier than 17th of December (I set it to come back from Holiday a couple of days early and it had already reset so IDK exactly what day it happened, hopefully that doesn't matter). Will let you guys know how I fair in the first season, if I even survive it, when I get there.
  2. Ah that makes sense. Thanks for the info. Not that they were likely to be my pick anyway but do you know if Indonesia and Malaysia are the same? I was surprised to see they had two playable leagues in the game in the first place. Oh yea for sure, I'm very aware that even starting in nations where multiple people have succeeded this is an extremely difficult challenge and there really is no easy start and failure is always the most likely outcome. Just my nature to try to do the same thing but a bit different. Hope the qualifiers treated you well btw, enjoyed reading the posts on your Bulgarian attempt so far.
  3. Hi people. Hopefully those of you undertaking this challenge are currently experiencing good fortune. Been having a look back over this thread and it's all really cool and has inspired me to give it a go. Thinking of trying Belarus, Slovenia, Finland, Hungary, Northern Ireland, Colombia, Indonesia or Malaysia, simply because they haven't been achieved before as far as I can tell (not particularly important other than will give me extra impetus to not give up when its hard and I'm fully aware more than one attempt will likely be needed) and going about a month back and looking at the really cool projects you guys are posting about I didn't see posts about ongoing attempts in these nations (other than Belarus but it all went to pot quite fast and I believe has now been replaced by a Bulgaria attempt that's looking really solid so far). Just don't want to step on any toes as much as possible. Out of those thinking Finland, Hungary and Colombia are probably the furthest away from literal insanity but feel free to talk me out of those or into one of the others if there is any FM weirdness with those leagues meaning it's not a great idea to try them (bit nervous about Colombia just because I know some South American league set ups are confusing, weird and frustrating and I can't remember if it's one of them). Also out of interest (wouldn't be high up on my choices anyway) but why is Ireland ineligible? I saw that it was but couldn't see any info on why.
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