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Everything posted by silentventus

  1. Sorry to barge in here like this, but I just have a few questions. When talking about the physicals lets you decide which line of engagement you play, so say if you have a slower frontline do you opt for a higher line of engagement? Also when it comes to facilitating forwards what attributes would you look at? Thank you.
  2. This is actually a very good point and one thing that I tend to forget about a lot, since player traits are important to look out for in any tactic imo
  3. A striker less version, now that’s something I haven’t thought about and is actually pretty interesting. How has this tactic been getting on for you?
  4. This is very true tbh, I think in their last game against Spurs there was a moment where I seen Rice and Partey in a double pivot with Odegaard high and only in settled possession would Rice push up high, it’s been Arsenal’s big game set up I feel like. I don’t know, I also feel like it suits some of the profiles a lot better in FM like ESR and Fabio Vieira, I like my CMs in a 4-3-3 to have decent tackling and aggression which Odegaard doesn’t have. Thank you for the advice.
  5. I was also thinking that, I feel like the FB(s) kinda reflects what he does irl, but I just wasn’t too sure will test it out though, thank you.
  6. Thank you for linking this, definitely gonna have a love through and see what ideas I can come up with from it.
  7. Hello, guys. I've been trying to take my tactic creation up another level in terms of understanding the match engine & to do so I'm trying to emulate real life tactics, I have already received a lot of valuable help on this forum so hopefully that can continues and many thanks. The problem I have is sort of translating what I read online or videos I watch into FM since its not always a 1:1 of what we see irl. Especially the part I struggle on is the team instructions and sometimes player roles (but not as much.) I have just booted up a quick save and tried to see what I could interpret into the game and this is what I have so far and a few thoughts to go with it. I'm a bit torn on the wingers, I know they both hold width but I they also come inside with the ball so maybe IW(s) for Saka and IF(a) for Martinelli with stay wider instruction? Kai Havertz from what I have seen in recent games as a 9 roams quite a bit, holds up play and also gets in behind so I have gone with CF(a) I'm going off the Midfield trio that has played in recent games with the return of Partey which I enjoy quite a bit, some people might not agree with Odegaard role but I honestly think this role suits him well with the fact that he has started to drop deeper sometimes to pick up the ball but we may lack penetration who knows... With our backline we look to create a 3-2 build up shape with Zinny or Timber inverting. But I'm again torn on the Ben White role as this guy does everything invert, 3rd CB and overlaps Saka. The only thing I can't really translate well are the team instructions, but is there anything you would change or tweak? Also if anyone else has tried to recreate his system feel free to share it here, i’m always looking for ideas
  8. That actually makes a lot of sense, in terms of the profiles and what Industrious attributes mean thank you again, all of this is very much appreciated. Taking in all this Information, I will would like some advice on something I’m planning to do in an Arsenal save but never really knew if it was the right move. I want to run a high pressing system, with Rice as the DM, Odegaard and Smith Rowe as the two 8s when it comes to the industrious aspect they are two very hard working players and technical at that, but I don’t know if their low bravery, aggression, positioning and tackling will be a problem. Smith Rowe has decent aggression (13) and bravery (11) but odegaard not in double digits on those attributes, what do you think? Also if it’s not a bother can I see the player you use for the regista role?
  9. Just a quick question following up on this, what would you consider as industrious attributes? that left me a bit confused is that like teamwork, work rate, stamina etc.
  10. Again a lot on brilliant insight and a lot to think about. Thank you very much! The last question I have after noticing what you said about setting up your 8s and DM(s), what if I wanted to run a possession based game would you go for more technical 8s and an enforcer of a DM(s) or how would you do it?
  11. Very Interesting that before you go for a 4-3-3 you want the 9 & 6 to be of a certain mold, that's defo gave me some food for thought because I normally go for a 4-3-3 whenever I can but I kinda noticed even though my DM, Jerdy Schouten was tall and could read the game well but his pace and acc of 11 sometimes got him in trouble. So I loaned in Michel Ndary Adopo from Atalanta who was far more mobile and could read the game fairly well for our level. Just a question, what attributes do you look out for when choosing your DM and ST?
  12. Before we dig into this I just wanted to say thank you to the people that have helped me improve in this game on this forum. Whether that be helping me on the few posts I done seeking help or just people that post quality stuff and help others, all this has helped me achieve a very successful season with Arsenal, playing a tactic that plays football that I like to see irl. So, as you can see from the screenshots below (hopefully) is the tactics that I used and the treble that I won, which honestly surprised me. I did not expect to win the UCL in the first season, even though Arsenal are a strong side, I didn't think my tactic would work so well. How I came around to creating the 4-3-3 was just my love for the 2-3 build up shape allowing my 5 attackers to rain havoc, my idea for the attacking 5 was to have a runner on saka's side who he could feed and then a passer on martinelli's side that could feed him based on their player profiles, giving us different ways to score I initially played with a CF(S) but bumped it up to attack duty for some extra punch. With the 4-2-3-1 I felt I could keep the same build up shape but be more solid defensively with the double pivot against difficult opponents which worked a treat, and get a bit more out of odegaard. The only tweaks I would make on them tough UCL games or away games was remove the counter press and work ball into box ti, sometimes I would even go direct instead on shorter passing since we had the pace. It was normally smith-rowe that played in the CM(a) role but I was so excited to take the screenshot that I forgot to put them in the right position rice played as the dm. One thing that was interesting and gave me the results I wanted was there was no stand out goal scorers, the goals and assists were nicely spread throughout the team kinda like Arsenal irl. We may have overachieved but I'm glad we did it playing a tactic I created and not downloaded. So, I come here again to you wonderful people in search of more help, winning the prem and ucl next season teams will play differently against us and I'm not sure I can go into next season with same tactics. I think this is what I struggle with the most making tweaks for next season and signing players to take us to the next level, if anyone could give me some food for thought or any tips on how to do this it would greatly appreciated!
  13. Thank you for your detailed response, gave me a bit of an idea of what I want to try. I might do a bit of research on Arteta’s 3-2-5 see if I can get anything flowing from there!
  14. Thank you for this reply bro, I will definitely look to start out with simpler roles and see what I can cook up.
  15. Just as the question says, how does one get better at selecting roles for their tactics, I hear a lot about balance and selecting roles that suit your players and tactics but I don’t actually know what that looks like or where to begin. I usually just pick roles for my key players then build around that, but I’m never sure if I have selected the right roles or not. So, if anyone has some tips for when it comes to selecting roles to save my clueless ass that would be greatly appreciated
  16. I love anything 4-3-3, so this is one amazing thread! The new changes to FM24 have been so fun to use. However, I did have one question with something that bugs me, for your two CMs is it important that they have positioning, tackling & marking to be effective in a midfield 3? I’m running a midfield of Partey, Rice and Odegaard but I feel some of my goals always come down Odegaard’s side so I’m not sure if that’s down to his low tackling and positioning scores.
  17. Ah okay I do see what you mean, it is making a bit more sense to me thank you! Also great job on that tweet very helpful in terms of the attributes. One last thing have you got any tips for when it comes to selecting what role you wanna use for certain styles?
  18. That's definitely made it a lot clearer and also the tip of using a team I admire is pretty interesting, thanks for that!
  19. So hear me out, as I ramble on about my current thinking. When I normally create tactics I don't really have a tactical style in mind I just put something together and hope it works out, which sounds crazy I know considering you should always have some kind of idea on how you want to play. So, I recently came across this well put together post on twitter. Here is the post. What this shows is the different attributes needed for certain tactical styles, but my confusion is how do you create these styles is it through your role choices, team instructions or what? For example in the post it says normal approach for one of the styles but what would that even look like in game? I have seen many people on here who are amazing at making tactics recreate certain real life tactics and even some that take inspo and come up with their own tactic, always with a style in mind. If anyone could help me with this or even allow me to better understand that would be helpful, especially going into FM24 and the new exciting features I wanna take my tactic making to the next level. Thank you!
  20. That makes sense tbh I was thinking if any of the playmaker roles were fancy ones, like the roaming playmaker, advanced playmaker or deep lying playmaker but I don't thing they are, right?
  21. Thank you very much for this take, it is definitely a good way to view the distribution of duties and one I'm 100% gonna put into use!
  22. Honestly, thank you. When you put it that way in terms of doing it by the roles you select it actually makes it a lot easier to understand, so just using an example to make sure I got this (Tell me if I'm wrong of course). Say an IF(A) will look to burst into the box a lot earlier than a IF(S) right?
  23. One thing that has been on my mind lately when selecting roles is the balancing act of duties. It sounds silly but I can't really wrap my head around it, I have read somewhere that the make up of duties are ; attack duty - focuses on the attacking phase of the game support duty - focuses on both phases of the game defend duty - focuses on the defensive phases of the game This all of course makes sense but what I'm always confused by is how do you know what to pick out of the three, I always think to myself have I got the right amount of attack duties or too many? Have I got too many support duties etc. Its a stupid question maybe but if anyone more experienced on this subject could give me some clarification that would be greatly appreciated !
  24. This thread came at such a perfect time, I have been meaning to play around with the 4-2-3-1 myself actually especially since it suits my current team atm. So I just wanted to ask if this was a solid base? LB : Wingback (A) DCL : BPD (D) DCR : BPD (D) RB : FB (S) DMR : Segundo V (A) DML : DM (D) Reason I went for the FB on support is because I have no one that can play as a WB hence why I also went for a SV on that side. Also just wanted to say I really enjoyed your 433 thread real eye opener on how to balance out your roles.
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