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Everything posted by silentventus

  1. Honestly, thank you. When you put it that way in terms of doing it by the roles you select it actually makes it a lot easier to understand, so just using an example to make sure I got this (Tell me if I'm wrong of course). Say an IF(A) will look to burst into the box a lot earlier than a IF(S) right?
  2. One thing that has been on my mind lately when selecting roles is the balancing act of duties. It sounds silly but I can't really wrap my head around it, I have read somewhere that the make up of duties are ; attack duty - focuses on the attacking phase of the game support duty - focuses on both phases of the game defend duty - focuses on the defensive phases of the game This all of course makes sense but what I'm always confused by is how do you know what to pick out of the three, I always think to myself have I got the right amount of attack duties or too many? Have I got too many support duties etc. Its a stupid question maybe but if anyone more experienced on this subject could give me some clarification that would be greatly appreciated !
  3. This thread came at such a perfect time, I have been meaning to play around with the 4-2-3-1 myself actually especially since it suits my current team atm. So I just wanted to ask if this was a solid base? LB : Wingback (A) DCL : BPD (D) DCR : BPD (D) RB : FB (S) DMR : Segundo V (A) DML : DM (D) Reason I went for the FB on support is because I have no one that can play as a WB hence why I also went for a SV on that side. Also just wanted to say I really enjoyed your 433 thread real eye opener on how to balance out your roles.
  4. @crusadertsar I just had a question about your second bullet point, because it's something that I tend to struggle with. How do you know what attributes to look for, when you've chosen a playing style whether that is possession, counter attacking etc?
  5. Wow this was really in depth and gave me a different insight how to use the comparison page, so thank you very much for explaining your process of analysing your squad. This was really helpful.
  6. Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me, really made it a lot more clearer and now I can go on ahead put this into practice really appreciate it!
  7. Thank you for your reply! If it’s not too much to ask could you give me an quick example of what you mean by number 2 the one about building around your best players?
  8. I think one thing that I have struggled with the most when picking up this game is knowing what my team is capable of on day 1. I have seen people say to use the comparison page located in the squad planner, which I have tried to use but I think the thing I struggle with is trying to use that information to see what style my team can play, I even downloaded bustthenet support, defend & creators dna views but don't know how to use them effectively. If anyone could tell me how they do it themselves I think that would be helpful for me, thank you!
  9. Again very insightful, will take everything on board and see what results I get. I have already tried Jesus in the IF(A) and I 100% like his movement a lot more, a lot more aggressive too.
  10. Yeah I will 100% give it a try in a low profile match and see how the Mezz(S) moves to see if I'm satisfied with it! So far my current tactic hasn't been bad at the start of the season, having to face Liverpool three times in a row was rough tho lmaoooo.
  11. Thank you for your input, I'll definitely try playing Jesus in IF(A) role. Also my idea with the PI on the BBM was to have him push higher up into the half space since the IWB would cover, would it be bold going Mezz(S)?
  12. Hi guys, this is my first time posting on this forum so I'm not really sure how all this works, but here we go! I just finished my first season with Arsenal, winning a pretty impressive double of the premier league and Europa league, especially after chasing city all the way until the final day (unlike irl ) and Man Utd putting the dagger into Man city for us to win it. However this was mostly done with downloaded tactics so it doesn't feel as rewarding, making my own tactics isn't really my strong suit, but after a nice transfer window and my idea of trying to turn Caicedo into a IWB I'm going give my own tactics a chance. So this is how I'm looking to set up with a modern shape of 3-2-5 in possession as you can see with the roles selected. I'm looking to dominate my opposition and press high up the pitch with a emphasis of building out from the back with a big of urgency. The only PIs selected are ; RB : Hold Position, Sit Narrower. BBM : Get further forward. So now playing in the Champions League I wanted to see if my tactics had any flaws in the way its set up or if it needed improving anywhere, I'm open to feedback since I'm still learning thank you.
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