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Everything posted by xbenjaminx

  1. To be honest, I've renamed every single defunct country in one of my files. I originally had each team as a nation from the Island games as I had the means to do them all. I also added in Catalunya to go alongside the Basque region and reactivated Monaco and the Republic of Crimea. I will re-work that though and change the way they're done potentially so I can implement something similar to some of the ConIFA tournaments. Right now, I have completely overhaulded Monaco and given it a custom touch. There's very little information available on football in Monaco, so I am having to use what I can find elsewhere. Unfortunately though, as I have used other people's work as a base it's not something I could ever release.
  2. True. I'll keep it in mind and I appreciate you getting back to me on this subject.
  3. To be honest I don't mind the Eurocentricness but even in Europe the range of cultures is broad and diverse. What you've said about the name and language function sort of makes sense. Though I am looking forward to my new gen from Jersey having a Yugoslav name.
  4. At this stage I am pretty sure we all have a wish list of things we would want, and I have only been diving into this game for about two months. To be honest the way I look at it at the moment is with the new release coming out in November time, there's not a lot of point in fixing those errors just now.
  5. In regards to regions then I think a lot can be done with it. Like the local regions I tend to delete and replace with counties or provinces anyway as a lot of places have county/province specifc cups and so on. Thankfully editing local regions is an absolute breeze so I make whatever changes I need to and it organises the countries a little bit better. The problem with a lot of the current regions is that the area the regions cover is too broad. When it comes to the regions like North America, South America, UK & Ireland - I think the problem is the same. There are too few groupings to truly reflect the global diversity, but like with the languages adding them all would be a monumental (but not impossible) task. Again my suggestion would have been to give us the option to add, edit and so on and again through mods we can help better the game. I mean they already let us add cities and local regions so there's no reason just to go those few extra clicks. I mean I understand not being able to add continents. The number of continents on the planet is unlikely to change for several million years and I doubt Antarctica are going to suddenly start producing football teams, but it would be nice to have a sub menu for confederations or football associations. Personally I've repurposed all the dead countries in the game to include the participants in the Island games as well as adding Catalunya and the ability to add others, but I suppose the issue you've got there would probably come down to licensing.
  6. I'm not even talking about adding every language to the game. I get that obviously time constraints, data constraints and even space constraints within the database itself would make adding every possible language to the game impossible. There are over 7000 spoken languages in the world that we know of, not to mention hundreds of sign languages on top of that as well so it would be a monumental task compiling that data and also deciding on a criteria to decide if a language is relevant or not. I suppose half assed might be a little harsh but there are plenty of obvious errors throughout the database. Giving us the ability to amend things like this would either allow for people like myself, who have the time (and interest) in doing something like this to make the necessary corrections and/or additions. Modding is a big and important part of this game, so the entire community could benefit from it. The same can be said for regions and stuff which we are discussing in the other post (yet to read). I think if we had more freedom and flexibility over things, and admittedly there is already a lot, but it would give us the ability to shape the game the way we want to shape it. This might bring up some issues for online games, but there are workarounds for that too. I don't mean to cause offense with my words, but unfortunately I'm not always as diplomatic as I would like to be. I guess what I am saying is, as good as Football Manager is, as powerful as the editor is. it's still a long way from reaching it's full potential.
  7. Hi Wolf, So as it stands, the name field in regions is available for me to edit. When I change the name the name reverts back to it's original name. A test I tried yesterday was changing the name of the region "Middle East" - I did that but whatever I changed it to wouldn't stick. As soon as I pressed return or moved from the text box it changed straight back. What is interesting however, is in the changelog it shows the changes (under database changes) and also says the change is successful but thats not actually reflective of whats happening.
  8. Thanks Wolf. The closest I got to it was finding the entries in amongst the comp_editor.fmf file. I was able to add an entry to the language family, and even select the entry in the editor, but the other fields came up blank or not at all. Not to criticise SI, but it feels like the languages were done in such a half assed manner.
  9. Hey everyone, I have asked this before and got completely ignored. I went through technical support and they told me to post here where I also got ignored so I am going to try my luck again. Long story short, I am autistic (not sure if this is relevant) so my attention to detail is somewhat obsessive and I also have an interest in languages. Unfortunately looking through the language database the families, groups and subgroups are horribly wrong as so many groupings are missing. I would like to be able to correct some of the groupings such as getting rid of the underscore in atlantic_congo and correcting the rest of the database. Through my own research I have information for over a thousand languages to go into the game and that's only from three continents. So my question is: Is there a way to edit or change the families, groups and subgroups of languages?
  10. Hi all, Captain Autistic here once again with another nitpicky question. As much as I like languages, I also find geography and things like that quite interesting. Now looking at the way regions are set up (for clarity I don't mean the local regions, although they're a mess as well) I mean the regions to which you assign countries. I have played around with some of the files and found I could at least edit some of these regions but I have found that my changes don't save. Is there any way I could not only save these edits, but also add more? I know it's not really a priority for people and I am aware I am probably coming across as quite nitpicky, but I like accuracy and I am just finding the lack of it a little irksome at the moment. Any help is appreciated
  11. From what I can figure out with my own messing around with editing, it will be through the comp_editor.fmf file by editing the db records list and the ui file that you need?
  12. In order to get the names of newgens they'd have to draw from a pooled list of names somewhere to get acceptable parameters. There must be a grouping somewhere that splits these names by culture too so that the new gen names are kept culturally appropriate. If you could find those entries, then it would be logical to assume that it's possible to influence the names
  13. Hi there, First off, I find this pretty useful and it has helped me to amend some things I couldn't do before. I have what I need partially working, but I have an issue: So I have added an entry to the language family, language group and language subgroup and also corrected a name of a language family to get rid of an underscore. I deleted the editor skin file before relaunching as instructed but: The language family name displays The entry for language group and subgroup display, despite being given a name in the language.xml file in the database folder, appear blank (but it is clickable) The name change I made correcting Atlantic_congo does not show up My initial thought is that there is a separate place to add these language names and tell this XML file to draw the data from? Or am I just missing something basic?
  14. Hi, I'm sorry for repeating this here but I don't know where you're likely to see itm first. You're program looks great. I am looking for something that would allow me to add a vast number of languages from Microsoft Excel into the PGE. For clarity, by languages I mean the languages in-game that are spoken by players and staff. Could I accomplish this with your program?
  15. Thanks I appreciate that. Am I able to just add the language on it's own without creating a whole new city?
  16. I agree this is annoying. Almost as much as having multiple records for a person. It would be useful if we could edit the unique ID or merge the record with an existing UID if we decide to create the person ourselves.
  17. Before I spend what will inevitably be ages manually sorting out the information, is there any way (even using 3rd party tools) that I can import information from an excel spreadsheet into the PGE? The information I have is mostly based around the languages used by people in the game so I am happy to share whatever I finish.
  18. I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post this, perhaps someone can re-direct me if it's not. I am looking to change the language family and language subgroup types/headings to better group the languages. How would I go about doing this as I can't seem to find a file that would pertain to this?
  19. Having dived into the pre-game editor for the last couple of weeks I have familiarised myself with a lot of it, however I think there is room for a vast number of improvements. My suggestions would be: - The ability to identify potential duplicate entries (this can occur from importing data files from various sources) or at the very least the option to export to .csv - When a conflicting unique ID occurs (again from importing from multiple sources) have the option to overwrite or import as a new entry - Be able to merge entries in the database - Link to the central FM database (for example, if I wanted to create a staff member who's not in the current version of FM, but has appeared in previous iterations) I would like to be able to import his stats by entering his/her unique ID. I understand licensing and rights may be an issue with this - Some kind of stadium builder. Perhaps something similar to what used to be in the FIFA Manager series or other management simulations. This should be for clubs that don't have a licensed in-game stadium primarily to avoid issues there. - Be able to assign people to multiple clubs as opposed to having multiple entries for one person. This is more for staff members rather than players, but this would be far more useful than having multiple entries for the same person. I came across someone with four separate entries yesterday. - Women's and more youth teams for clubs/national sides - The ability to create academies/soccer schools for your club I have more suggestions, but that's mostly just me as someone who's autistic and thorough would implement and may not receive a lot of broad usage from others.
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