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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Absolutely loving the thread (especially graphics), are you able to post your tactic/team-instructions? Struggling a little for inspiration at the moment!
  2. Was hoping for a tactical recreation of their system after watching the game, really great football to watch!
  3. Any chance you can post the team instructions you run with for inspiration? I'm running a similar shape but struggling to find a set that give me "beautiful" football at the minute, much appreciated if so!
  4. I picked up Dani Rodriguez in one of my saves he's amazing, can play pretty much anywhere up front and is very tricky, good find! Loving the updates so far.
  5. I go away from a 433 but always end up coming back to it. I am very much still learning my way around tactics but thought i'd share what I have found fun this year. Think the best football i've managed to get my 1860 team to play was with something similar to: My 1860 team has a rather strong Spanish influence, and by influence I mean the dressing room has been on a lot of language courses I took quite a fun approach in this save that for some reason i've not done before of converting some very tricky/flair focused AMC/CM(A) players to the outside positions, also very useful from a squad rotation perspective. Get some really intricate cut backs and runs back into the box from the goal line. A lot of them came with quite useful traits like tries to beat opposition repeatedly and the more I have played this year the more i'm appreciating just how powerful the traits are. Maybe that's an avenue to go down to unlock the offensive? My IFB also has gets forward whenever possible as a trait from a time when I used him as a (FB-A) and it completely changes his game from time to time by rushing forward; pushing everyone out wide inside as options. For the RPM, he's got Tries to play way out of trouble and dictates tempo and he just runs the show. Realise this is a random rant about my team but maybe some ideas for your next tactical musings if you're fairly settled on players but want to add a bit extra to a "settled" tactic.
  6. Amazing thread, got me inspired; especially the mexico link, how are you looking tactically at this point in your save? I'm glad it's not just me throwing my tactical philosophy out of the window on a semi-regular basis (This is me seeking inspiration for tactic number..i've lost count)
  7. Question regarding Spanish leagues; simmed to first season promotion and I seem to have Badalona & Badalona Fut in the same league (Group 3). I was under the impression they were the reserve team for Futur. Latest on wiki says: I've checked competition history and they're definitely different clubs as far as the game is concerned and have just been promoted back to the same league as Badalona Futur again Has anyone done this so far and know if it causes any problems with promotion/ownership? They aren't affiliated and have separate stadiums, in game so I assume not.. The return of the baddest of the Badalonas on course to topple Barcelona is on if it's all good..
  8. Awesome post, one question regarding scouting; do you use the Any position from Any tactic? Or use your tactic?
  9. On Mac and i've lost the ability to save locally as it doesn't show up as an optional at all & my cloud saves are full, very frustrating. Have added FM24 in steam folder + Applications to the mac disk access options - Sonoma 14.0
  10. Most frequent place it happens for me is: Squad Planner > Navigate to a player profile > Click back button > Navigate to a player profile > Click back button > Crash Have had 4 crashes in the past half hour doing it, having to save my game each time I add a player to my squad planner is quite annoying!
  11. Seeing this crash frequently since recent patch/update on Steam. Can reliably reproduce when on squad planner and then going between player profiles, not ideal when you're trying to decide on a squad for the upcoming season! Macbook Pro M2 running on Sonoma 14.0
  12. Taken inspiration from this for my save with Spartans in FM24 in bottom division of Scotland. Can confirm it plays some super satisfying football and very consistent possession play. I'm leaking a few too many goals at the back but that might be my tweaks with the team instructions in midfield, still trying to address that I tend to score a lot and manage a good amount of comebacks without changing much other than the mentality and shouting at my team. Few tweaks I made based on my team: Added press to DMs + CMs Not sure how impactful the CM/DM press is; might actually be causing me issues. IW > W and cut inside with ball PI: Was finding the IW was just floating around a bit too much rather than pushing the play. AP > IF (Situationally) Only have one player suitable for this role really my next best is a good IF so if my AP is tired/injured I use this, seems to work just as well and scores a fair bit too. CF > TF: Got some big strong blokes at my team so it made more sense for me DLF > Poacher Have a pretty solid poacher to match up with my TF Thanks for this and the post, be keen to hear how you're getting on, i'm sat top of the league at the moment!
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